Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2633: : Good at

Tianyiyi, after undergoing several resource constructions, the **** tower was actually preparing to reach the standard of the Seven Tribulations, and now it was just lack of time to settle, let Xue Qingcheng complete the last few steps.

I am completely speechless about the speed of Xue Qingcheng’s building construction. If I were to do it, I am afraid that this terrible project would not be able to be completed, and it is difficult to imagine that she has incorporated different species into it. At this point, it is estimated that everyone else feels scalp Tingling.

But just think about the situation in the God Court.

The gods of the Human God Realm are all-encompassing. Almost all kinds of immortals and ethnic groups are included, but Xue Qingcheng still relies on its own terrifying cold-blooded political machine to operate, so that it has not gone wrong for two thousand years. On the gentle execution machine of the martial art, it is like driving a group of brainless animals to work.

I saw the shadows of the six parts from the structure of the school, but now they are not called Yanzhengdian, or Xingludian, and they have used names that are more appropriate to the ancient gods, so that the entire school can follow her. Direction to push.

"The tower of the seven calamities! The head of Qingcheng is...really amazing." Sun Mochen has not returned to Danyun Gate this time. Anyway, even if Zhang Danyun comes to ask someone in person, she will not go back.

Zhao Ji had said before that Zhang Danyun was going to eat it during Sun Mochen's Six Tribulations. This made Sun Mochen feel sick all the time, so he planned to quit Danyun Gate anyway, and asked Chen Fa to bring the seal. Is to quit the martial art.

"Well, being a father and a mother, of course it's amazing, I'm not as good as her." I laughed, people are more popular than others, Xue Qingcheng is a complex, both personal strength and management strength are already outrageously powerful.

On the way here, the three women, An Jun, Xiao Yi, and Shuli, already knew who had the same house that day. So when they saw the tower, they were surprised, but they were not particularly surprised. Now they are no more than three. Just to meet the legendary master.

In the martial hall, Xue Qingcheng coldly looked at me and the four women behind me, but Gu Rong just reported back the task and ran away. It was really afraid of Xue Qingcheng, because of its strength. It also means surrender and respect.

If I can kill the enemy by crossing the tier, then Xue Qingcheng can cross the tier. The nature represented by this is really terrifying. With that overwhelming strength, the contrast between me and her is strong. Gu Rong is sincere. He was afraid of Xue Qingcheng, but he was still a brother to me. This is easy to see.

"Hehe." Xue Qingcheng stared at me for a long time, only sneered twice, then looked at Sun Mochen and the other three daughters, and said, "Sun Mochen, you will be in charge of the alchemy room from now on. You must purchase all the equipment, right? You are also responsible for the management of the pill. Please communicate with Yan Xiayue and she will tell you which disciple to use the pill."

Sun Mochen hurriedly said: "Yes! Head!"

This very direct and rude command made Sun Mochen dare not say a word. Apart from the supreme authority effect of Xue Qingcheng's own, the pair of sharp golden eye pupils also made people unable to look directly at him.

The three women, An Jun, Xiao Yi, and Shu Li, thought that they were low. Sun Mochen was not only a top-notch, but now he also feels extremely pressured. Standing underneath is even a little trembling. After all, after listening to me describe the glorious history of Xueqing City after that.

"If you want to join Tianyi, what are the three of them?" Xue Qingcheng asked indifferently, his eyes swept all the way.

Sun Mochen suddenly felt that he was able to get a direct order from Xue Qingcheng, it was already very honorable. After all, like An Jun, Xiao Yi, and Shu Li, he asked what he was capable of on the spot.

Since An Jun was the first to catch Xue Qingcheng's eyes, he stammered and said in a hurry: "Headmaster, I...I am a monster clan, I am good at soft...soft..."

I patted my forehead, and the secret path was over. Xue Qingcheng had been a true **** for so many years, and that spirit was the existence that the monster clan would shake when he saw it. An Jun was so honest, and he was simply the target of Xue Qingcheng's bullying.

