Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2683: : Xianguo

Not only was Li Xiangru not angry, he smiled and said, "Head of Xia, what you said has a certain truth. In terms of strength, the old man is indeed not enough to fight against that side, but it may not be all controlled by them. , Otherwise, why should the old man come to head Xia to mention this?"

"It's a joke, you stand there to eat your benefits, and you want to come to me to get a share of the pie. The wishful thinking is so obvious. If I pierce it, it will be pierced. You can admit it generously. It’s so good-sounding? What do you need me to do, what do you want to do, what benefits can everyone get from it, just be blunt, why bother to make it so complicated?” I ridiculed Lee Sang-huo again. This guy has been that for years. A cheeky, no growth.

"Haha, the head of Xia is still so simple and rude, simply straightforward, then I, Li Xiangrui, will know that people don't talk secretly." When Li Xiangrui laughed, the muscle changes on his face were not rich. Obviously this was not a sincere smile. , It's just an embarrassing cover up, but I don't bother to pay attention to how this guy feels. If I should refute, I will stabbing a few more mercilessly. If it is designed, I will jump down for him without hesitation.

"Hurry up, I'm very busy." I waved my hand and said.

Li Xiangrui quickly said: "Heizi wants to use the matter of the immortal country, but I have a way to get the resources of this place, but of course I also need a helper, and what I need is the help of the Golden Immortal Road, and the head of Xia He and the Emperor are on the side of the Golden Immortal Dao on the bright side, so this matter becomes a matter of course."

"Well, what then? What kind of bargaining chip do you have that allows us to choose to cooperate with you instead of developing it ourselves." Although I guessed the affairs of Xianguo in my heart, but Li Sangyu was courageous enough, even Heizi, who is called a mentor by him, dare to deceive and design.

"Heizi has mastered some special information about the fairy country. If the righteous way is carried out according to his will, of course he will be able to get the greatest benefit in the fairy country in the battle between the two tigers, because the fairy country is not only a hidden treasure in the bright face. As a former first-class immortal gate, I heard that hidden treasures were hidden underneath, which caused the disaster of destruction." Li Xiangruo lowered his voice, as if he was really afraid that someone would hear it. On the soundproof barrier.

"Oh? There is such a thing? Hmph, Heizi has information on the fairyland, the true or false is still unknown, do you have a way to crack it?" I asked Li Xiangruo, but my eyes glanced at Chen Feng'er. Shen Ning was revealed.

Bring Chen Feng'er and listen to the conversation between us casually, but this Chen Feng'er just looked at Li Xiangrui scorchingly, as if not squinting. This is a bit scary, looks normal, but it is absolutely abnormal. What I don’t believe in the fact that young Ying and Lao Fengqi have the same branch. Li Xiangrui has a cleanliness addiction, can these women bear it? It is possible that Chen Feng'er had already lost his soul to Li Sang-yu. He was just a puppet at the moment, covering people's eyes.

Of course, it’s easy to make people a puppet, but Lee Sang-ruo is not a vulgar temperament. Even if he is a puppet, he will definitely not make people think he is a puppet. Instead, he will become a loyalty loyal to him. The dog has self-awareness, but blindly executes Li Xiangru's orders.

And this kind of thing, can refer to his control of Bailijue and Chen Taixian back then.

"The head of Xia is a wise man, and it seems that he has guessed some clues. I must have seen the head of Xia before. Chen Feng'er, in fact, her true identity belongs to a princess in the fairy country. The heirs have passed on for countless generations, but they have survived to this day, but these children have the conditions to covet the immortal kingdom's inheritance throughout their lives. Hehe, I am afraid Xia Sect will never think of it?" Li Xiangyi smiled, and then took this. Chen Feng'er had some withered hands.

There was a sweet smile on Chen Feng'er’s old face, as if he was immediately melted by Li Xiangru’s love. This scene is actually to tell me that Chen Feng'er has been completely controlled by him, but from the eyes of people outside, It was simply a demonstration of love, and many **** girls instantly ignited all kinds of flames in their hearts.

