Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2706: : Hidden

"Boss! What to do? There are ghosts before and after!" The youngest face was pale and scary, and Mu Zhongping seemed to be used to such big scenes, and said: "You can only go forward, or you can hit the boat."

The third cunning went to cunning, but he understood the choice when he was forced to the end, and immediately rushed forward with a group of old guys. When Zhengdao saw this situation, he also knew the choice. Ye Yunqiu said quite well: "I use sword song, you guys. Guardian, I will open a passage in front of you when the time comes, and everyone rushes forward!

"Okay! Fellow Daoist Ye and you need to be careful!" Claiming Quan immediately agreed. After all, amplifying the move is the most detrimental to the strength. Someone takes the lead, and no one will object.

Including Wei Guangyu, at this time there was no longer any grudge against Ye Yunqiu, and his Taoist companions surrounded Ye Yunqiu's left and right, and released small swords to attack the group of ghosts that rushed over.

For a time, everyone had all their magic weapons, and a wave of ghosts rushing over quickly fell. After all, the strength of the Eight Tribulations True Immortal is still overwhelming, and it is not difficult to harvest at all. Now just wait for Ye Yunqiu to chant the scope sword Song, there will be gaps in the entire encirclement net.

And at this time, Mu Zhongping still didn't make a move. He glanced around and said to the third child: "The third child, you take someone to a position to the left. Following their righteous path, we also opened a gap. ."

The third child understood something, and brought a few old guys onto the court. I frowned, and couldn't help but voice transmission and said: "The big master controls so many ghosts at once, is it troublesome?"

"Hey, don't you think I'm the man behind the scenes?" Muzhong Pingyin smiled sadly, half of my heart was certain, and I could only bite the bullet and said: "Is it right? The big head hasn't made any moves yet. , Didn’t they all manipulate ghosts?"

"Oh? Why do you see it?" Mu Zhongping had a smile in his eyes.

"Now we are the only one who hasn't lost, but there are two Eight Tribulations True Immortals on the right side. This is very strange in itself." I affirmed, seeing that he still doesn't deny it, I sneered: " Since it's the big boss, or else just go ahead and get rid of the right path here, so that we don't worry about it."

"The ancient country sky, the red bird flew, burned all over the sky, but did not return, the dragon gate zenith tilted the sword pot, Hua Guang speed appeared a thousand swords! Ten thousand swords! Thousands of swords are inviting!" And at this moment, Ye Yunqiu quickly flashed his sword. , And then the sky suddenly changed color, the originally dark sky instantly burned red, and then a red black bird fell from the sky, and when it flew over the ground, it splashed all the ground with flames. The fire burned a large area ahead. All, as the sword song said, there is the spirit of the red bird burning heaven!

Countless fierce ghosts screamed sharply in the flames. One can imagine the power of this sword, and this is not over yet. When the mysterious bird flew by and lingered, Ye Yunqiu flew up. In the air, I knocked down a sword pot that seemed to be on the top of the dragon gate, and the next moment, countless huge flying swords were like lasers, banging, banging straight to the ground, and each shot brought a one-sided blow. All put out the flames on the spot! This power is simply earth-shattering!

Seeing the mouthful of the deep pit, and the ghost smoke in the deep pit disappearing, I have to admire this ten thousand swordsmen. Just the power of dealing with ghosts is worthy of the name of the right way! Of course, this sword also depends on who will cast it. This Ye Yunqiu's sword is actually a top-grade magic sword weapon. Even if you look at all the Eight Tribulations True Immortals here, you can't find a second one!

"What a domineering power! It is worthy of being the superior sword song Qianjian of Wan Jianmen!" Suo Quan couldn't help saying.

A group of righteous ways are all attached to Lianlian, even Wei Guangyu also has a ray of surprise in his eyes. After all, compared with personal spells, the other party is indeed stronger, and Ye Yunqiu also showed his own demeanor and immediately signaled everyone to rush out. Ghost place.

