Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2720: : Occupation

After he got the jade card, Tong Laogui glanced, his face changed suddenly, but he still said, "Oh, since Ju Gongzi gave the card to the old man, it is definitely reasonable at this time. We need to sit down. Come down and talk about it, and see how much compensation is planned? Home-related matters are mostly trivial matters."

I immediately despised the old Tonggui in my heart. This old man played a wishful thinking. The subtle expression just now thought I could not catch it or what? If you really want to stay as he said, you are afraid that you will end up immediately.

"Senior Tong Lao don't want to joke, how can I leave you with my tender arms to take care of my life? The identity card is given to you, and this can't be wrong. You can go to a home. I won't be able to Stayed." I said grinning.

The old ghost boy's face turned gloomy, and he said, "Master Ju, then no wonder the old man left you behind!"

I chuckled and said, "Then it's up to Elder Tong to keep the kid."

Tong Laogui grunted and grabbed it with a big hand, and a sharp black claw was scratched at me!

I disappeared to the back in an instant, and the boss roared, and the shield moved forward with one hand. The shield suddenly emitted a black light, expanding the surrounding into a wall!

I only heard a loud bang, and the surrounding atmosphere was shaken, but the boss still stood in the air without any problems!

At this time, the youngest had reached out his hand and stroked the sword pouch without half of the arrow with an inconsistent graceful posture. He actually pulled out three silk-like arrows, and shot them out at this moment. !

chant! chant! chant!

The three arrows were as thin as a cow's hair, but they went against the common sense of physics and made a terrifying sound of breaking wind, and suddenly they arrived in front of Tong Laogui!

Tong Laogui's face changed again, swiping his big hand, and suddenly a ghost claw was like a shield to block the three arrows, but the result was unexpected, with three beeps, the arrows actually passed through and towards Tong Laogui pierced over!

But Tong Laogui is an incompetent old ghost at the peak of the Eight Tribulations. When the ghost claws resisted, his body was already leaning toward another place, so all the three bullheaded arrows were empty!

"Ghost Arrow! Hmph, I don't think there is such a baby! Lao Mo really didn't lie to me." Tong Laogui said in amazement.

In the face of this kind of compliment, the youngest didn’t feel the slightest arrogance. Instead, he tightened his eyebrows. It seemed that he couldn’t shoot his opponent. That was what he cared about the most. Then, he quickly swiped his sword. Bag, suddenly pulled out several ghost-killing arrows!

I was pleasantly surprised that the treasures on the third child were no less than those of the second child. His three sword bags were of different colors, and each of them was an independent treasure, but there were three sets of white arrows for killing the fairy. The black ghost-killing arrow and the red monster-killing arrow cover almost all possible enemies. They are definitely targeted weapons prepared to snipe the boss!

When the old third drew the ghost-killing arrow again, Tong old ghost had already attacked again, this time he planned to attack the old third as the main target!

However, under the blessing of my blood suit, the defensive power played by the boss is really good. He can resist any attack by the boy and old ghost without losing the wind. After the defense, the one-handed sword in his hand can also effectively counterattack, absolutely. The mainstay of the entire formation!

Just by relying on the boss and second child, you will be unbeaten! It seems that the boss said, "The Nine Tribulations can be battled", by no means a momentary bragging!

The second child was not idle either. He was an important part of the entire battle tower. He was covered with magic weapons and wore black light armor. He quickly moved around. After the boss defended the enemy, he immediately intervened with two spears. And every time he attacks, the youngest behind will immediately shoot out a tricky and pungent ghost-killing arrow, attacking the old ghost like a cold spear!

It is also the exaggeration of Tong Laogui's attack and defense methods, otherwise it is replaced with the ordinary Eight Tribulations, I am afraid that two or three encounters will have to be shot by Leng Arrow!

I have observed that most of the time the second child’s attack on the single body is to play fast after intervening, sometimes he changes spears, sometimes he changes halberds, sometimes small swords and throwing knives, they all work. A wise elder! Only then did I discover that his light armor itself is a set of complex and changeable weapon armor, because the edge of the light armor is made up of flying knives. As for the small sword, it is attached to his guard, as long as the hand is crossed. , You can pull it out!

