Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2637: : Shuangmai

Liufenghuixuewan is indeed one of the few elixir in this calamity. After I took it to wash the impurities of the dao body, the holding volume of Yuanli also showed a great increase, which is like a wooden bucket for holding water. After polishing the lumps inside, the body of water contained is much larger, and the speed of extracting the energy is relatively increased. After all, the size of the gourd mouth depends on the absorption speed of vitality. After the impurities are emptied, the passage is much smoother. , The extraction speed increases exponentially.

Coupled with the speed at which the Zulong absorbed the elemental energy, I found that I did not lack the strength to absorb at all, so even if I was left behind for a few months to work on other things, my cultivation base was faster than other people's after I started practicing seriously. It must be several times faster, so what is lacking is the number of calamities of the divine tower. Once the divine tower reaches the seven calamities, the speed will definitely be faster and unlimited.

Of course, it’s okay to use the tower for more calamities, but it’s definitely not possible to cross-level. Therefore, as the number of calamities becomes higher and the coverage of the tower begins to expand, Tianyi must consider letting several tribes and demons Wang gave way to some territory. After all, the closer he gets to the tower, the greater the vitality pressure here. Many little monsters will not be able to withstand the pressure of such vitality. Therefore, it is estimated that there is no need to establish a special project to persuade the center of the tower. , They also have self-knowledge.

In the world of survival of the fittest, there is never a doubt as to how big a scorpion sits.

The extraction of vitality and instilling the veins of the body have always been strengthened by the veins. Even with the veins that the ancestral dragon forcibly supported, I still need to strengthen the toughness. Of course, this process will be much faster than ordinary immortals. Of course, Ideals have always been beautiful, and as the level of the fate, there is not much suspense that has brushed me off.

This time the impact of the Six Tribulations was not smooth, and unfortunately ended in failure.

It seems that even Liufenghuixuewan cannot give me much advantage in the number of calamities, but after the first failure, things usually go smoother. I studied Xueqingcheng’s theory of the impact of the six calamities. Basically, after I felt that I was stable, I simply let go of continuing the impact. After all, it is impossible to repeatedly conquer one vein, so changing the first vein to the second vein and starting the impact is the relief.

Because the Second Context is still stuck in the Three Tribulations stage, this time is also a good opportunity to hit the Second Context.

With the first context as the premise and experience, the second context did not have so many bumpy roads, so I rushed all the way to the peak of the four calamities, and started to march towards the five calamities.

My ideal state is actually the Dao body of the Double Six Tribulations, so that I can try to synchronize the two Dao bodies. It is really tempting to verify whether the two Dao bodies can contribute at the same time!

Of course, the impact of the catastrophe does not always make you successful. Sometimes, even at the peak, the catastrophe may not come just by word. In this process, I came out of the retreat several times, of course. By the way, look at the changes in Tianyi, such as whether the powerful enemy is still looking around, what expansion does Tianyi have, and how the hostile forces are moving.

You can’t feel that the world has changed so much that it can’t keep up with the times, right? But when I got out of the customs for the third time, the pattern Yan Xiayue described to me filled my heart with a touch of dignity.

Because it has been nearly half a year now, Tianyiyi has now successfully erected the tower of the seventh calamity, and it has also attracted more coveted enemies. Xingyue Sect and Chenyang Sect simply dispatched elites from the school at this time. , Has advanced to the border of Tianyi.

And Xue Qingcheng led Gu Rong, the patriarch of the Monster Clan, and Chiliu, the patriarch of the Wu Clan, to meet the enemy. This battle will be the first tough battle between the sects and the sects after Tianyi is established! I heard that the total number of disciples from the other two schools exceeded 10,000.

Of course, Tianyi has the support of two tribes. Although the number of elites is not as many as 10,000, we who can drive away the beasts have an absolute advantage on the field. And I believe Xue Qingcheng should not sit back and wait for death. She was prepared. Next, the two martial artists should have nothing to do with her.

