Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2557: :cousin

It's because of Cao Wei's decisive temper. She didn't plan to continue to gossiping here, and said cheeky: "If this is the case, seniors, seniors, then I and Senior Sister Hua will go back first."

Given this, the other elders also felt that they had put a boulder in their hearts. After all, the victims said that they ran away first. Everyone kept them and was afraid that they would be killed by a powerful enemy after they were placed. So they all planned to return to the station point. Even the old man Mei said: "So, let's all go. Don't report to the elders who have caught the incident after you go back. Don't hide the matter."

Everyone politely agreed, and then bid farewell to each other.

On the way, Cao Wei's family thought for a while and asked, "Sister Hua, can you kill Lu Xu?"

Yan Xia Yue was stunned for a moment. I was trying to find out how to answer. I thought for a while and said, "For self-protection, this is all we can do."

Cao Wei's family looked at me and said, "Well, Lu Xu used small things to blackmail us all the year round. One day there will be a good end, but I didn't expect it to be today."

"Sister Cao..." Yan Xiayue wanted to explain something, and Cao Wei's family said: "Sister, don’t worry, I just started, you take care of me a lot, the grace of dripping water, I should also report to Yongquan, you only need Just tell me how to make it happen."

Yan Xia Yue looked ashamed and said, "Sister Cao, I really don't know how to thank you this time..."

"This will happen sooner or later, Senior Sister, we are usually too good at talking. We are wronged. If we are bullied, we don't dare to resist loudly. That is because we are not strong enough to bear it. It is understandable, but the Qingdimen have always eaten the weak. Don't be afraid to cause trouble, as long as Teacher Xia can afford it and we need to cut off the tail, there is nothing to say about it." Cao Wei's family said calmly.

"Hey, it's too high, like being in a dangerous place." Yan Xiayue sighed.

Cao Wei's family didn't have too many worries, and said, "Sister, you think too deeply, even if we don't provoke them, will they let us go? Then Lu Xu is so greedy and has blackmailed us several times, if It's not like that, we are afraid of impacting the Five Tribulations True Immortal, there is no hope."

"Perhaps." Yan Xiayue couldn't refute her sister, so she could only silently listen to her comment on the past. I listened to the experiences of the two elders over the years, and I sighed in my heart for the difficulty of survival between them. This Qingdimen is really not a famous school. Decent, the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. It is originally a competitive system. Naturally, some open guns and dark arrows are indispensable. Therefore, the whole sect is fostered and evil immortals dominate.

On the way back, we also received news from Lin Yan, generally asking about Lu Xu’s situation, and informing that the Commandment Hall has now dispatched elder Yunyun. In addition, Lu Qiu was also shaken. After all, he was dead. Luo Qingjun and Luxu were almost a big blow to the Zongmen, and even the Jielvtang would not give up, so a thorough investigation of the Zongmen must be the next step.

However, Yan Xiayue and Cao Wei’s two strong proofs, plus my cultivation base of only three calamities, I believe that even if the Commandment Hall is to be investigated, there is no way to investigate it. After all, the evidence has been deliberately wiped out by me, even the breath of fighting. It was messy, after all, Na Ling Fa itself was absorbing the opponent's power and attacking the opponent. Even if we could find some extra breath, the breath of Yan Xia Yue and I had already washed away.

Before returning to the door, the commander Lu Qiu ordered us to go directly to the temple of the head to discuss the matter. This time we also held the mentality that dead pigs were not afraid of boiling water, and went straight to the door. Head of the palace.

At this time, the new elder also took office, called Wu Donglai, who was regarded as the senior brother of Yan Xia Yue. This man stood aside with a fat head and a large forehead, his eyes narrowed, and he did not seem to know what his mood was.

Yan Xiayue and Cao Wei's family took me to stand in the hall, Lu Qiu still looks the same, with a calm expression and a touch of extravagance.

