Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2620: : Pay the bill

"Disappeared...disappeared?" Sun Mochen asked me in surprise and carefulness. She could see her hand holding my sleeve trembling slightly. After all, a true immortal of the Six Tribulations could'disappear' out of thin air. The truth of our calamities Xian is of course no exception, the other party's strength is far beyond imagination.

Sun Mochen's worry is simple. After all, the other party can use many methods to deal with us, including threats, which is what Sun Mochen is most worried about.

"Don't worry, you hold my hand, be close." I looked at Sun Mochen and said, Sun Mochen's face blushed. Although there are not many people in the downtown area this evening, there are still many fairy houses looking around. How embarrassed is this for her?

So Sun Mochen gritted his teeth and said, "I...this time, you are not worried...you will take advantage of me..."

"No, she thinks that you are with Chen Fa, and what should you do if you disappear? Don't forget that you are also a disciple of Danyunmen." I laughed, of course I didn't take advantage of her.

"Huh?" Sun Mochen reacted. I couldn't laugh or cry, and lightly tapped her eyebrows: "You really forget that you are still a Danyunmen disciple, right?"

"Um...no...huh, it's just a little bit, I blame you." Sun Mochen blushed, but his voice became a little mad, then he naturally hugged my arms and leaned his head. Coming over, it didn't make me shake my mind for a while, so I could only smile awkwardly: "Okay, blame me, blame me."

"Brother Xia, Chen Fa is lost, where are we going now? Do you want to find him?" Sun Mochen asked.

I suddenly smiled and said, "Why are you looking for him? Of course, you have to go around and see how this place is for guests."

"Oh? Are we very popular? No, we are here for the first time..." Sun Mochen looked at me suspiciously, and I looked at the medicine shop opposite, and said, "Anyway, even if we don't have money, You can go and see first."

"Just take a look? I've known to watch Chen Fa closely, so that Zhao Ji can still pay for us." Sun Mochen said deliberately.

"Who said no? But let's go see it first, and then write it down before letting Zhao Ji pay." I led Sun Mochen to a luxurious medicinal shop opposite, and the dazzling array of medicinal materials really attracted Sun Mochen. Note that there are also a lot of customers buying materials there, but we just went in about two or three blinks of an eye. The shopkeeper who was collecting the money actually couldn't even take the money because the boss has hurried out of the inner hall. Up.

The shopkeeper had to greet twice, but he waved to the boss to resign, but after the boss made a smile, he walked towards us: "Two distinguished guests, what medicinal materials did you see?"

"I didn't see anything." I said with a grin, the boss's face was instantly brilliant, but Sun Mochen was very good at answering, and said hurriedly: "We just came in, haven't seen it yet, you are so anxious, is it white? Didn't give it?"

The boss smiled awkwardly, and then nodded: "The two distinguished guests looked at Qiyuxuanyang, they are like a dragon and a dragon. Our store is the most eye-catching. Since I have seen two of them so eye-catching, our store can be touched by luck. Even if it’s free, it’s fine."

"Ah? It's really for free?" Sun Mochen was a joke originally, but she didn't expect the boss to take it seriously, so she was also a little surprised.

"Hey, boss, you can really talk, then we paid so much luck to you, do you choose anything here?" I smiled unceremoniously, the boss was stunned, Sun Mochen looked at me so shameless , Hurriedly pulled my sleeves, and said, "How can I be as brazen as Big Brother Xia? Can Dao Yun sell it?"

"Oh, distinguished guest, this is what I'm waiting for! You choose! Hurry up!" But I don’t know the boss nodded quickly, and for fear that we changed our mind temporarily, then clapped our hands and faced all the guys in the store, The guest said loudly: "Sorry, our shop is not doing business today! Private room! Guys, hurry up and serve two distinguished guests!"

A group of guys greeted the customer immediately, and then quickly came over to wait for the boss to send him. Now, even Sun Mochen doesn’t know what to do. She is not rich at all, and even if this shop is a guy, they are all dressed in silk and satin for fear. It doesn't show the style of the store. Compared with the little sects of us who are in plain clothes, we have become'soil buns', but today we are like VIPs!

"Brother Xia...what should I do?" Sun Mochen asked me carefully, using voice transmission of course.

"Choose! To the death, choose whichever is more expensive, go back and help me make a good alchemy! All the big tonic pills, aphrodisiac, Yingjie Pill, and Yang Pill will be refined for me..." I smiled, and Sun Mochen glanced. Startled, it took me a long time before he sipped me: "I don't practice those..."

"Hey, don't practice or practice, go quickly, to be honest, now we can't choose if we don't, people will say that we don't give face, but then we will be rough." I laughed.

"Ah? If we don't mistake them, they won't become it?" Sun Mochen was startled again, and I nodded: "Of course, this is called toasting and not eating fine wine."

"Well, since it's so difficult for strong people, then I won't be polite to them?" Sun Mochen rubbed his hands, and then tremblingly pointed to one of the bright red flowers: "This can be used to restore the sun grass..."

As a result, the boss didn't even ask, he just told the guys to wrap them up. Those guys weren't fast enough, and as soon as they finished speaking, they gave things to Sun Mochen.

"This... from the Ying Jie Dan... this is from Duan Ri Wan... from Shen Yue Dan..." Then Sun Mochen naturally became more courageous, and the boss guy was also very clever, it was simply Sun Mochen who was referring to it. , And soon piled up the materials in front of us.

Sun Mochen was surprised that he ordered so many, and said embarrassedly: "So many...we can't take it with us, or just like this... count..."

"You can't just count it! Dear guest! You order more, where do you want to send it? We will send it overnight to ensure that you can use it before you go back!" As a result, the boss has made a decision for her.

Sun Mochen looked at me with some uncertainty, and I smiled and said: "Don't worry, your order is less, and the boss can't afford it when you look back. Don't hurt others' good intentions."

"Yes, yes, yes! You are the one who has the vision!" The boss also admired my vision very much, which made Sun Mochen blush and said: "He is... not mine..."

"Hey, distinguished guest, Mi Xian wins a little bit." The boss didn't believe it, but he seemed to make Sun Mochen even more happy. It was really rude to light up the medicinal materials.

I don't have much experience with medicinal materials. Although I know good or bad, the pill recipes here have gone through catastrophes and should be changed in strength, so it is difficult to distinguish, this professional matter has to be handled by professional people.

And after we chose almost the same in terms of medicinal materials, we quickly went all the way to the treasure store to buy the materials for the Seven Tribulations Pagoda, and then went to the magic treasure shop to search for magic weapons and artifacts, and then went directly to the pill shop and bought Many of the finished medicines, anyway, are how expensive they are, and even some decoration shops, clothing shops and other various shops have been shopping. As a result, there is really no suspense. Someone is paying for it! And there really is no place that the opponent can't cover!

From the point of view of covering the sky with one hand, the other party is really not an ordinary character, and what is certain is that Zhao Ji will never do this level!

"Guest! Go well! Welcome to come again next time!" A group of bosses greeted me and Sun Mochen, and Sun Mochen's face was hot: "Big Brother Xia, I think we are too much. Everything from this street will be packed for us to go home. It's..."

"What's this? It's just one street. We are tied to a school! Besides, the potential is amazing." I laughed, and Sun Mochen suddenly remembered something: "So you deliberately bought a lot of materials for the tower of the Seven Tribulations. Telling them this?"

"Almost." I laughed.

And on our way back, a female fairy who could not see the depth of her cultivation stopped on the road and said with a smile: "Guest, did you have a good time today? Our host is very happy."

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