Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2567: : Catkin

"So simple?" I looked at her suspiciously, and then blurted out irresponsibly, "Qingcheng Ruo is right, although this name is not as good as Ruoxue, but it is more unique, Ruoer...well, yes, hehe."

"Go away, what's weak, I'm still strong! Guess again!" Qing Cheng Ruoxue gave me a white look, showing me some aesthetic expression.

"Qingchengxue?" I don't think she likes the word'Ruo' very much, so she took the initiative to remove it. As a result, she waved her hand needlessly and said, "No, continue to guess."

"Not right? Then Qing Ruoxue? Cheng Ruoxue?" I frowned and said in a string.

Qingcheng Ruoxue stretched out both hands, and immediately picked up my skirt, and said in an aura: "Did you deliberately? Will you just follow the three words?"

"Oh, it's okay to go backwards?" I smiled awkwardly. I really didn't expect to be able to go backwards, so I quickly said, "Qingxuecheng? Cheng Ruoxue? Xuechengqing? Xueruocheng? Xueruoqing? ?"

"You! Forget it! Remember, my name is Xue! Qing! Cheng!" Qing Cheng Ruoxue was itchy, I laughed in my heart, but said: "Xue Qingcheng? Good name, the original surname is Xue, but this surname is rare. It's very."

"That doesn't mean there is no!" Qingcheng Ruoxue retorted.

"Okay, I see, Miss Xue!" I shrugged, of course knowing that this surname exists. The surname Xue is derived from the Mi surname and is a descendant of the Yellow Emperor. It is a surname with a lot of history.

Qingcheng Ruoxue snorted in satisfaction, and then began to ask me: "It's your turn to explain why you can avoid my return to the origin method! This is due to the great method of Hongmeng Yuanshi Tianzun, not a small spell! You can avoid it, which is unreasonable in itself!"

I smiled and said: "Your return to the origin method can make all the mana energy return to the origin, even against the origin force, and produce a faster return to the origin effect, but that is only for the whole context, right?"

"What do you mean? Can you still have a backup context? No way, I know you have an ancestor dragon, but the ancestral dragon is also based on your power, not that it can really be independent of external power!" Xue Qingcheng is not very big Believe it, but when I saw that I was not smiling, she suddenly realized that her thoughts were not right, and as she was so smart, thinking of another way is not a problem at all, so she suddenly said with an incredible expression: "Could it be... Are you a dual body?!"

"You are very smart, but you still lack some." I chuckled.

"Impossible! The dual body is also derived from the same source! Otherwise..." Xue Qingcheng didn't believe in this contrary to common sense.

"Hehe, who told you that dual context must come from one source?" I laughed.

"Shuangmailuo? Or the source of separation? How can this be done!" Xue Qingcheng was extremely surprised.

"It's a separate source. Your return to the source is really powerful. No matter who hits it, no matter how high it is, you will become an ordinary person, but if it is a dual source and context, your return to the source is not good. Doesn't it work?" I explained.

"This...unbelievable!" Xue Qingcheng still couldn't accept my explanation, but seeing that I was so sure, her curiosity arose, and she quickly said: "I explained Liushentian in detail, you have to tell it in detail. How can I have dual contexts and dual sources!"

I thought for a while. After all, this is difficult to copy, so there is nothing to hide, so I said: "My original vein is needless to say, the other vein is derived from the innate demon energy. You should always know the innate energy. ?"

Xue Qingcheng opened his eyes wide, and then said: "I know that I know, but this...innate aura, I once knew Yun Bing's heart has, but how can I derive a second body?"

"Heaven Smiting Destiny, Smiting Heaven and Fate." I quoted "Heaven Smiting Destiny". This Xue Qingcheng is not someone who can easily fool you. Give her a hint, whether she can figure it out or not your ancestors. .

Sure enough, after Xue Qingcheng listened, she froze in an instant, and then said for a long time: "Sure enough, this is your real great way, the way of heaven!"

