Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2524: :one side

"At that time, although the Great Desolate Demon Temple was not too far from our plan, it was not under our full control. We intervened at the time, and in fact, it would even be the opposite of everything. Therefore, it is helpless to change and respond to changes, even if you were there. Aunt Ni Shi is here, she is just a senior staff member with the title of Saint Aunt and Saint Aunt, until Friends Wan Dao suddenly caused chaos, that is the opportunity for us to decide to oppose the guest, alas." Xia Ruize sighed, but in me I think he is just trying to cover up.

"One day, I am a disciple of Tianyi, and I am also a disciple of Tianyi. The situation in the Kyushu world is also closely related to me. How can I let it go, just forbearing and becoming this karma for a while, it is not the answer to that sentence. Is it an old saying? We are trying to save the people of Liushentian!" Aunt Ni Shi said.

Xia Ruize hit the periphery with Qingcheng Ruoxue all the way, while Aunt Ni Shi took the opportunity to unravel me, Wan Songxiaohe Lonely Harmony played Tai Chi there, without even the most terrible means, all rushed to restore the Taoism.

On the contrary, Li Poxiao and Li Xiangrui have already fought each other for their lives. The victory or defeat seems to be separated at any time. This partial situation cannot affect the result of this time. If Qingcheng Ruoxue faces Xia Ruize who is about the same as mine, if he wants to kill each other, I am afraid There are many difficulties, after all, Xia Ruize is not alone, there are still some weird things hidden in his body, at least the previous Lonely Harmony sword did not cut him.

Maybe I can interpret that thing as either or something else. This is not surprising. After all, every time he hits the Guiyuan Method, the breath he replaces is definitely not his own.

"Ruoxue Qingcheng, I am afraid that there is no way to stop them from going up this time. The set of mirrors in Aunt Ni Shi's hands, I am afraid we will grab them, and they will blow up their hair collectively. What are your plans?" I know there is no way to stop Xia Ruize and the others. Jie Zhenxian went up, and then retreated to the second place, and must be prepared to retreat.

Qingcheng Ruoxue is a very smart guy. Of course, we have calculated the result. Now we have only me and her and Li Poxiao on our side, while Xia Ruize has Aunt Ni Shi’s Blue Luan Bird, Li Xiangrui, Wan Songxiao, and Lonely Harmony. In the case of three-on-five, there is definitely no way to kill anyone, but once the time is delayed, it will be detrimental to us.

"Li Poxiao, can you kill Li Xiangrui? If not, we will consider going back." Li Poxiao and I said at the same time.

Xia Ruize raised his head and saw that the opening was approaching, and said with a faint smile: "One day, what you think is right. If you are not today, we must still have a chance to see you again. You can guard the boundary below. We will solve the immortality. It’s impossible to go down."

I ignored him at all, just looked at Li Poxiao and Qingcheng Ruoxue, and continued to be alert: "Don't think about it, this time we go up, we can't even go down except going up."

"We can't go up! Let them go to the boundless world above! It may not be possible to reach the Ancient God Realm!" Qingcheng Ruoxue said to me.

Li Poxiao hesitated and said, "Xia Yitian, in order to make complete preparations, I have already handed over everything, including the Book of Gods, so now Li Nianjun is the Supreme Divine Sovereign, do you think I should return?"

I was stunned for a moment and said, "You also let out the position of supreme? It's too thorough!"

"I don't know the life and death of this battle, what do you want me to do?" Li Poxiao sighed.

I was speechless, and suddenly, the pedestal rumbling and trembling, Qingcheng Ruoxue and I looked at each other, and she suddenly said, "Go down! Someone seems to be moving in a big array!"

I did not hesitate to leave with Qingcheng Ruoxue, and Li Poxiao glanced at Li Xiangrui who was covered in injuries, gritted his teeth, but did not move halfway: "One day in the summer, I will fulfill the promise given to me by the predecessor, and send this Li Xiangru. Enter the six realms."

"Li Poxiao! Don't be stubborn! We can wait for the next time! Now there are family members under you!" I said quickly, although Zhou Xuan and my nephew were not mentioned, he would know.

