Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2575: : Night Attack

"Ah? Uncle Mo?" I asked suspiciously. This did not match my impression. Although I heard Yan Xiayue mentioned her during the crisis several times, I always felt tall and tall, but this time I saw a real person. It's also a bit bigger!

"You still have eyesight, knowing that I am Mo Xuanling, but don't call me uncle, you are already the true immortal of the Four Tribulations, your master is just your senior sister now, and I am also your senior sister's senior sister." Mo Xuan Ling said.

"It's better to call you uncle, you still can't yell at your seniority." I laughed, not to mention, even though Uncle Mo Xuanling is tall, his features are exquisite, and his appearance has a different kind of breath, he is one size bigger. beauty.

And when she looked at Xue Qingcheng, because of her big size, she had a kind of oppressive aura, which was quite strange. Of course, if she looked at her appearance, she would definitely have to leave Xue Qingcheng far away.

"Let's do it, anyway, the eyebrows are on fire. I heard that two of my fellow students ran to the older brother and told you. I was in the office at that time and happened to hear it." Mo Xuanling told me.

I was stunned for a moment and said, "Uncle, you came here from the second-level discipline hall?"

"What do you think?" Mo Xuanling asked me back, and I nodded and said, "Then have you said anything for me?"

"What can I say? You and this girl have never had a literary test." Mo Xuanling said.

"Huh? I can understand that Senior Sister Qingcheng will also be brushed down? Why?" I frowned and asked, but Xue Qingcheng was still expressionless, as if she had expected it a long time ago.

"You have offended two disciples of the Five Tribulations, and you are less than the Four Tribulations, of course the Great Elder will help or not help your relatives. Besides, there are some elementary money matters in it, so you got it off and I will explain it to you. It doesn't seem to be of any use, let me take you to the precept hall. As for Junior Sister Qingcheng, I guessed it well, I guess it was your burden." Mo Xuanling said.

"I am troubled? It seems that this time, it shouldn't have anything to do with her..." I felt quite upset.

Mo Xuanling looked up and down Snow Qingcheng, and even bent down to look at it carefully, and said for a long time, "It's really beautiful, then I'm afraid it's not just you, but she's also hurt herself."

"What?" Xue Qingcheng was also startled.

"Think about it, you look so good-looking, and if you are an elder, do you still have a chance? If you are a disciple, some powerful elders will marry you as a priest, you can't even resist." Mo Xuanling said.

Xue Qingcheng listened, sweating on his forehead, but I smiled: "Uncle Mo, if anyone dares to marry her, I will marry her. I'm afraid that no one will be able to control her then."

"Hey, aren't you her Taoist companion?" Mo Xuanling said blankly.

"How is it possible!" I smiled bitterly, but Xue Qingcheng asked, "Have there ever been such a thing?"

"Of course, I remember it was...Oh, remember, the head of Chen, the sixth largest sect next door, forcibly married a beautiful female disciple from our sect as the eighth Taoist companion." Mo Xuanling Said.

"Huh?" Xue Qingcheng's expression changed, and I became vigilant and said, "Then go to your precepts hall this time..."

"Oh, senior brother said, bring Junior Sister Qingcheng..." Mo Xuanling said.

"What?" I suddenly felt a bad breath, and after Mo Xuanling finished speaking, she felt that something was wrong, so she quickly said, "Could it be that...no, the big brother has three ways. Partner!"

"Huh?" Xue Qingcheng made a surprised voice again, but this time was obviously very upset.

"If so..." I said with a frown. Mo Xuanling once again confirmed the appearance of Xue Qingcheng, and the next moment he walked directly at the door. As a result, the entire store entrance was blocked, and the shopkeeper quickly urged: "Yes Talk about something outside, don’t block a certain business from doing business."

We were depressed and could only leave the store. This situation was undoubtedly the case that the Master of Discipline Hall was looking for trouble.

"Let's wait for the results to be announced, what are we going to do in the precepts hall?" I said unhappily.

