Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2660: : Home

"Wow, Sect Master Chen, your refuge is too straightforward, right?" I felt funny in my heart, the role of Chen Fa turned too fast.

"Elder Xia, this is also called knowledge of the current affairs in our family. Who do you want to do? It’s good to do things for the third head, but people go to higher places and water flows to lower places. Now Elder Xia’s There are three wild beasts in Tianyi, and it seems to be different from the past. Even the three heads are almost ready to carry shoes for you, not to mention Danyunmen. They are not even suitable for carrying shoes, so I Chen Fa and Elder Xia As said, as a person with dreams, of course you have to have your own ideas, don't you?" Chen Fa's quotations must also find the vocabulary I have said. It seems that he really intends to follow me to the dark.

"You guy, do you really plan to join Tianyi?" I shook my head. I was very speechless for such a three-surname domestic slave, but in places like Dahuang, it is indeed not strange, including me and Xue Qingcheng before. The Qingdimen still hold the idea of ​​annexing it. This is a survival choice determined by the weak and the strong. Even I can't even refuse this kind of survival mode, because I have promised any troubles and three heads, even if it is subjective consciousness. The concealment, but it is also equivalent to a compromise to the strong, and it is really not very different from Chen Fa, but I am not as blatant as his shameless.

"Of course, you see, brother, I have bullied you like this, and I want to be awe-inspiring, right?" Chen Fa said with a face.

This guy is simply a typical example of how to practice the laws of survival. When thinking about him, he was respectful to Zhao Ji before and when he was with Zhao Ji. Later, he did the same with the three heads. As for Zhang Yiyuan, I am afraid it would be worse without even thinking about it. Not much.

And looking back at the meeting to Jinxiandao, when Sun Mochen and I watched him, he didn't give him a good face, but this is also normal. The upper person has a good face to the people below? This is especially true in the wasteland.

"Chen Fa, you are indeed shameless enough. It is indispensable for you to do a little bit of work. But I have a rule. You can come in if you can. If you can't, hug the three-handed dog, lest I bear it. Can't help but interrupt." I smiled and said insidiously.

When Chen Fa heard that, instead of being surprised, he said happily, "This is natural! Marrying a chicken and a dog, a dog and a dog, has entered the sky. I promised Chen Fa that it is absolutely obedient, as long as Xia The great elder gave an order, from east to west, it is a one-sentence matter, and will never disagree."

I smiled, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "This is what you said. Join Tianyi this time. If you are not obedient, I will kill you. You should know the strength of Tianyi now."

Chen Fa nodded.

"Furthermore, when you enter Tianyi, apart from not betraying, you cannot do things that are detrimental to Tianyi's disciples and Tianyi. You must also put away your attitudes at Danyunmen. If you understand, you can come in. If you don't understand, think Make a decision if you understand." I said blankly.

Since Chen Fa has decided, he really didn't hesitate about any of my conditions, as if blurting out, "Elder Xia, don't worry, these conditions are all right!"

"Unlike other sects, I think it is necessary to establish a blood contract for you, hehe." I took out a blood contract from my sleeve and quickly listed the terms, Chen Fa suddenly looked pale. I was bitter, but it seemed that I didn't even dare to look back. After all, Xue Qingcheng was watching with open eyes while we were talking.

Chen Fa knew how powerful Xue Qingcheng was. At the beginning, Hancheng was able to beat people out of his head. He didn't even dare to talk to Xue Qingcheng. That was the aura.

"Come on, sign it." After I listed a bunch of terms, I asked Chen Fa to draw a bet in context, and then raised my hand to let the blood pact dissipate on the fly.

Chen Fa's heart is complicated, but his expression was excited, and he said, "Head, Elder Xia, then I...what position do I have in Tianyi?"

"When you come back from Danyunmen, you should take care of some of the disciples outside the temple of Sasa, first, start with the elder who is in charge of Sasa, don't you mind?" I said with a sincere expression on my face.

