Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2492: : Turn

I looked at the immortal house of the three ships, and my face became solemn. This time, Qingcheng Ruoxue, including Wan Songxiao, jointly tricked Li Xiangruo and Lonely Mu, this was the most depressing time since our debut. Li Sangyu is cunning, and this loneliness is not a good thing. After the two old treacherous and cunning people joined together, they actually staged a scene of inviting you to enter the urn!

"Brother Tian, ​​what do you do now? According to Qingcheng Ruoxue now, even if it goes smoothly, I am afraid it will be difficult to catch up with the other party. This happened three days ago. I contacted you many times, but I didn't get in touch." Akane said.

"They got all the things, they are likely to open the passage of the ancient gods, and it is the easiest to open the passage from the gods. If Qingcheng does not rush back to enter his domain, I am afraid that the passage will be easily broken. , And Shen Ting must have no real immortal that can stop these two Three Tribulations True Immortals from joining forces!" Han Shanshan analyzed.

"Yes, I'm afraid this step by step is considered to be good. First draw Wan Songxiao to pay attention to the preaching, and then contact Qingcheng Ruoxue, and based on the current situation of the gods and the reconstruction after the future war, Qingcheng Ruoxue will definitely contribute to this. In addition to giving us the immortal gas disk, it is estimated that the Demon Temple will not spare any effort, otherwise it is so stingy, why is it suddenly generous this time? Wan Song is not spending his own money, of course he is lavish, and he does not want to think he is. It's not for someone to go in." Ruan Qiushui said.

"This time everyone was hit. It seems that we can't listen to this one. We have to find a way. Whether it is to prevent them from opening the channel, or to catch up with the channel opening, we can't be slow. Now, one day, do you still remember that Zhou Shan and the old monk of Xiyuan Temple went up by themselves and left us all behind?" Brother Hai also reminded.

"Indeed, there are always many people who can successfully take shortcuts, maybe Li Xiangrui is the second Zhou Shan!" I said.

That’s how Zhou Shan and others went to Kyushu in the battle of Xiyuan Temple. The monks of Xiyuan Temple were also surprisingly lucky, and Li Xiangrui was dormant for so long after his defeat in the Four World Wars. Just to wait for today, now no matter which direction we are thinking about, we must first rush to Shenting. Besides, the ghost of the sister-in-law is still there, so I might as well take this opportunity to go to Chencang and rescue the wife.

After all, Qingcheng Ruoxue will definitely go all-out to pursue Li Xiangruo and Lonely Harmony, and no one will come to guard me when that happens.

However, we were trapped in the nebula for the third day. Not only did we fail to find a way to break the formation, but Wan Songxiao and Qingcheng Ruoxue also returned one after another. In this place, there is often a point where the preaching voice can be heard. , There should be a lot of invisible space cracks, it seems that they are in the place of hearing the Tao! But when we wanted to explode the space and break into it directly, there was no way to tear it apart. It seemed that it was caused by our lack of strength or the formation, which was simply extremely weird.

Wan Song was downcast, and Qingcheng Ruoxue still didn't give up searching. After seeing us, she disappeared again, but she was still going around in the same place. Obviously, this nebula was indeed an extremely troublesome existence.

Can't find the way back, Wan Songxiao and Qingcheng Ruoxue have become a lot depressed every day, and besides looking for an exit, we are also studying strategies, and Han Shanshan and Zhao Qian are good at formation after all. In the end, besides the temporary space bridge installation, this is a collection of a lot of Taoist tools in the hands of the Xian family. After all, who would bring this space bridge installation after all?

"With this, after we searched for the preaching voice, we forced the space to open with great magic power, and grafted a bridge that could lead to the crack, and then grafted a bridge in the cracked space, carefully selecting a part of true immortals, Bypassing the enclosure of the big formation, fleeing from another location, and then cracking the big formation from the outside to rescue the existence of non-true fairyland." Han Shanshan said.

"Good way, since it is impossible to break the formation here, then break the formation from another dimension and return from another dimension?" I asked.