And he is constantly changing, and the purpose of attacking as he pleases is to make Tong Laogui's movements stiff even for a moment, and then the third child’s ghost-killing arrow will catch up in an instant, and he intends to make up for the stiff movement of the pursuit, which makes Tong The old ghost is very depressed and almost irresistible!


The two arrows chased each other and immediately broke Tong Laogui’s defense. The ghost-killing arrow hit the corner of Tong Laogui’s sleeve that was too late to withdraw, and just by touching it, the special effect of the ghost-killing arrow appeared. The black fierce fire burned quickly, so that Tong Laogui could only save himself by breaking his sleeve and bare his muscular arms!

If we continue to fight like this, Tong Laogui will obviously be defeated!

Nu Nu stared blankly at the performance of the three brothers in front of him, and seemed to be astonished and shocked by the performance of the three of them. I saw this expression in my eyes. Of course, I knew that the little girl could understand it. Understanding it means mastering this. Means of attack, so Nunu must not be as simple as imagined!

The boss defended the opponent's two big attacks. After the second invaded, he immediately carried out a charged defense again, and quickly deceived the boy and the old ghost. This is definitely a master of combat. He knows the defense of the boy and old ghost. Has been broken, and fell into a siege made by his own brother, so he rushed forward unscrupulously!

Even I can see that Tong Laogui is dead this time!

"Okay... so amazing..." Nu Nu murmured in a low voice, but only Tong Laogui, of course the matter would be over like this, but it happened that the old woman and several Hetongs who guarded the treasures in the inner hall soon The Old Ghost has a deal Ye Yunqiu's Eight Tribulations Old Ghost is here too!

With the addition of Tong Lao Gui, the number of ghosts in the Eight Tribulations has increased to six!

But I didn't see any fear from the three brothers, and even roared, and planned to kill Tong Laogui first, with the intention of controlling the battle to a three-on-five situation!

Looking at the power of these three brothers, there is indeed a kind of hearty pleasure, that disheveled, ferocious aura is definitely a kind of oppression and intimidation of the enemy, no one will doubt their strength!

Nunu clasped her small hands tightly, and seemed to be infected by this momentum. She wanted to move forward at some time, but she was very smart. She knew that she wanted to be attacked by the three brothers who are impervious to air and water. To cooperate, you need complete and systematic observation, otherwise even joining them will become a burden!

I didn't summon Zi, but also because there was no need to cross the bar, these three brothers showed a strong ability to besieged and attacked.

And the key is that they are armed to their teeth, whether they are weapons or armors, they are all specially made, which is equivalent to one person carrying three or four magic weapons. They are not ordinary ghosts of the seven calamities, no wonder even the old ghost has to They are packaged and sold, because they may not be useful for others, and they can’t be sold for a good price if they are sold alone. Just as I raised Jiang Han and Song Wanyi back then, I tailored the treasures to them!

Therefore, the attack of the three brothers was smooth and flowing, as if there was nothing wrong with it! Coupled with the full-angle and no dead-angle coordination of the far, middle and near sides, these three brothers are simply works of art in battle! I'm afraid I can use the same cooperation as Jiang Han, Xijun, and Song Wanyi to fight against, and I won't be able to get the slightest cheap!

Jiang Han is a pure guard, with more than defense and destined to not attack. Xijun is too strong, invincible against Shan, and his performance is eye-catching, but he is the most difficult to cooperate. Song Wanyi is the brain of a mage, with great range and power, but it is destined to need Long chanting.

Therefore, this combination against the upper three brothers, if it is of the same strength, I am afraid that a face-to-face will break the whole line. Of course, I don’t use the combination of three ghosts often, but I can add Liu Xiaomiao and Xijun to attack. Containment, the outcome is naturally different, of course, four on three means that it is not fair!

This is the difference between professional combat teams and amateur top teams!

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