"When I was in retreat, I already explained it clearly. You don't have to worry about it. If you go down, you will have to take care of you." Li Poxiao said.

This is simply an inflexible stunner, in order to complete the promised thing, it is so desperate.

Xia Ruize glanced at Li Poxiao and said, "Li Poxiao, go down too, you can't kill Li Xiangruo with us."

"Exactly." Lonely Mu stopped attacking Wan Songxiao at this time, and Wan Songxiao breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Hehe, it seems that the victory still falls on us, Xia Yitian, I hope to see you again in many years. Don’t be the true immortal of the Three Tribulations at that time, you will be embarrassed at that time, but after I go up this time, I may become a holy, and I will forget this hatred. It’s hard to say, you look forward to it."

I gritted my teeth and didn't bother to pay attention to the ten thousand pine trees, but shrank to Li Poxiao's side, pulled his clothes, and flew towards the edge of the disc. At this moment, Qingcheng Ruoxue was almost at the edge. Now we are waiting for the arrival of the two of us, and we will go down together again.

But just when we were about to rush out of the disc, suddenly bursts of violent hurricanes rushed towards us. We were thinking about rushing out, but we all stepped back a long way.

Just as we stabilized our figure and prepared to continue the impact, a man wearing a gangster robe suddenly appeared in front of us: "Hehe, I thought about it, it seems that sending you up is also a good choice."

"Heizi!" My face changed, and Qingcheng Ruoxue also showed an ugly expression, including Li Poxiao, who was startled.

"No, no, that's what you called Mr. Kong Feng, who is distracted by me. The one standing in front of you is neither Heizi nor Mr. Kong Feng... As for the name, it seems that you don’t need to know, you just need to know, I I think it’s fine for you to go up now, just fine.” Heizi smiled, and his middle-aged appearance is actually not much different from Heizi!

"That will stop us too!" I looked at Qingcheng Ruoxue, she nodded, and immediately rushed over with her magic whip!

"I have been preparing for so long, and I can’t let you count everything. It’s difficult to get down from the ancient **** realm, and it’s hard to return from here, so you two will accompany me this time. I'm really looking forward to it. Without your Xia Yitian Tianyi and the Four Worlds, what kind of chaos would happen in this world, and without God Emperor Supreme, would this God Court still exist?" Heizi said in his words. It's ridiculous, but no one will find this ridiculous, and even infinite fear naturally arises in his heart!

If it is really left to him, what will happen to the five worlds under the ancient **** realm? I haven’t prepared everything yet. When I was in the mountain and sea realm, the women’s legion, including everyone’s farewell and expectations to me, Will it be the last side?

Qingcheng Ruoxue was already full of surprise at this time, and I couldn't imagine that she, who had always held a winning streak, would have such an expression at this moment!

And when I hesitated for a moment, Li Poxiao had already arrived in front of Heizi, and together with Qingcheng Ruoxue, he shook Heizi hard!

"Haha, it is indeed well-deserved, one is God Emperor Supreme, and the other is Moral Supreme, both of them exist in the world. It seems that I, as a guide, also make you hate too much." Heizi laughed, and then Extending two big hands, a hurricane blew again, and both Qingcheng Ruoxue and Li Poxiao could not move forward.

Qingcheng Ruoxue immediately hit the head, trying to break the sunspot in front of him, but Xia Ruize rushed over at this moment, and the sad wind in his hand greeted Li Poxiao and Qingcheng Ruoxue! He and Heizi have solved this joint attack!

I don't hesitate anymore, now every moment will change my destiny, so after the space flashes, the holocaust sword in my hand is wiped towards Heizi's head!

But at this moment, there was a loud bang, but the entire platform was in our astonishment. It collided with the space on the spot, and finally twisted into a ball!

Qingcheng Ruoxue, Li Poxiao and I couldn't help being panicked. I retracted the sword and shrank again, trying to make a gap before it was completely closed! Therefore, the sword power of the Divine Sword of Havoc was swung towards the edge of the platform, and suddenly, a violent cluster explosion came, and the whole scene was in chaos!

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