Xue Qingcheng's eyebrows jumped, and angrily said: "Dare to say the way to please a man!? You just need to wait on Xia Yitian, and are you planning to run to me to lead the errand by this or what?"

"It's not... the head, I'm really good at soft arts..." An Jun's eyes burst with tears. Xue Qingcheng can kill people through the robbery. This is well known, otherwise the head of the Star Moon Sect would have come to look for bad luck. All of the scout teams have been incorporated, and being the leader of the scout is no ordinary elder.

"An Jun, don't worry, you speak slowly, and I am also curious about what your soft power is like." I smiled faintly, with some comforting meaning in it, but I just wanted to slap myself as soon as I said it. .

"Of course you will be curious about Rougong! Well, if you want to be curious, go and be curious!" Xue Qingcheng glared at me angrily. No matter how you think of this Rougong, it's a kind of kung fu in bed. I said that curiosity can only be performed in bed. Up.

I was very embarrassed. I inadvertently added fuel to An Jun’s fire. Fortunately, An Jun, Xiao Yi, and Shu Li already had some friendship on the way. Xiao Yi quickly stepped up and said, "The head...An Jun said Rougong is the special ability to circumnavigate the finger, and is very popular..."

"Huh?" Xue Qingcheng asked suspiciously, and An Jun cried and nodded quickly, scaring An Jun, the most daring of the three, to cry. The oppression of Xue Qingcheng is really not so powerful, but it is six calamities after all. , And it is the number one six calamity in the world, and generally the five calamities are really not enough in front of her.

"As long as they touched things, they can flex their fingers, making the steel soft like soft water, which is quite magical." Xiao Yi explained.

"That's a powerful ability." Xue Qingcheng was startled, and then said: "Then enter the Imperial Equipment Hall, and temporarily enter Xu Yunyun's command."

"Thank you...Thank you for the head!" An Jun, as if he was amnesty, finally escaped.

But then Xiao Yi was embarrassed, because Xue Qingcheng had already focused on her, her face changed slightly, but she was as smart as her, and she understood Xue Qingcheng’s temper, and quickly said: "Master, in addition to being proficient in rhythm and poetry, Xiao Yi Books, I am also good at arranging arrays, and I have deep research on mathematics."

"Miscellaneous but not sophisticated, it is mostly fancy kung fu. Is it possible to use it to seduce men? Give you another chance to talk about what you are best at?" Xue Qingcheng looked up and down Xiao Yi, probably because the other person looks too good She didn't want to talk about beauty, she didn't want to talk about beauty, probably everyone would have to throw her a street.

Even Xiao Yi knew that Xue Qingcheng was embarrassing her, but she had already reminded me of her wake up on the way here. This head is more tricky and difficult, so she quickly said: "The head is the way of formation."

"Since it's the way of formation, then let's talk about the way of formation. What's the use of taking out a lot? Go to Yuqitang, and Xu Yunyun will take you well." Xue Qingcheng's tone eased, she is very The incompetent craftsman won two Zhili men at once, and it is impossible to say that he is unhappy.

Tianyi now has a lot of monsters and witches, but their ethnic advantages have caused them to be inferior to the real fairy elites of the sect in terms of cultivation and skills, so naturally there are fewer skilled craftsmen, and now they are still mostly coolies.

"I heard that you are the top of the three top cards and belong to the Wu clan, right? What are you good at?" Xue Qingcheng glanced at the last remaining Shuli and asked with a hint of questioning.

Shuli's temper was still quite atmospheric, and after standing up, he said loudly, "I am good at fighting!"

I patted my forehead again and talked about fighting in front of Xue Qingcheng.

"Oh? Good at fighting." Xue Qingcheng said very qualitatively, with a touch of cunning on his face. After all, Shu Li is a half-blood witch, not too wild, and even has the caution of immortals. Look at Xue Qing's face. There was a little more meaning, and she knew that there was a problem, so she said: "Head, I...I just have a lot of strength...I can't cultivate."

"Haha, it's okay, I suppressed it to the Five Tribulations, try you." This is not difficult for Xue Qingcheng at all. After I secretly said something bad, I quickly stood up.

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