Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2664: : Annexation

Of course, porters must be needed to collect treasures. I have never seen large-scale flying equipment in the ancient gods. It can be seen that after the war of calamity, the battleship mode popular in the five worlds is no longer universal here. There are immortal energy discs available in the world, but only vitality can be used here, without mineral extraction, it is impossible to produce such high-end things as immortal energy discs.

Therefore, the task of transporting large and heavyweight treasures was given to the three large beasts of the seven calamities that were just conquered. However, this still cannot carry the huge treasure of Toad Immortal. I estimate that these thousands of years have passed. Although the good and the bad things are uneven, they are not comparable to the amount brought by any previous seizures and transactions, and there are many precious materials. The small ones can refine magic weapons, and the large ones can even be used to build martial arts.

But even so, plus Tianyi's elites are not enough to complete this task. There is no doubt that the wawa fish has been separated so many times to carry it. It is not that it is overwhelmed. We can only secretly dispatch a lot of people to carry these materials.

Arranged everything to come to Danyunmen with confidence, of course Chen Fa was responsible for opening the way, but Chen Fa could not contact anyone along the way, and no one responded to him. This made us all surprised, even if it was. Xue Qingcheng, who had ignored me because of his anger, couldn't help but call me back to discuss the matter.

"What's the matter?" Xue Qingcheng asked Chen Fa.

Chen Fa was a little stunned, but quickly said, "I don't know. I can't connect with my confidants before. Could it be that Danyun Gate has been emptied?"

"It is impossible to evacuate, the tower cannot be moved, and the foundation cannot be demolished in a month or two. Moreover, if the foundation is refilled, the Danyun Gate may not be able to afford it." Xue Qingcheng said in a deep voice.

"But it’s better than paying for a sacred tower? Danyunmen has taken away so many materials to Tianyi during this period. It must not be able to afford the materials for a sacred tower. After we talked over there, I will The message was passed back, and after the station, Zhang Yiyuan had already begun to borrow from the merchant. He even sent an envoy to the third head. I personally appointed it..." Chen Fa muttered.

"Why didn't you listen to you?" I frowned.

"Even if you don't say it, you guessed it. Anyway, one Eight Tribulations Desolate Beast Danyun Gate is choking. You have three. If Zhang Yiyuan doesn't run for his life, he will die." Chen Fa said bitterly.

"Even the disciple can't get in touch. The problem is not that simple." I laughed.

Chen Fa nodded: "No? But I don't know what's going on, but I guess Zhang Yiyuan wants to avoid this disaster this time, either by negotiating with Emperor Cheng Qing, or borrowing from the third head. , But even if you borrow an eight-caliber immortal from the third head, I don’t think it's useful."

"That is from Emperor Cheng Qing's method." Xue Qingcheng said.

And just as we were talking, Sun Mochen flew over and said to us: "I have contacted the people in the market, but they are silent now and cannot pass the news to us, but at least one thing is certain. It’s waiting for us over there."

"Is there a trap?" I asked.

"It doesn't seem to be... There are three and eight-caliber desolate beasts, what kind of wonderland can trap us? Even if Emperor Cheng Qing comes, we can only use skillful energy." Sun Mochen said.

And just as the wild beasts continued to carry us fast forward, an aura quickly flew towards us, and Xue Qingcheng and I looked at each other, and we all saw something strange in each other's eyes.

"It seems to be Emperor Cheng Qing?" I frowned and said.

"It's him," Xue Qingcheng said, and the three Eight Tribulations Desolate Beasts were all agitated, as if they already wanted to kill the Seven Tribulations True Immortal that came suddenly.

But Xue Qingcheng didn't want to kill Emperor Cheng Qing. After all, there are three heads behind him. If we act unscrupulously, Jinxiandao will definitely treat us as uncontrolled lunatics.

Although we currently have three large-scale Eight Tribulations Desolate Beasts, it is not the time when we can be arrogant.

