Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2578: : You Shen

After hearing that Yan Xiayue had finalized three places, Xue Qingcheng also came over, and the other elders also came to see my decision.

"Master, you all said, let everyone make the decision together, and it's not all I said here." I said, looking at Xue Qingcheng, but she said blankly: "You are the best for guerrilla. A regular army like me has no idea in this regard."

I smiled bitterly in my heart, and then waited for Yanxiayue to speak. After the elders all came together, Yanxiayue quickly drew a map of the surrounding area on the ground, and drew the location of the Qingdimen, and our location, and Several sects are located around.

Finally, I took out three small stones and placed them in places not managed by several sects.

"First of all, let’s talk about the commonality, that is, these three places are relatively remote, and there are still some legendary dangers, such as ancient beasts, such as some evil ways, but these things have not been seen for a long time, and now others are unwilling. Going is a very safe place for us, so we considered coming and going and decided to take risks.” After Yan Xiayue said, she pointed to a place and said, “This is the middle section of a river, and it is also The waterfall is located, the waterfall is huge, and the place where the water falls is a deep lake. Back then, it was said that a certain wild beast breathed at the bottom of the lake, but after so many years, no one has seen it again, and the neighborhood is full of vitality and is the first ideal residence. Land."

"Uncle, maybe the evil beast was killed by an expert." Xu Yunyun said with a smile, Yan Xiayue shook her head.

"Living around the waterfall will attract animals to drink water. If there are animals, there will be ancient animals foraging. It is relatively dangerous. We live here, but it is not good. What about the second point?" Instructed her to continue to introduce another location.

"The second point is here. It's a swamp. It is said that it was a place where a great battle was buried. The swamp is very deep. I don't know how deep it is. There used to be good people who lost a lot of boulders in one place. I persisted for a year, but I still couldn't fill an area, so it is called the "bottomless swamp". Although this place is full of vitality, there will be some stench during a certain period of time, so there are very few immortals to visit, but it is suitable for our development. "Yan Xiayue said.

"We don't choose this point. The swamp land has always been used to destroy the corpses. It is heavy and bad. Except for one day in summer, it is probably not suitable for everyone." Xue Qingcheng directly denied it.

I frowned and said, "It sounds like I like that place."

Yan Xia Yue shook her head and smiled, then pointed to the third place, and said: "The third place was the catastrophe of the year. Somewhere near the ruins of the sacred tower, this place was found occasionally based on a mistaken investigation by Junior Brother Lin Yan. A karst cave leads directly to the underground river, which is the underground of the river I mentioned before. Of course, the immortal phase is a bit worse than the other two places, because it is far away from the towers that draw vitality down from the other sects. Many, and the local **** tower has long been ruined."

As soon as I heard it, the vitality came from the universe, and the sects were built radially around the sacred tower, and the place where the sacred tower was destroyed could not attract vitality. Naturally, no one wanted to live. The construction of the tower is extremely difficult, and it is normal that it has been abandoned.

"Where there is a **** tower, the vitality in the sky is heavier, but without the **** tower, it will eventually become a place of suspended animation, but it sounds like this cave is still good, although vitality is less, but it seems that this is ours. The choice, after all, is far enough away from the Qingdi Gate and not close to other sects."

"Yes, then we..." Yan Xia Yue seems to know that I have made a decision, but after all, I still have everyone's opinions.

"The waterfalls and swamps are not good. Then choose the cave at the site of the **** tower. Settle down first. At least so many disciples have not practiced for more than two months." Xue Qingcheng also decided on his choice.

Although the other elders held their own opinions, they knew that Xue Qingcheng and I would definitely insist, and they also unified this choice.

With a goal, the road to go is of course much easier, after all, no one likes the feeling of drifting outside.

When we arrived at the area where we don’t care, it is equivalent to the back of Qingdimen and several other martial arts. We galloped all the way and gradually changed to flying. On the way, we have seen some prehistoric monsters, some of them are as big as Some are like hills, and some are fierce, but because they are either on the way or predating, we, the fairy family, who are equivalent to small flies, naturally escaped.

This time it went smoothly. We soon arrived at the site of the ruins that Lin Yan proposed to go. Compared to when we came up with Heizi and the others, Xue Qingcheng said that the tower was far away. I don’t know how far. The journey from left to right, which has to cross other sect areas.

The ruins here were completely destroyed. The **** tower fell all the way to the mountainside of a mountain. I could still see a tower like a building, covered with countless shrubs, moss, and even mud. Looking at it from a distance, It's like a small blood vessel bulging on the surface.

"This sacred tower is also really spectacular, I don't know how high it is, and there are sects on the tower, right? What about sects..." I am a curious baby, of course, I must ask the steel in the school district.

"The top of the tower is generally floating with the power buildings that manage the ground. Since the tower is down, of course the building is in ruins." Xue Qingcheng said calmly.

"Is the sacred tower a pedestal? Can such a small one support a martial art?" I took the opportunity to ask.

"Yes, but it's not strong, and the martial art floats on it with its accumulation of celestial energy." Xue Qingcheng explained his doubt.

I haven't really seen the tower of the gods. After all, it is the top priority of the martial art and it is also at the core. When I arrived at the Qingdimen, I had not been able to touch such a powerful thing.

"The cave is in the depths of the forest over there, and a small waterfall on the top of the mountain broke into it. The cave inside is very big. After opening the room, it can become the cave of our small sect. Later, we will recruit disciples from the surrounding area. Just gradually expand the school, of course, I don't know how to solve it in terms of vitality." Lin Yan said distressedly.

"Maintenance of the tower of the gods, I know a little about this. The tower that has fallen in ruins, I can use a few sections to support it first, and then carry it together to gather energy. It is not difficult to only support our cultivation to the Five Tribulations." Xue Qingcheng had already reached the ruins. With a flick of his sleeves, the moss and some trees on the surface of the abandoned tower were all cleaved to her, revealing the bronze tower.

Looking at the totem-like formation above, I said: "This is a big project, and most of the technology has been lost. Otherwise, the other schools will not attach so much importance to the tower, and Tuantuan will guard it. Are you sure you can? "

"Don't forget my origin." Xue Qingcheng said, I thought about it, and no longer doubted in my heart, but she continued: "I want to gather the tower on the top of the mountain, so the junior and senior sisters of the First Tribulation and Second Tribulation Just listen to my orders. As for the elders of the Four Tribulations, I will divide the labor to dig cave houses. I will introduce my vitality into the cave so that everyone can practice in it with peace of mind."

"Then what am I doing?" I smiled bitterly.

"You? After you enter the karst cave, explore the karst cave clearly, and don't make any monsters without knowing it." Xue Qingcheng ordered me decisively. I thought it seemed that I could only do this job. Too dangerous.

"Okay, let me come." After I agreed, Lin Yan led him into the cave first.

The entrance of the cave is narrow and halfway up the mountain. If you want to build a martial art, it is estimated that you will have to build a big platform and cut off the gate with magical power. However, the surrounding environment has not been determined yet, so you can only leave it still.

And I flew all the way with Yan Xiayue, Mo Xuanling, Cao Wei's family, Wu Donglai, Lin Yan and other elders. Many weird animals similar to bats flew out, and there were even some weird calls inside, which were scary.

After entering a few hundred meters, Lin Yan took Yan Xiayue and other elders to select a site to build a house.

So I was the only one who flew forward along the karst cave and the water. Along the way, the karst cave was deep and mysterious, and the infinite unknown ahead made me enter the Hell of Yellow Spring. In the endless darkness, what horror is waiting for me!

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