"I didn't expect that the ability to pick up treasures is really no one can match you. You also picked up the Ancient God Battleship back then." I frowned and said, but my heart was also full of nausea.

"Head Xia is absurd. Chen Feng'er is an indispensable part of this plan. I am afraid you know what I think now. It is to go to the fairyland before the right way and before Heizi to empty the treasures inside. Everyone takes half. I don't care how you divide your half. Our half must be paid in full. What do you think?" Li Xiangrui said with a big mouth.

A cold on my face, said: "Half? What a big appetite, you are not afraid that I will tell the secret to Heizi?"

"That can only be a chicken fly egg fight. Everyone acted according to the original plan. I didn't lose much, but your loss was a little immeasurable..." Li Xianglu smiled faintly.

I gritted my teeth. This Li Xiangrui got the key to the fairyland, Chen Feng'er, and has the ability to empty the treasures inside, but he really needs the help of me and Jinxiandao if he wants to enter the fairyland and empty the treasures through numerous obstacles.

Moreover, this guy is also used to eating alone, and it is normal to play without sunspots. After all, the more people there are, the less he can divide the spoils. This does not conform to his philosophy of greed.

Taking advantage of the right path to secretly evacuate the treasures of the immortal country, this very attractive plan has to say that it has already touched me, but the cooperation with Li Sang-nu made me feel like swallowing flies.

But the blow to Zheng Dao by Qibing's effectiveness is also huge. Xian Country has lost its appeal. Then Zheng Dao is still willing to spend a lot of effort to help the sunspot achieve his goal and occupy this territory? I think it’s very mysterious. As long as the Golden Immortal Dao or other evil Dao are assigned to the treasure, and then I can help me, then the right path will not be pushed forward.

"Will the Tiangangzong allow you to execute this food alone?" I asked.

Li Xiangrui smiled and said, "I won't bother Xia's head on this point. The old man has his own way to solve this. Xia's head only needs to pull the fairy house that can empty the treasure. No matter who it is, no matter which force it is, I will do the same. I won’t bother."

"Huh, I'm very confident, so what proof do you have that Chen Feng'er can crack the wealth channel of the Immortal Kingdom? Let us get the treasure inside without too much loss?" I snorted.

"Here is a jade card that records half of the map of the fairyland. If it is the head of Xia, I believe there will be a way to find people who have entered the fairyland. Just show it to the other party, or Xia Xian's family still doesn't believe it. , Then go and see for yourself, but I don’t recommend this, because this time, I’m afraid the right way has been advanced here, and our plan will also be aborted.” Li Xianglu said, putting a piece of purple jade The card was thrown into my hand.

I took it and read it, and it turned out that half of the rudimentary map appeared inside. Although I don't know the true or false, but I want to come to Li Xiangruo who is not sure that people who have entered the fairyland will not give this thing to me.

As for the person who has entered the fairyland now, I happen to know one person, and that is the current leader of the Golden Immortal Dao! He is the fairy family who has entered the fairy country and returned, and created the Golden Immortal Dao! It is most suitable for him to verify the authenticity of the map.

"Very well, I will be able to show this jade card to people who have entered the fairyland soon. This is not difficult, but Heizi, I am afraid that he will also do something, right?" I was still cautious. After all, I was in contact with Li Sangrui. There is no doubt that it is to seek the skin of a tiger, where can it go easily and happily?

"It depends on how Head Xia solved it by himself. I provided the technology and you provided the talents. This is fair. If you want to avoid these worries, why not start early and get some fellow daoists to help?" Li Xiangru still said nothing. Feng Qing's expression is very unbeatable.

My face was gloomy, and I said, "I will do my best, and you will only give us half of it. I wonder if the end of the food alone will be terrible?"

"Haha, Head Xia has been worrying about the old man." Li Xianglu smiled.

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