Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2651: : Giant Whale

"What do you do now?" Lu Ge was also a little shocked looking at the dense and dense green clouds in the death swamp in front of him. This was obviously the effect of the evaporation of the swamp, but the swamp was still wet, and it was estimated that he would have to sink when he stood up.

The poisonous toad stood on the edge vigilantly. Of course, it couldn’t jump directly into the swamp. It could only hesitate on the edge. It could actually fly into the sky, but because its body was extremely heavy, it would consume a lot of vitality. It's normal to hesitate.

The swamp green poisonous mist here and the purple miasma poisonous cloud on its body are not the same type, of course, there is no way to assimilate it, otherwise this whale would have long been in love with the poisonous toad.

When we got to the periphery of the swamp, Zhaoyun quickly broke out of the swamp fog. Seeing that this huge poisonous toad was really horrible, there were many complicated colors on her face. After all, she is the second master. The people over there, now Tianyi Dao actually has an eight-kilosis worship desolate beast, and the grade is not the same as before. It is impossible for Jinxiandao to exercise absolute control over Tianyi!

"How is it?" I asked.

Zhaoyun thought for a while, and he stretched out his hand and quickly drew a circular map, drawing out this swamp of death. In this cloud-filled map, only the surroundings are clear, but there are maze dead ends everywhere. This dead end I heard Zhaoyun say that it was a whirlwind poisonous cloud. The swamp there erupted directly, and it would have been rolled out in the past, and this thick fog was all caused by such a place, and it became like this. It was the formations of Tiangangzong who gathered to make trouble, no wonder Zhaoyun couldn't get in.

After I took a look, I had already written down the map, and then let Zhaoyun ride the toad’s head, and then let the toad jump directly into the sky. Under the volley, I saw chaotic greens everywhere under the map. There is smoke, but there is indeed no clear detection of Zhaoyun.

"Toad, let's go! Over there!" Without much hesitation, I chose a place that was rather vague, but like a stranger, and ordered the toad to jump over there.

The toad hesitated, a little hesitated, after all, it was the Eight Tribulations, it could choose to reject me.

"Don't be arrogant, if something happens to the head, I will steam you." I angered, but the fog behind the toad directly sprayed a poisonous cloud to me, but it jumped into another one by itself. Suspected place.

"Damn, you know why you don't go early and make me study it." Only then did I know that it knows the way. After all, the wild beast has the wild beast instinct, and even two wild beasts may know each other.

Depressed waved away the poisonous mist, I could only let the toad continue to rush into the mist. After a while, the toad entered the core area that Zhaoyun could not enter before. There was a touch of embarrassment on Zhaoyun's face: "I swear I tried my best before."

I glanced at Zhaoyun and said, "I don't blame you, I might make a mistake if I change it."

"Okay, let's not blame anyone for now, I will try to contact the head first." Lu Ge immediately contacted Xue Qingcheng, but there was no news back for a while.

My face changed, and then I sent a message to Lu Ge with the communication device. I found that the communication device's information could not be transmitted at all. I then took out an array compass, and I realized that the geomagnetism here is chaotic, and the information sent out naturally cannot be transmitted. Up.

"No need to try, we can't get in touch with the leader except to find it by ourselves. The boundaries here are chaotic and the communication can't be communicated. This also proves that the leader is still in there."

"It's better to be like this." Lu Ge's face was solemn, because even though he said that, he still couldn't rule out whether Xue Qingcheng was alive or dead.

"The sound of hurricanes is everywhere, and it's hard to catch any big fighting movement." Zhaoyun glanced at the surrounding swamp and said.

Lu Ge and I were also embarrassed by this place, but in an instant, I thought of a way, so I directly communicated with the toad under my feet: "You should know the overlord of this swamp, right? Find out, find him and we can find our own people."

Lu Ge clapped his hands and said with joy, "That's right!"

But soon Zhaoyun frowned and said, "It's possible that the leader would have eaten it..."

Lu Ge gave Zhaoyun a blank look: "You guy thinks too much! The head has always been invincible! Don't underestimate her!"

As a result, Zhaoyun stretched out his hand to lift Lu Ge, and said with a cold eye: "Don't be too naive!"

After all, it is the Seven Tribulations. Zhaoyun has his own arrogance. He would not be too happy to give a direct rebuke to the Six Tribulations. I immediately separated the two of them and said, "Don't waste time here."

Li Guxian was very decisive and communicated with the toad. Although it hesitated, he still decided to look for the whale. You must know that it is still quite dangerous for the wild beasts to suddenly enter each other's territory and will cause a big war, so be careful. Caution is also normal.

Unfortunately, what we didn't expect was that this toad also had a long history in this core area, and never found whales and Snow Allure in this large swamp, which immediately chilled our hearts.

"This...what's going on? Is it that only the formation is still operating, and the other elders including the Tiangangzong are all given it..." Zhao Yun said startledly.

Lu Ge also looked panic and muttered: "It's impossible... we can't be late..."

Lu Ge said that, in fact, I couldn't help but lose most of my heart. We were indeed late. It is very possible that Xue Qingcheng also followed in Sun Mochen's footsteps. I am not saved by both of them now, they are all late!

However, even if we were disappointed, this toad used practical actions to express its other insistence. Lu Ge and Zhaoyun, and I were almost disappointed while dragging it across the swamp. In the end, it was us. Unprepared, it jumped out of the swamp again and came to the rear of the swamp.

"Hey, there is no way that this swamp has too few footholds, and Big Brother Toad can't support it for too long." Lu Ge said pitifully, probably still feeling distressed that Xue Qingcheng is gone.

"If the head of Qingcheng is unfortunately killed, Xia Yitian, can I regard you as the head of the sky?" Zhao Yun has already asked one thing she really wants to ask.

I shook my head, and Lu Ge said for me: "Don't talk nonsense, how could the head of the boss die!?"

As a result, when the dispute was about to break out again, the toad leaped and we, who were condescending in the air, unexpectedly discovered that under the clouds far away, there were faint and quiet fires flashing everywhere. If it was in the local area, I am afraid it is already purgatory on earth, right?

"Could it be..." I looked forward in surprise, and Lu Ge also showed excitement, including Zhaoyun had nothing to say.

This toad jumped wildly quickly, and after several times, we were here on the battlefield decisively! But before landing, in the clouds and fog, I saw green lasers shooting everywhere, and just above the clouds, a huge black shadow was constantly hovering in the air and shooting laser beams! Blasted the ground out of a pothole!

And the countless immortal houses that were swept by the laser underground also ran away with the laser, all rushing back! It seems that the huge black shadow in the sky hidden in the clouds also noticed the arrival of the toad, and without hesitation, he sprayed a green laser beam towards the toad!

Toad was also furious because of the laser beam, opened its huge mouth, and sprayed a purple poisonous light toward the speed of light!


The beam of light hits, and the toad directly slammed the powerful beam back. We grasped the **** body on top of the toad’s head to stabilize the body, but in our eyes, we saw that the huge black shadow also swooped down at this time!

The huge whale head, the two fins are like the wings of an airplane, and the wide mouth is even more shocking than a toad! As for the tail fin, it is also a giant, the whole whale is as terrifying as a mountain! But it can easily fly in the air!

This green whale attacked from eight giant eyes. Each of these eyes was dark green. At this moment, it did not hesitate to shoot green light beams at the toad! It seems that when the wild beasts meet, it will directly cause war!

At the same time, on the back of the huge whale, there seemed to be a woman in purple clothes standing!

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