Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2490: : Dao Shu

Qingcheng Ruoxue also seemed to be fascinated by hearing, her bright eyes and big eyes gleamed slightly, as if a girl was slightly drunk, and Wan Songxiao was also a little obsessed with Tao, but he appeared normal and calm. After hearing the Tao experience, I can control it freely.

My resistance to the sound of hearing the Tao is not as good as Ruoxue, I seem to infuse people with good wine and delicacies, and some feel like I want to eat after eating, and the "Smiting Fortune" on my body seems to be different, and there is a vague message. I mean, this book is blank when it is opened, and nothing is written on it, but Yuanci said it is something that exists against the sky, and as he said, this book has also changed my luck!

Could it be that after hearing this book, something will happen? Show the content? But now everyone beats wolves with stubborn sticks and guards against each other. Although this thing is not suitable for everyone, it is a thing of luck after all. Ruoxue will not grab it. This kid is also a sinister villain, who knows if he directed and acted a bitter trick to make me and Qingcheng Ruoxue mistaken?

Now listening to the Tao is undoubtedly the most dangerous time. You can listen, but you can definitely not practice because there are too many uncertain factors. Then, Wan Songxiao said: "The emperor is supreme, since you can hear the Tao here. , Then we have given so many immortal energy plates, is it meaningless?"

After listening to Qingcheng Ruoxue, she shook her head, and said with a rather unhappy face: "The luck of the road is beyond your control. Do what you should do, think about what you think, give something, and get what you get. Now Is there any reason to ask for it again?"

Wan Songxiao was quite depressed. I didn’t expect that my suggestion to return some immortal gas discs was directly rejected. I smiled coldly and added: “When I got the stuff in my stomach, let me vomit it, I just asked You, do you have an ancient **** aircraft carrier in your magic temple? If not, just shut up and smell it, maybe you can still get something, and now we can’t figure out where we are. The other disciples and disciples should be equally confused, do they also smell Dao, that's more!"

"Huh, the real tiger and wolf of Xia League leader!" Wan Song said, but he was cunning and couldn't practice in front of us, so just like Qingcheng Ruoxue, he just listened and couldn't practice.

But just listening without practicing, can't confirm the context, and can't be sure whether what's heard is correct or not. This makes the three of us suffer very much. If we continue like this, it will be weird if people don't go crazy!

"If not, it will be fine if everyone is separated. Anyway, the current impact of this big formation is limited. Apart from isolating other immortal houses, we can find each other, and leave the distance that everyone feels. How about cultivating? I brought a few immortal energy discs." Wan Song had the most small things and was the most tossing, and suddenly he said what he thought of.

Qingcheng Ruoxue was expressionless and said, "It's up to you."

And mine couldn’t see him dangling in front of me, so he said: “Sect Master Wan is really hardworking and studious. There is no source of immortal energy here, and he worked so hard. Why didn’t we practice for a few years before, and we can live quietly for a few more years. ."

"Hehe, Dao Luck is really amazing. It was at that time that I made my debut. Otherwise, I am afraid that the Demon Temple would have been stored in the hands of Leader Xia?" Wan Song retorted.

"I agree with this, but it doesn't seem to be too late." I didn't plan to be polite with him either. Wan Song was so stingy that Qiqiao was smoky, and said: "Then I, the millions of elites in the magic temple, are waiting for the leader of the Xia! Little loss is big!"

I sneered, but I was about to say a few more words. Suddenly, both of me and I felt that the sound of hearing the Dao had become smaller, and it seemed as if we were heading away in one direction!

Wan Songxiao was startled and hesitated whether to chase the sound, but Qingcheng Ruoxue took the lead in flying out, obviously chasing the sound.

Wan Songxiao and I took a look at each other, and we could only fly away, but the more we chased, the sound became smaller and smaller, and the changed position seemed to turn around. In the end, it seemed to have entered the central area of ​​the entire nebula. , Can't find North at all!

And just as we were thinking about when we could stop, the sound suddenly became louder, allowing us to hear clearly again.