After a while, Emperor Cheng Qing came floating on a white cloud. As soon as he saw us, he immediately folded his hands and said with a smile: "The head of Qingcheng has not been seen for a long time, and the breath is better than before. It seems that there is another adventure, Xia Da The elders are also very energetic, which shows how good things happen when they come in."

"A good thing, you have to wait for Danyun Sect to offer compensation before it can be considered a good thing?" I looked at him up and down, but I didn't see anything wrong, and wondered what he thought.

Emperor Cheng Qing didn't answer directly, but took a look at our lineup, and immediately turned his gaze to Sun Mochen, and said, "Nephew Sun, it turns out that your luck is extraordinary and unscathed. That's really gratifying. "

"That's hard to say, do you know what psychological trauma is? Even if she has nothing on the surface, but the inner hurt is not a little bit, she should always ask for mental damage?" I sneered. Of course I know that Emperor Cheng Qing is talking about items. , Want to go wrong? no way.

When Emperor Cheng Qing listened, his eyelids jumped. He was not a polite person. He was given the title of old ghost Cheng. How insidious and cunning would he have the title?

"Hehe, Elder Xia was joking. It's the first time I heard about this compensation." Emperor Cheng Qing still cheesyly helped Danyunmen deny him. For him, the current Danyunmen is no different from his own.

"I have it now, and I will have it in the future, so head Cheng, don't hurt my heart at all, hehe." I smiled sinisterly, this rogue expression immediately made Sun Mochen laugh foolishly.

"Elder Xia is still always using Zhuji." When Emperor Cheng Qing saw Sun Mochen's smile, his face was inevitably dark. After all, whoever saw Sun Mochen's smile now, he would know which part she used to know that she now has no shadow in her psychology.

"You are always polite, and I don’t know why the head of Cheng came here this time? If I remember correctly, it should be the territory under Danyunmen? Head of Cheng came across the border, so I’m not afraid of being in the third head. Is it difficult to explain?" I asked knowingly.

"Haha, I am afraid that Head Xia has no idea about the recent news changes. In fact, Danyun Sect no longer exists. This is still instructed by the three heads. Previously, Zhang Yiyuan of Danyun Sect has written to the Golden Immortal Dao. Please resign. In addition to the position of the door, one of Danyunmen's qualifications was cancelled." Cheng Qingdi said.

Both Xue Qingcheng and I changed slightly, and Chen Fa was also a little surprised.

It seems that this one yuan has been concealed even by Chen Fa. The envoy was released on the front foot, and the Danyun Gate was abandoned by the back foot. It was indeed an excellent method.

"Danyunmen is gone?" My face was a little ugly, and there was a smile in Emperor Cheng Qing's eyes. This was not there since just now: "Yes, so I think the two are going to come here for nothing. Because Danyun Gate is already a part of Qingdi Gate."

Xue Qingcheng frowned slightly, and I suddenly laughed and said, "Since the Danyun Gate is over, the liquidation is enough, how can it be called for nothing? The shop is bankrupt and the debts must be liquidated to replace the boss. Should Cheng chief? You will feel that you don’t even need to liquidate your property if you change the shell?"

"You!" Cheng Qingdi's face was gloomy. He originally watched us deflate, but when I was a gangster, he suddenly had a sense of being a talented person when he met soldiers. It was unreasonable, so the mood to say hello to us was gone. .

If Qingdi can get to this point, it is of course impossible to speak in vain. Soon he took out a document that was densely covered with formations to protect these handwritings. Seeing his big hand, this document was shot. A lot of text.

"This is the seal of the three heads personally, so that Danyun Sect and my Qingdimen will become the same clerk from then on. You can not give me face, but why don't you have to fight the three heads in the face?" Cheng Qing The emperor said with a sneer, and then took out a less complicated document and sent it to Xue Qingcheng.

As a result, I didn’t even intend to let Xue Qingcheng get it. As soon as I stretched out my hand, I snatched it into my hand. Then I glanced at it and said, “Hehe, there should be some truth in it. This Danyun Gate is merged into the Azure Emperor Gate. Debt?"

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