Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2649: : Sorrow

After swiftly moving towards another place, Toad did not follow me, but continued to open his huge mouth, and then a burst of strong yin aura instantly blasted out, and this breath caused a bursting effect. , As if a poisonous ball exploded in the belly, so it sprayed everywhere, and the surrounding forests were suddenly devastated. The big trees fell one by one, and even the land was dyed black!

At this time, the poisonous toad rolled its red eyes, and its belly rolled violently. It made a few vomiting actions, and saliva came out. I quickly took the opportunity to inhale a bona of spirit technique for standby, and then said to Li Guxian, "Scare I jumped, and it didn’t explode, Master, it’s time for you to play."

"No... Let's run away first. The power just now is so powerful that it may not be its limit!" Li Guxian said in a deep voice.

I thought for a while. Although I didn't believe it in my heart, it was based on the instinct of believing, so I flew to the other side immediately! As soon as I walked on my front foot, the poisonous toad just said to Li Guxian. After it couldn't spit out something, its eyes suddenly became extremely red. It should be very angry.

I saw it lying on the ground like dying for a while, then suddenly propped up its four legs, and the hole-like poisonous eyes behind it suddenly ejected countless poisonous rays!

These rays are so powerful that they looked like crazy cutting knives where they swept. Fortunately, they were far away. When I got to my position, it was quite difficult for the rays to hit me, so I did it several times. It is not difficult to avoid the rays!

The high-pressure water jet cutting is not to mention the towering trees, even some towering hills are cut into blocks like tofu. If I hit it, I’m afraid I won’t even be able to hold a shield. second.

However, such an attack could not last long. It was just two blinks of an eye. The poisonous toad was over easily. I rushed over and prepared to fill it with the spirit method on my body, but I just got in front of it. Li Guxian grabbed the hem of my sleeve and said, "Enough, it has no attack ability. Just now it was just the end of the crossbow."

I was taken aback and put down my outstretched hand. Although the poisonous toad opened its mouth and wanted to swallow me, it quickly slapped its head on the ground.

Li Guxian was hidden in the water droplets of the catastrophe, so he quickly flew out of my hands in the form of water droplets, and then turned into a thin layer of mist. The mist soon condensed into a human form, and began to rustle and communicate with the poisonous toad. The poisonous toad seemed to hear Li Guxian's voice, and his eyes turned grunting, and made a strange cooing sound.

About the time of a cup of tea, Li Guxian suddenly said: "Well, restore it to the pill and Yuanjing that can replenish vital energy in your body. It has promised to become our mount, but it will be given a territory, and It needs to be presented with tribute every year."

"This is inevitable. As long as it is obediently and obediently, we need to raise it like worship." As I said, I took out three bottles of vitality pills, and I took out a lot of concentrated yuan crystals, and moved towards his mouth. Throw it away.

This poisonous toad is also not welcome, and the tongue rolls things into his belly.

I thought about it, and said to Li Guxian: "Master, how many fairy houses it swallowed before? Is there Mo Chen in it?"

Li Guxian immediately communicated with the poisonous toad. The poisonous toad swallowed the vitality pill, and the light red eyeballs returned to the original scarlet, but he seemed very satisfied with the pill, so when asked about it, it was also very Quickly communicate with Li Guxian in a way you can express.

The poisonous toad gestured for a long time. Li Guxian was a little silent, and then said for a while: "I'm afraid your fairy Mochen has also eaten it and melted it. Only Zhang Yiyuan just escaped, and everything else It swallowed it clean, it only met us when it chased Zhang Yiyuan."

"Ah..." My face changed drastically, and then I hurriedly flew to the poisonous toad, and said angrily: "You now, spit it out immediately! Or I will blow you up!"

Give me this drink, the corner of the poisonous toad's mouth pouted, and a hideous expression with a tongue rushing out, Li Guxian grabbed me and said, "One day, it was not wrong. After all, it was its enemies who broke into this forbidden area. It’s not a human being. It’s just a toad. It relies on its own instincts and behaviors to act. As for who it is and what it looks like, what's the difference with it? It’s just a better-looking food. Let’s change the sorrow.”

"Master! That's Mo Chen!" I said anxiously.

"I know you like that child, but what enters it will turn into a part of the poisonous water. It is impossible to survive. The ghosts you recruited before have already proved it to you." Li Guxian sighed.

With a tragic expression on my face, I looked at the huge hill-like toad, and felt angry, but the toad didn't put me in his eyes at all, with a big mouth, an expression that you can come in and try if you have the ability.

I gritted my teeth, this toad is really not a good kind, so naturally it won’t act like pity and cherish jade, but it has eaten Sun Mochen, and I have hated it. If it weren’t for Master Li Guxian’s name to order this toad, I would definitely make it into toad soup .

"Okay, let's leave here too. Time is tight right now. The child of Mo Chen is out of luck, but other immortal families, if you can save them, please save them. Don't waste a little more time so that you won't be sighing like now." Li Guxian After all, the water droplet turned into a catastrophe and returned to my body.

I was very depressed, and then flew to Toad's head, and then patted its head, this guy immediately jumped high and ran in the same direction.

It consumes vital energy replenishing pills and crystals very fast, so direct action is not a problem at all, and with Li Guxian's indirect command, it is no different from my command.

I contacted Lu Ge and asked him if he had caught Zhang Yiyuan. What made me feel speechless was that Lu Ge replied that he had chased Zhang Yiyuan out of this area, but there was no way to stop him. This one yuan trick It was difficult to catch every one of them, and succeeded in several attempts, but because the opponent's treasures were so many, they didn't take too much advantage, and it was impossible to fight and leave.

I think there are too many Lu Ge treasures. Instead, he said that this one yuan is more than one yuan. In desperation, I can only ask him to continue tracking Zhang Yiyuan. I must try my best to kill him, and I am going to rush back. Tianyiyi, after all, my biggest enemy right now is Xingyue Sect and Chenyang Sect. The heads of these two sects have not been killed yet, so I can't ignore one or the other.

However, while sitting on the huge poisonous toad rushing to the sky, Lu Ge received a message, instantly causing the blue veins on my forehead to appear.

"Brother, this time I’m afraid it’s a bit of trouble. When I chased Zhang Yiyuan to the direction of Danyunmen, I ran into Emperor Cheng Qing’s elite on the way. I stopped on the spot and Zhang Yiyuan was also rescued. I fought hard based on reason, but later Emperor Cheng Qing came and told me a lot of great truths. He forcibly took Zhang Yiyuan away, and asked me to go back and report to you directly."

Seeing this message, my face looked ugly, and I seriously asked him about the ins and outs of this incident. I also knew what Cheng Qing emperor thought in my heart. This guy seemed to know Zhang Danyun would fight for Sun Mochen. The result was good, but he just waited for the opportunity. After seeing Zhang Danyun killed, he would of course find a way to annex Danyun Gate, and now he wants to invade Danyun Gate, it is likely to attract a backlash. For those who are also in the same half-damaged state as Danyun Gate School, this is unwise, so he rescued Zhang Yiyuan, intending to support this young leader, indirectly narrow emperor, to make the princes!

"Emperor Cheng Qing is really despicable! By the way, how is Mo Chen's situation? I can't find her here." Lu Ge listened to my analysis, and at the same time he was extremely depressed, he also asked about Sun Mochen's situation along the way.

I sighed and told the fact that Mo Chen had eaten the poisonous toad, and now the poisonous toad has become a member of Tianyi.

Lu Ge's communication stopped for a long time, and a helpless remark with only the word "Sorrow" was sent over. I sighed again in my heart, and finally agreed to meet with him at the intersection.

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