"Elder Luo's accident. According to several investigations, it is very likely that the hostile forces outside the area. As for the situation of Elder Lu in the Discipline Hall, it is now being investigated. It seems that there is a suspicion of fighting in that area. The murderer does not yet know it is. Who, but the outside of the resident is not safe anymore, and you need to send more people, so the sect decided that from this time on, one patrol needs to send three elders and a correspondingly sufficient number of disciples." Lu Qiu calmly Said, then glanced at all the heads, and said: "Wu Donglai, Elder Wu has just arrived in the martial arts, and he needs to be familiar with the affairs of our door. You don’t need to go this time, then Elder Yu Seyu will lead the team. , And Duan Mo and Cao Wei’s house, you two will be your deputy to patrol at the station, and because the situation may be a bit special this time, you will decide all the disciples you will bring."

Na Yu Se seemed to be prepared, and stood up and said, "Lead the order."

And a middle-aged man on the side followed suit. As for Cao Wei's house, he was stunned, but he quickly agreed. After all, this time he could specifically select elite disciples to go there, which was a bit of protection.

However, Lu Qiu didn’t seem to change his face because of this. Instead, he continued: “I’ve returned to the top this time. I heard that the Xingyue Sect has been in contact with certain mysterious people more frequently recently. The incident of damaging two elders may have something to do with it. So the sect asked us at the elder level to pay more attention and supervise each other. The sect does not want to see our elders also involved, do you understand?"

Not only me, but even Yu Se had an expression of not knowing the situation, and the other elders were relatively worried. This showed that internal mutual monitoring was necessary. It seems that the main sect intends to prevent enemy infiltration. Checking the behavior of the spies.

But these things don’t seem to be aimed at our masters and apprentices for the time being, because even Yu Se, the second woman of the high-ranking sect, doesn’t know about it. It’s unexpected to come, and this incident is also very weird and lucky. The killing of Luo Qingjun and Lu Xu was brought together. It can be seen that we did not give them a special review, and even took them directly to the Jie Lvtang. This is also the reason.

Secretly celebrating that luck was good, Lu Qiu didn't seem to want us to stay, but instead prepared to let the other three elders go back to prepare the disciples who chose to go to the station, and we needed to return to our respective pavilions.

But as soon as Yan Xia Yue took me out, Cao Wei’s house floated over, stopped us and said, "Sister Hua, this time I will go on patrol with Sister Yu and Brother Duan. You may have to choose three disciples. I think Sister Xia Maybe there is no way to refuse them. After all, his patrol period has not expired, so I want him to be under my command."

Cao Wei's family wanted to say something, Yan Xiayue looked at me, I thought about it, and knew that this matter could not be avoided, and said, "No problem."

Cao Wei's family seemed quite happy to see me so refreshed, and said, "You didn't let me down, then I'll go back and prepare first, and let Yunyun go to Yuchen Pavilion to call you when I turn around."

"The junior sister Xu Yunyun from Yuqige?" I was stunned, thinking of the female disciple of Yuqige, and Cao Wei's family smiled: "It seems that you have seen it before, but do you like her?"

I was stunned and smiled bitterly: "Uncle Master, it's just the first time I met her. How can this matter be easily mentioned?"

"Oh, yes, but she told me that she likes you too tightly. This time the uncle knows that you will not be dragged down, so you can protect her specifically. She ranks second in strength under my sect, and there is no way not to go." Cao Wei's family said without mind.

I awkwardly scratched my hair and said, "Uncle Master, don't worry, I will do my best to protect Junior Sister Xu."

"She is going to have an accident, and I will ask you as well." Cao Wei's family glared at me, and I smiled bitterly and said no, she flew away in peace.

Yan Xiayue shook her head, patted my arm, and said, "Your uncle has this temperament. Don't take it to your heart. That Xu Yunyun is the child of her distant cousin. He followed her all the way and took care of her."

"So that's the case." I smiled faintly, but just about to leave, a familiar voice came from behind me in a strange tone: "Hehe, there is another Xu Yunyun. This is just a few days ago? Are you planning to be here? In the sect, also get a harem beauty three thousand?"

I turned around, and Qingcheng Ruoxue, who had changed into a clean Taoist robe, stood not far away. Seeing her mocking expression, Yan Xia Yue seemed to know something, and said, "Go back to Yuchen Pavilion as a teacher. Don’t talk too late."

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