After all, the evil way is a little bit worse, it’s not an upright spell, and it’s not a little bit worse than the right way in dealing with ghosts. Seeing the right way group of people disappearing on the path that a pile of deep pits smashed out, the youngest couldn’t help asking. : "Boss, we can't break through, do you want to borrow it?"

"Huh, something worthless." Mu Zhongping snorted coldly, but he quickly compromised and said, "By way!"

"The boss just said he opened the way." The third child was also depressed. It's not that everyone is not powerful enough, but that they are not as willing as the right way. They are all great magic skills. Who can keep up with this rhythm?

And even though this evil way seems to be united, it's a far cry from the temporary life of the right way when it is dangerous. The evil way first thinks of protecting oneself, so it is easy to have the desire to escape.

"Bullshit, don't I believe you? It turned out to be stupid, okay, follow the route they have taken." Mu Zhongping frowned and said, the youngest can only fly away honestly.

As a result, before I could move my footwork, there was a loud bang in front of me, and there was another explosion on the right side!

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but stop. We quickly looked over, but Mu Zhongping had already said, "What's so beautiful, a puppet exploded."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and flew over. Wei Guangyu suddenly stopped, and looked at us vigilantly. Finally, he stopped his gaze on Mu Zhongping's body: "The dead are ours. But you are sitting back and enjoying what you are doing. Wouldn't the ghost cultivation be among you?"

"What is Daoist Wei doing sourly? This life and death depends on fate and wealth, can I really pit you? Killing you all, what good will it do for me?" Mu Zhongping took the people and moved on, completely ignored Wei Guangyu.

And just as Mu Zhongping was about to step over Wei Guangyu's side, suddenly Wei Guangyu drew out his long sword with a choke, and instantly swept towards Mu Zhongping!

This sudden shot surprised all of us, but I didn't dare to do it, but Wei Guangyu did it for me. My heart is also very dark and the two people are fighting each other, but now is not the time. That's it.

There is no contradiction in the two ways of joint treasure hunting. It is impossible.

And the moment Wei Guangyu took out the sword, Mu Zhongping also retreated like a ghost and escaped the sword, but Wei Guangyu didn't intend to stop there. He attacked dozens of swords in an instant, and directly forced Mu Zhongping back. Surrounded by fierce ghosts!

Even if the city mansion was deep enough, Mu Zhongping would force Wei Guangyu a little hairy, and said, "Does fellow Wei Daoist want to provoke the dispute between us?"

"One-on-one, I can only trust you! Others have done it, only you!" Wei Guangyu's position is clear.

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Wei, please don't praise the old man too much. When the painting boat approaches, you really can't escape." Mu Zhongping smiled sinisterly.

"Friend Daoist, let's go, it's important to find the way for the elders." Ye Yunqiu said quickly.

"Husband, stop fighting, everyone will be at a disadvantage in this battle." Chen Weishu also followed.

I don’t know if Dao Lu’s call reminded him, or Ye Yunqiu’s prompt had an effect. Wei Guangyu let out a cold snort, and then he leaped a few feet and slanted back along the road. This was the route he had just forced to follow Mu Zhongping. .

At this time, the painted boat is already looming in the darkness, and with the protection of a group of fierce ghosts, there is a great illusion of an army, which really shocks people.

Mu Zhongping was also quite depressed, but he did not show any unhappiness. He soon chased us, and continued to command everyone: "You all release your substitutes and all kinds of puppets that can seduce the thunder. , This should be the periphery of the big formation, don't get here to catch up with the enemy."

"There should be thunder everywhere in front of you? Why don't Mu Dao friends come and let everyone clear their doubts?" Ye Yunqiu suddenly sneered.

Mu Zhongping squinted his eyes, and quickly took out a map: "It seems that the old man wants to hide more mana to the back, and now he can't use it anymore, but there is no old man behind, I am afraid you will all regret."

Ye Yunqiu was eagerly waiting, and those of us were also so skeptical, after all, this was Mu Zhongping's first shot.

"Huh!" Mu Zhongping threw the formation map, immediately shouted, and then the ten fingers of both hands quickly connected, and countless black lights flew out of the formation map and blasted forward!

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