"Ah?" Chen Fa opened his mouth wide and didn't shook his head for a long time, but after all, he really forgot to ask for anything first!

"Is there an opinion?" Of course I knew he had an opinion, but it was difficult to look at him. This immediately scared him and shook his head anxiously: "No opinion! Of course there is no opinion. Everything comes first. Of course, Chen Fa knows this. Elder Xia, don't worry, leave the work of Elder Sasao to me!"

"If you have done meritorious service in the future, you will be promoted again." I chuckled, then waved his hand to let him retreat. When Chen Fa turned around, he was already crying and crying. I guess it would take a few years to get ahead.

"You are really cunning. Let Chen Fa sign a contract to sell him first, and then embarrass him. It's a dumb man who has eaten Huanglian. There is hardship to tell." Xue Qingcheng laughed.

"Hey, this is what he deserves. If he wants to get into the sky and reap the benefits, he must pay the price he deserves." I laughed.

In the chasing of Fengchi Electric Engine, time seems to have become much faster. Toad Daxian can track the smell of this magical baby fish, so it is not difficult to go to the big waterfall, including the other party hiding the treasure there. Can smell it, this is simply a guy who exists specifically for treasure hunting.

No wonder Li Guxian didn't pick anything else, and actually bought it under his command. It is estimated that he also learned its characteristics during the battle. If you go out for adventure in the future, it is not too cool to bring this toad. You may find treasures wherever you go.

Ten days later, we chased the baby fish that had long escaped without a trace, and came to the big waterfall that was invisible. This is the old nest of the legendary god-changing fish!

Looking at the endless waterfall, Xue Qingcheng and I once again shocked it, still remembering that when we came from Qingdizong with Yan Xiayue and other disciples, we also flew over here, but because our strength was too humble, so I didn't dare to get too close to the waterfall, but chose to fly over the river. Now I was sitting on the flying whale and looked at the deep pool under the waterfall, only to realize that the deep pool was as deep as nine abysses, and I couldn't see the bottom.

But even in the face of this unknown depth, Daxian Toad still didn't hesitate. After all, it was the enemy's lair who stole its things. It was necessary to hit the door, so it jumped into the abyss very decisively!

And the flying whale seemed to only wander on the lake abyss and didn't intend to go into the water at all. I glanced at Xue Qingcheng and saw that she was just looking at it leisurely, and I knew that she was reluctant to go down.

"Don't go down and take a look?" I asked, still worried that the toad immortal would suffer.

"Don't go, let this toad suffer a bit first, because this baby fish can't eat it anyway," Xue Qingcheng said.

I nodded in agreement, and it didn't take long for the waves below to roll over, and soon the big waves were overwhelming, and it seemed that the battle had already begun.

Above the flying whale, the disciples of Tianyiyi and Danyunmen all watched this scene in shock, and once again personally felt the battle between the eight calamities, and even in the Great Waterfall Lake, the destructive power of the two goods was also Quite amazing.

The big waterfall lake seems to have dug a piece for the baby fish. Two barren beasts fought at the bottom of the lake, but they rushed out from the cliff in the middle of the waterfall, biting each other in mid-air, and then falling into the water to cause huge waves. , This scene seems to have become a fight between the ancient beasts! The horror is spooky and wonderful!

After all, this baby fish is fighting at home. In addition to itself, I don’t know where it also found three Seven Tribulation Desolate Beasts as helpers. There are even some low-level desolate beasts in the dark. The toad immortal retreats knowing it's difficult!

No wonder Xue Qingcheng said that this baby fish is a descendant of the ancient Baize with spirituality. If it is to be replaced by other barren beasts, how does it know to find a helper to fight at home?

Because of distraction, he had to fight other little monsters. Toad quickly suffered a dark loss. Seeing that the situation was passive, Xue Qingcheng certainly would not sit idly by:

"Flying whale, help him."

The desolate beast is a desolate beast after all, even if it's a little trick, it's just a scheming one, after all, it depends on who is stronger!

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