"You also said before that I shouldn't learn the spiritual practice. Is there something else?" I was taken aback, but I quickly recovered my peace. After all, this thing is difficult to explain clearly, and I can't even read it myself. The text inside, including when I came to the ancient **** realm, this text is still different from the ancient text here. I can only put my suspicion in the ancient area in the middle of the ancient **** realm. After all, the border is more or less remote. The structure is before the calamity.

"Then have you ever thought about making the two lines work at the same time?" Xue Qingcheng deserves to be a fighting mad immortal, and quickly learnt from one another.

"Do you think I don't want to? It's just that the second context is a little bit worse than the first one. I'm afraid of danger, so I don't dare to synchronize with them." There is no way for me to try it. I really have to try. If one is strong and one is weak, if we deal with it at the same time, the part that is not weak will be overdone and blew up.

"It comes from innate auras. It would be a waste of effort to synchronize them. Moreover, their veins and trends are derived from the Dao Law. They do not have the power to create themselves. Therefore, this should not be copied. No?" Xue Qingcheng quickly analyzed it.

I was surprised by the woman’s cleverness, but nodded honestly: "After all, the veins can’t go as one wants, too much or too little, and there is a danger of getting into trouble. Therefore, I strictly follow the clear vein distribution of Heaven Smiting Destiny. Second context."

"Sure enough, would it be inconvenient for me to let me see this fate?" Xue Qingcheng stretched out his hand, without thinking that I would refuse.

Looking at her soft, slender, **** palm, I couldn't help swallowing, she and her daughter-in-law were so perfect that they were suffocating.

Considering that this book has actually been handed by many people, I did not hesitate to take out the Heavenly Swordsman and hand it to her.

As a result, opening the red booklet, Xue Qingcheng frowned quickly and said, "Blank, I can't read it. Can you see what it is written in?"

I shook my head and said, "Sometimes I see, sometimes I don't see it."

"That's it. This is Heaven's Fortune. Insufficient air luck. Naturally, it cannot be captured. This book is not invaded. Apart from air luck, I can't think of anything to activate it. Did you rely on air luck at the time? Did you read the contents when you were the strongest?" Xue Qingcheng asked me quickly.

I thought for a while and said, "Yes, in the place where I heard the Tao, at that time, my luck was boosted, and I could barely see the contents clearly."

"Your luck is so strong, in addition to your own luck, there is also an ancestor dragon, the dragon of bad luck. Even if you need to rely on atmospheric luck to support it, it is even more impossible for other immortals." It gave it back to me, and it also helped me explain when I could see the content inside, but sometimes I didn't see it.

"That's it, even Zulong..." I was extremely shocked.

"Isn't bad luck luck?" Of course Xue Qingcheng knew what I was thinking.

"It's true, all the luck in the world is luck, and the fate of heaven is all luck?" I asked, and she nodded without hesitation: "Of course."

"Xue Qingcheng, you are really knowledgeable." I said sincerely, but she quickly glared at me and said: "Call me Qingcheng Ruoxue! Otherwise I'll beat you next time!"

"Good, good." I said three ‘good’ in a row, and then she recovered her original expression: "Do you think I usually have nothing to do except hard cultivation?"

"That's not true. It takes time to occasionally get lucky with three thousand faces." I smiled, Xue Qingcheng slapped angrily and drew it mercilessly, but of course he reached out to catch it.

Grabbing her catkin, it makes people throb softly. This is really a model of'hands are like catkins, and skin is like fat.'

But Xue Qingcheng is not a little girl who kneads at will. She almost pulled out the magic whip with her hand, scared me to stand up quickly, but when she was about to go to war, her face suddenly became condensed. , Not just her, even I was shocked at this time!

Because there was an aura of horror at the entrance of the cave suddenly, we were unable to detect the true strength of the other party! There is only one possibility, the opponent's strength has surpassed the Five Tribulations!

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