"Yes, there is no way to solve this large formation from the inside, but there must be a way from the outside, and passing through this area is definitely dangerous, so it is best to choose the real immortal to attack." Han Shanshan said.

"A good way, let's do it, now wait for Wan Songxiao and Qingcheng Ruoxue to pass by. After all, the Three Tribulations True Immortal is reinforced with a large array here, and it is not something we can easily tear the gap." As soon as the voice fell, Qingcheng Ruoxue appeared. It seems that she has already placed part of the investigation point with us, so she also heard the content of the plan.

The implementation of the plan went smoothly. With the Three Tribulations True Immortals Qingcheng Ruoxue and Wan Songxiao, it was easy to find a sound of hearing the Tao, but when I added the two of them together, I thought it would be easy to tear. Open a gap, but this is undoubtedly the same difficulty as breaking the formation. After trying several times, it failed!

"It seems that this great formation is no longer in the dimension where our power can be fully activated. No wonder Qingcheng Ruoxue also looks so melancholy. This formation is so mysterious, it is designed to trap you three true immortals and fight for it. How can it be ruined when it's time to open the channel?" Han Shanshan whispered to me.

Qingcheng Ruoxue also froze, even Wan Songxiao was panting, facing the leak from the preacher, helpless.

I looked at Han Shanshan and said, "Shanshan, you have to find a way. You can't waste this time of effort just because of this."

"There is no way. Since the dimension of this big formation is so high that it can offset the tyrannical force and break the space, I have a final solution here, but after I activate that thing, you must use your greatest strength to attack to produce an effect. Place, and there is only one chance, understand?" Han Shanshan looked at Wan Songxiao and Qingcheng Ruoxue.

The two are now out of recruits. Hearing that Han Shanshan has a way, they can’t help showing hope, and Qingcheng Ruoxue quickly said an answer that shocked Han Shanshan: “Is it a miniature version of the dimensionality reduction card? finished?"

"Hmph, you liar, why should sister answer you?" Han Shanshan snorted, which made Qingcheng Ruoxue also speechless.

"It turns out that I wanted to reduce the dimensionality first, and then fully open this dimensional array!" I also understood Han Shanshan's thoughts, and couldn't help feeling that this was really a clever plan.

"Hurry up and rest, sister is going to activate the dimensionality reduction card. I originally wanted to use it as a killer, but I didn't expect it to be used in this place!" Han Shanshan said, while muttering a few regretful words.

About half a day later, Qingcheng Ruoxue and Wan Songxiao, including the main fighters such as Brother Hai and Chen Yixian, all gathered a little bit of strength, and Han Shanshan also took out the dimensionality reduction card and carried out a whole area. Forced dimensionality reduction!

In an instant, the entire nebula space seemed to sink down for a moment, and we did not hesitate to bombard all the power to the place where the dimensionality reduction card was!

Within an instant, there was a loud bang, and it really opened a gap in the space of about four or five people, and the preaching voice inside seemed to come from the inside. This is the true dimension of this world. We The previous place should be an ultra-dimensional array. If there is no dimensionality reduction card, it will be difficult to get out forever!

"Shanshan, you should remember the first work! If it weren't for you, we are afraid that we will be closed for ten or eight years!" I quickly praised.

"Sister, of course, is the first skill. This dimensionality reduction card is not easy to handle. I originally wanted to wait for you to get to the Shenting to deal with Qingcheng Ruoxue, squash her coldly, huh! Now it is actually used in this place." Glancing at Qingcheng Ruoxue, Qingcheng Ruoxue was quite speechless, just glanced at Han Shanshan, and said: "If you can catch up this time and stop them from opening the passage smoothly, I will not blame you for what you did back then."

"Hehe, it's fun, who wants you to forget the past, and let it go if you have the ability, believe it or not, I will take another one out to press you?" Han Shanshan gave you a proud expression now.

I hurriedly stopped her and said: "First take the bridge to stabilize the crack, let's break the formation immediately."

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