"If you don't go...this literary test will not pass..." Mo Xuanling said. Yan Xiayue used her as a shield before, but unfortunately she was just a disciple of the Discipline of the Four Tribulations, scaring the lower-level Discipline Hall. The disciple is okay, but now, I can't deal with it. I must be speechless.

"Does the precepts hall still manage the writing test?" I asked a little dissatisfied.

Mo Xuanling condensed his eyebrows, and said for a long time: "No matter...but Senior Brother can control this, or let me go and see, I will say from the side, maybe Senior Brother will give me face."

I glanced at Xue Qingcheng, she was still very depressed, but now everyone has no choice but to go to the precepts hall and talk about it. Of course, if you want to go, you have to buy all the things here.

Mo Xuanling saw that Xue Qingcheng didn't plan to go back, so he could only wait to follow us. I discussed with Xue Qingcheng Communication for a while, and both felt that we were taking a step forward.

At night, we almost bought everything, and we followed Mo Xuanling to the Discipline Hall.

There is no day and night at the Discipline Hall, but no one plans to start work at this time, so we plan to wait for dawn at Mo Xuanling’s residence. After all, as a disciple here, her residence is not small, and there is a small difference. The courtyard is on the mountainside. As for the Commandment Hall, it is located on a nearby floating island, opposite to here, and apart from Mo Xuanling, it seems that there are some disciples from the Commandment Hall who live in Zuojin.

I was assigned to Mo Xuanling’s meditation room, and Mo Xuanling lived in her own room. As for Xue Qingcheng, Mo Xuanling originally wanted to invite her to talk at night, but she didn’t seem to like night chats, so she shared In the other small guest room in the courtyard, the room opposite me.

But at night, when I was meditating, I suddenly noticed the breath of the Five Tribulations appearing nearby, and finally stopped in the courtyard. I was shocked, thinking it was Mo Xuanling’s brother or brother or something, but the true immortal of the Five Tribulations Fly thinking of Xue Qingcheng's room at a very fast speed!

I was taken aback for a moment, and when I secretly said what was going on, Mo Xuanling also floated out of the back room, with a hint of surprise on his face.

But the next thing we didn't expect was that there was a bang, and that small room was bombed on the spot!

Mo Xuanling and I were so surprised, we didn't even know what happened!

The next moment, Xue Qingcheng raised a broken Dao body and flew out, saying that it was broken because his head was smashed! And he was brought up in order to hit the ground again!


That Dao body was already finished, but Xue Qingcheng seemed not to be satisfied, hitting the magic whip and smashing the other Dao body to the ground, the next weak body instantly emerged! This is the effect of the scourge of the gods, a higher calamity can still get out of the body, if it is the same calamity, it will be dead!

Xue Qingcheng raised her head slightly, looking sullenly, and said coldly: "If you want to be a hooligan, you have to check your skills."

I was shocked, I didn't think I was here to play a hooligan! And the incorporeal Dao body was given a spike, and the face was already terrified, and now he immediately dragged the startled invisible body to flee outside!

"Ah! Big... Senior Brother!?" Then Mo Xuanling suddenly shouted, and at this moment, the Senior Brother who heard the voice suddenly turned his head, wanting to say something, but gave Xue Qingcheng an instant and hit The whip swept away, and it was swept into nothingness on the spot, without even making a sound!

Mo Xuanling's face was pale and said, "This...what the **** is going on!?"

Xue Qingcheng put away his magic whip, and then said: "He suddenly broke into my room, and then suddenly rushed towards me."

"This... how is this possible..." Mo Xuanling's face was earthy, and at this time, a lot of aura began to focus here quickly. After a while, a dozen disciples stood outside! There are even five tribulation elders among them.

"Mo Xuanling, what's the matter?" A Five Tribulations elder glanced around, and then asked, "Your big brother...how is it possible!?"

Mo Xuanling was frightened, and there were obviously the relics of his senior brother on the ground, this time he was really caught!

Xue Qingcheng is really powerful. Even a true immortal of the Five Tribulations can instantly kill in seconds. Even I am not sure I can do it with this hand, but now it is the big brother of Mo Xuanling's generation who is dead! As for his master, it is Hao Yi, the master of the Discipline Hall!

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