The books I hid in my arms also resonated! After hesitating, I decided to take this book out to see the situation.

As soon as this blood-red gold booklet came out, after secretly opening it, I found that the words really appeared!

And as the sound of the Taoist is high and low, and ups and downs, the font on it actually shows the corresponding font of the color depth! And when Wan Songxiao and Qingcheng Ruoxue saw that I took out the red book, they all turned their eyes to me.

In order to cause misfortune, I looked blankly at first, then slowly closed the pages of the book, put it in my arms, and said, "Oh, it's really troublesome. My follow-through Taoist book can't locate us. Location, this time it’s troublesome."

Wan Song narrowed his eyebrows slightly, but quickly said: "I can't think that the leader of Xia has such strange things, I don't know if you can let me have a look?"

"Hehe, I feel disrespectful? This thing is recognized by the Lord, so I don't need to borrow it." I sneered, and Qingcheng Ruoxue frowned, and then seemed to think of something, and said, "Does this Heaven Smiting Fate show anything? A vision of heaven and earth?"

I was shocked in my heart. Rui was already sweating behind me. I didn't expect to take it out this time, but I could see through it with a glance at Qingcheng Ruoxue. This time, she would not let me off without telling her what she saw.

"Nothing." I thought for a while and said, but how could Qingcheng Ruoxue believe me, her eyes burning, and an expression that you would not show me, fearing that it would not make you feel better, my face was gloomy, it was simply It was curiosity that killed the cat. I had known it a long time ago and hadn't taken this thing out. Now I didn't see it clearly, so I had to show it to Qingcheng Ruoxue?

But now there is no other way, I can only take out this book and read it in public.

And the result was beyond my expectation. It seemed that only I could read the words inside. Both of them had suspicious expressions, and the pages in their eyes were blank. Obviously, they didn't see the writing inside.

"Yeah, nothing!" I said contrary to my intentions, and then quickly put it away, but Qingcheng Ruoxue was still uneasy, and immediately said, "Please also lend me the book."

I gritted my teeth and said with an ugly face: "Then why don't you use the magic whip and the black thunder flag flag for me?"

Qingcheng Ruoxue narrowed her eyes, seeing that I was really unhappy, and she gave a cold snort and didn't dare to **** it for life, but Wan Songxiao didn't have this choice, and said, "Leader Xia, there must be something secret about this thing. Back then, I heard about Heaven Smiting Destiny, and it is said that the ancient Jiuzhou is also related to the ancient gods. After all, many magical things on it have been unearthed.

"Hehe, what nonsense? Even if it did, it would have been almost unearthed a long time ago. I have come to the earth, why should it be innuendo?" I put the book away with a sneer, but Wan Songxiao was very unhappy and said: "If not Give us a look, but don’t blame us for being impolite."

"Come on, I've been **** enough of you for a long time, and I'm about to try how much your sword is better than before!" I buzzed and pulled out the Rabbit God Sword. This time, Wan Songxiao was a little bit too young. Depressed, but Qingcheng Ruoxue still didn't respond, with an expression of disregard.

Seeing Qingcheng Ruoxue’s indifferent expression, Wan Songxiao was inevitably depressed. After all, it was really a fight. Wan Songxiao was not sure how much he would win or lose with me, and at the critical moment, I did not know Qingcheng Ruoxue’s Next move.

"Tsk." Just when we were in a stalemate, Qingcheng Ruoxue snorted, and soon, even Wan Songxiao's face changed slightly: "How is it possible?"

I was surprised in my heart, but soon the rumored token shook, and my heart was suddenly shocked. How could I be able to contact it again?

"It's weird..." I quickly read the information above, but after reading it, my face couldn't help but changed a lot, because it showed that the mirror in Duanmuyao's hands was threatened to take away by Aunt Ni Shi!

"The mirror was taken away by Ni Shi." I frowned and told Qingcheng Ruoxue and Wan Songxiao about the incident. Presumably they also knew what it meant.

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