Moreover, now she is also growing up with the increase of the Tianyi Tower, and has reached the cultivation base of the Seven Tribulations True Immortal, which is much faster than me. I don't know how much speed, and I simply envy her such a Taoist body.

However, that was also the fact that she had been to the Seven Tribulations, and now she only needs to relive the joy of leveling up again. I am pretty good now, after all, Zu Long is helping cheating.

"One day, you'd better retreat with peace of mind. It's good to be watched by a teacher here." Yan Xiayue said to me.

I quickly obediently continued to retreat. After all, I was too far behind Xue Qingcheng. Even if I hit Six Tribulations this time, it was one level lower than her.

And the key is that even at the same level, in actual combat, I still can’t compare to her, because she is good at the spells that can be used from which karma, and I have to study the spells of karma, which is troublesome. too much.

The retreat this time made my Second Context hit the Five Tribulations very smoothly, and the powerful basic elemental power was tossing through the Second Context. This indicated that facing the Six Tribulations, the Second Context also had actual combat capabilities.

And after the Five Tribulations of the Double Context, the feeling it brings to the Dao Body is very different from before. After all, the Double Context means that I can have two small lives. Even if the mana of the first context is exhausted, the power of the second Dao body will also be reduced. It instantly fills the dao body to avoid incorporation, and the degree of firmness is also not comparable in a single vein.

The pursuit is never-ending. After the Five Tribulations of the Two Threads together, I also began to try the cooperation between the Two Threads.

Context handles the feasibility of a double spell at the same time. Li Guxian has already proved it with double throwing spells, but the cooperation of these double contexts is different from double throwing spells. This is the common contribution of the two dao bodies, concentrating the power together. Above spells! It's like the two veins jointly output the power in a double-throwing way, which is equivalent to forcibly pushing the power to four times the power, and the degree of horror is that in theory, I am afraid that no one can stop it.

Including Xue Qingcheng, facing a spell with four times the power, it is estimated that it is also a trick to kill. Of course, this is also relative to the same calamity. If I use my current double five calamity body to smash her with her, hit a hundred I have to lose a hundred times, because what cannot be ignored is that her return method can still break one of my veins.

However, even if dealing with Xue Qingcheng is inherently lacking, but dealing with powerful enemies, it is already above any enemy, double context and double curse, Li Guxian probably never thought about this, because Jie Tianyun itself, in fact, It is also the Dafa, not everyone has the opportunity to learn.

However, the reality quickly told me again that there is still reason for haste in this world. Even the synchronization and coordination of the two channels is temporarily impossible for me, because I found that it is very simple to control one of the channels. Weak, if you want to be strong, you will be strong, but at the same time, let them achieve the perfect fit and output, it can be done in a day or two!

Not to mention that the two veins are working at the same time, and then double-throwing the spell, this is simply a difficult way.

It seems that I have to let go of this tempting idea for the time being, because I wasted a lot of time in order to synchronize the two contexts, and now the strength of the double five tribulations is actually not as good as one of the contexts to take the lead in the six tribulations!

After finding that I had lost the watermelon and picked sesame seeds, I could only go back and start the first line of business. Fortunately, the foundation was placed there, and the impact of the Six Tribulations was not abandoned because of this.

When I encountered the calamity again, with Liufenghuixuewan as the base, and the experience of Xueqingcheng, I soon had no suspenseful impact and succeeded, and the first vein was firmly in the stage of the six calamities!

I breathed a sigh of relief, and I was ready to also impact the second context to the six tribulations, because after the double six tribulations, I can practice synchronously with them even in normal times. Even if they cannot be synchronized in a short time, they will definitely be Gradually reach unity.

It's a pity that things will not go smoothly. During the impact of my second context, the news that Yan Xiayue urgently contacted me came out.

The message was written with the words'Martial Crisis'.

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