Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2716: : Sigh

"You kid, you just speak nicely. I really don't know how to describe you better. How wise or suspicious." I laughed.

Nu Nu showed a look of confusion, and then said: "Nu Nu don't understand, doesn't the son like Nu Nu to tell the truth?"

"Of course I like it." I laughed dumbly, and Nu Nu followed with a slight smile, and said: "What Nu Nu is telling the truth."

"Well, since you want to tell the truth in front of me, then I ask you, do you want to leave the kingdom of immortality, leave the control of all ghosts, gain your own place in the world, become a ghost, and step into the road of cultivation?" I laughed.

"I don't want to, since Slave is a slave bought by the son, he will be a slave of the son for life, and he will follow the son in the future. Wherever the son goes, the slave will go." Slave said in a daze, with a sincere expression.

"Haha..." I couldn't help but amused the child again. I did say that ten of the ten sentences are lie. The ancestor of the Tong family is definitely not a lie. This child is too likable, and he doesn't need his eyes to tell lies. Blink, as if what was born to say is the truth, or the truth that others like to hear.

"Why the son is laughing? Don't you believe what Nu Nu said?" Nu Nu asked me aggrievedly. With her peerless appearance, it will really make all men feel heartbroken. I actually make such a good little girl feel I was wronged.

"Believe, but I don’t need you to follow me forever, and to buy you, it may not be to let you be my slave for life. Every creature has the inevitability of its own survival and existence, as well as their own destiny. Their destiny is just the beginning of my destiny. Putting them back into the world is also the inevitable destiny of my destiny. As for their future destiny, as long as it is better than before, it is enough for me." I laughed Tao.

Nu Nu stunned, and then said: "Why did the son say this? That is the word of the saint, does the son really want to do this?"

"I'm not a saint, but the Buddha didn't say: There is nothing, where can you get the dust? If I save you not to let the dust get on your body, but to land together by the dust, when we are no longer threatened by the wind and land in a group, There will inevitably be no more to stay together. You can walk on your Yangguan Road, and I can cross my single-plank bridge. I no longer need you, nor do you need to serve me anymore. This is actually freedom." I laughed laugh.

"My son, I don't understand." Nu Nu had an idiotic expression.

I know she understands, but I have never believed it. I picked up the carved soul urn and said, "I don’t understand, it’s nothing. I have a second option, which is to put you in the soul urn. Let you be my right and left hand, serve me forever, let you go east, you can’t go west, let you go west, even if it’s hell, you will go honestly, believe you will be willing too?”

"Ah? The son is going to put me in this bottle?" Nunu said with a bit of grievance, my words changed completely, and she couldn't help showing disappointment.

"Yes, because you didn't choose the first one, so I gave you the second option. This option is obviously the worst, and the worst often represents the truth, doesn't it?" I laughed.

Nunu's hand in his sleeve moved visibly, and it seemed that the trick of toasting and not eating fine wine had brought her emotional relaxation.

Turning over the living Buddha, covering the devil, this is my personal customization for her.

Slave shook his head, two lines of tears flowed down, and cried: "If the son is willing to bully the slave like this, the slave will be bullied by the son, but please don't be too cruel to the slave... okay?"

"Well, I won't play you badly, so you can rest assured, just put you in a bottle, carry it with you, play it at the right time, and occasionally ravage it." I said evilly.

Nu Nu paled with fright, and had already entered the wolf's den, but still gritted his teeth and resisted: "Master, can Nu Nu still make the first choice?"

I smiled swiftly, and said: "I like the way you are imperturbable and weak. If you were quicker before and decided to choose the first one, then I wouldn't mind letting you choose, but now... I see you. Looks like, I have already decided your fate for you, so I will be my forbidden from now on.

"Huh?" Nunu almost fainted from fear when he almost didn't give me a word, and finally showed a touch of determination in his eyes, and said angrily: "You are all the same evil immortal, you want to treat Nunu as ants and pets! Pretending to be kind! It looks like! But how can the slave be willing to let you control it! If you die here, it won't let you succeed!"

I smiled in my heart. This is the real her. It is estimated that the old monster cannot be deceived. When she wants to fight dangerously, she has not recruited this trick. It is not new. It will indeed scream some big ghosts and immortals. There is really nothing to do with her, after all, after letting go of her, no one can prevent her from exploding or harming herself.

But it’s too easy for me as a ghost and immortal to control her. When she was about to harm herself, I directly controlled her with ghost control, and then quickly and forcefully incorporated her into the soul urn, unilaterally Concluding a contract is not difficult for me at all. In addition, after studying the soul urns of the three brothers, I also learned another way to control ghosts with soul urns. It just happens to be a way to put slaves into the soul. Urn.

She really struggled very hard, and the seven calamities forcibly controlled the seven calamities, it also consumed a lot of vitality, remove the collar, and then break the blood contract, this little girl does not look at the little one, but it is too powerful , I am afraid that the second child of the three brothers may not be able to win her. Of course, in the face of the natural superiority of the ghost control, the slave really does not have the ability to attack or resist.

Of course, what kind of trick is really used, I am afraid that it is the old monster of the Eight Tribulations, and it may not be able to win her.

When I summoned Nu Nu to come out again, she already had a touch of depression on her face. I smiled and said in amusement: "Nu Nu, how do you feel in your soul urn?"

"Nu Nu...it's very bad, can the son let me out? The son no longer dare to disobey the son, the slave will be very obedient, even if it is to give the son a massage, give the son tea and water, the slave is also Will do it seriously, please don't bully slave slaves like this, okay? No one has ever treated slave slaves so rudely..." Slave once again used her own killer move, she knew her advantage. , And behind this advantage, there is actually a sharp knife hidden. It seems that if I want to put her into battle for a period of time, I am afraid that she will be guilty and will not expose the real sharp knife.

"I'll be the first to do this. You will be my slave in the future. Be obedient, otherwise..." I gave a vicious smile, showing my red mouth and white teeth, which immediately frightened the slave. Step back timidly.

It is estimated that the gap between before and after is too large, and she does not know how to deal with it, so she can only become cute and pitiful again.

I laughed, and I should teach this deceptive little girl a lesson.

Of course, if you want to be really ravaged and treat her as forbidden, it's just me. The fact is to influence her in the process. After all, the child's lies have long become her own protective color, unless she can see the real Reality, otherwise it would be impossible to convince her by words.

"Nu Nu will definitely be obedient!" Nu Nu's face paled with fright, because the three brothers had already looked over curiously, looking at her, the fourth ghost who will partner with them.

"Master, you won't let this little liar work with us?" The boss said curiously.

"The master doesn't know. When she was locked in the cage, she shouted for help. She had never seen a ghost as weak as her." The second child said dissatisfied.

"Hmm..." The old third nodded, not having a good impression of her.

I smiled, trying to touch Nunu's head, but I stepped back and avoided her: "My son, they wronged Nunu... Nunu didn't do that."

"Look, Master, the one who is screaming is a little liar. You can't lie to her. For such a ghost, you should give her a whip to make her obedient." The boss was dissatisfied with the slave's tone. In my mind, the seven tribulations are the seven tribulations, there is no distinction between adults and children.

Raising ghosts is also a technical job, especially when taking care of the team’s mood. If one doesn’t handle it well, the team will get into trouble. I know this well, so I said: “As a whole, let’s tolerate each other and wait until the battlefield. , I'm afraid it will be too late."

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