Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2730: : Eternal Silence

"The right way strikes at dissidents, and it has always left no room for it. There is nothing wrong with this. Even if you didn't do it, others will do it." I sneered.

Fan Tiansheng was very satisfied with my answer, drank tea, and said after a long time: "Yes, but when I heard that I was going to assassinate Zi Qingyun, I still couldn't help but feel depressed because she also spared my life and wanted Knowing that if I fell into the hands of other immortals, I would have been wiped out for a long time. This is equivalent to letting me kill my savior..."

I couldn't help holding a silent sneer, and followed him in silence for a long time before saying first: "It was not the white-eyed wolf who killed Zi Qingyun, so why pretend to be ashamed? But you don't have to be sad, Li Xiangrui and Li Daozun next to you , Also like you, one side is the most good, the other side is the most hypocritical, both are demons who put righteousness on their bodies. So, if things are gathered together in groups, how can it be a hit? Right?"

"You!" Li Xiangrui was a little annoyed. After all, it's the same thing to do by yourself. If you tell it to others, the face is ugly. It doesn't matter who is in front of him, it is a matter of face.

"Haha..." Fan Tiansheng laughed and said, "You kid always talks like this?"

"Oh, that's not true. It's just that when dealing with certain people, you don't need to be so polite. People do something and don't do something. If you are a person, you can't even hold the bottom line, so it's no wonder that others are accusing it? Said gloomily.

Fan Tiansheng smiled and said, “I don’t know how ghost cultivation works among you survivors before the Tribulation. The ghost cultivation of Linye Kingdom is not a good thing, although it cannot be concluded by one word and one person, but Enough to attract righteous crossings, and even use it as an excuse... They behaved ghastly, cruel and cold, some refining children into ghosts, and restarting the blood formation, using the human immortal body as an attack The source of the robbery, of course, they also have laws to stop such things in the night country, but when an immortal country is big enough, the law can't reach places, and what's more, the ghost cultivation in the immortal country has At that time, I was worried that this Congress would punish them, so I stretched out my hand to other surrounding forces, which also included the Holy Way."

"Ghost Dao has always been like this, so the Sacred Dao Sect can accommodate such things?" Li Xiangrui finally caught the opportunity to tell justice, I looked back coldly, and Fan Tiansheng continued: "Maybe this is also the reason why the war finally broke out. This time and again, the hatred gets deeper and deeper. In the end, no one can find out where the war started, and who should end up first."

When there are foreign enemies, the whole country is united like a fist, but once the country is destroyed at night, how can the righteous way last? Everyone knows this truth. It is estimated that the assassination of Zi Qingyun will lead to the immediate destruction of the Ye Kingdom. I am afraid that the Holy Taoism is unexpected, right?

Fan Tiansheng continued to smile bitterly: "As the first disciple of the Sect of the Holy Dao Sect at the time, how could I escape on the fly? Even if I knew I was going to assassinate the benefactor, in the face of justice, personally. There is no way to take care of it. If I refuse, I will eventually be blamed by all the disciples of the school, and even be expelled from the teacher's door and become a bereaved dog..."

"Although no matter which path you choose, you are an abandoned son and a dog of the bereavement, but in the end you lost your humanity." I feel so happy about the ending, perhaps because I can't accept the assassination of the benefactor.

"Yes, humanity, I was lost before the assassination that year. I told so many lies that I had never told in my entire life, and did all the ignorant things that would add up all my life, just to get close to the night emperor. Zi Qingyun finally assassinated her when she was practicing in retreat at the top of the tower." Fan Tiansheng did not elaborate on this matter after all, perhaps because he still feels shameless, perhaps because he doesn't want to recall it.

"Hehe, wouldn't it be the same as Li Daozun's, relying on the face hung on the head, deceived Zi Qingyun's trust, and finally approached her and entered the retreat pagoda to assassinate successfully?" I guessed strangely. .

Fan Tiansheng did not refute, but said: "Perhaps there are some reasons, but even if I think, Zi Qingyun will not be such a person, but the right way lied to discuss and the enmity of many years, sent me as an envoy, enter The imperial city of the fairy kingdom, and in the middle of the negotiation, he won the trust of Zi Qingyun, and finally completed the task of assassination... Hehe, I don’t know why, Zi Qingyun’s feelings for me should be very subtle, if I leave, I I still don’t know why... Maybe it’s because I have never talked about any woman, maybe I’m just a wooden bump, stupid... At that time, she sometimes looked at me blankly, or sometimes invited me to go. Garden Shengjing talked about the future of state affairs..."

"Happiness for one life, sorrow for several generations, it's ridiculous that I can't help but my life... The mountains and rivers hand over, the world is eternal, how can I make this gentleman smile." I muttered these two words, and then asked: "This one When did the words on Eternal Silence Sorrow be carved up?"

"Half is the inscription she wrote on herself by borrowing my sword earlier, and half is the last I added after she died." Fan Tiansheng raised his head and sighed lightly.

"Which half? No matter which half, it seems that it is not very harmonious." I took out a half of mourning, but put it on the stage: "But this sentence?"

"No, only half of this paragraph was added by me..." Fan Tiansheng shook his head.

"How to add it? Is it a lifetime of joy and grief for a few lifetimes?" I was a little curious, and I couldn't explain it.

"'Sorrow, I can't help my life'... She wrote it, including'Eternal Silence, how can I make this monarch smile", also." Fan Tiansheng stroked the words on the mourning with his hand.

In this way, the whole sentence is finally not so abrupt, because Zi Qingyun was not dead at the time, how could his mood be like this, and adding it afterwards is indeed reasonable.

In addition, once the treasures are rune-formed, most of them will be stronger than when they were forged. There will never be too many weapons that can move this eternal mourning. Therefore, it is normal to borrow Fan Tiansheng’s holy way. The position was so good that he could borrow weapons. I have to say that the relationship was good. Maybe Zi Qingyun had already fallen in love with Fan Tiansheng at that time.

It's just that she might not have thought that in the end, the pole of the holy way would cut off the eternal sorrow and at the same time killed her.

Two sentences bring a lot of readable stories. The emotions of these two people are extremely complicated. Why would Zi Qingyun engrave these two sentences at this time? Fan Tiansheng was by her side at the time, and Fan Tiansheng added the latter words with the ultimate of the holy way after both of them died. The complexity of the mood is probably no less than that of Zi Qingyun.

But Fan Tiansheng does not understand, who can understand why everything started? I am afraid that only the sober Zi is now.

"What happened after Zi Qingyun's death? What is the relationship between Zi Qingyun and Zi Nu?" I asked curiously.

"As the key to Linye Kingdom's control of innate ghost energy, Eternal Silence is the same as the existence of the ultimate holy way. When I cut it off, the ghost energy remaining in the ghost stone is released, and the sky thunders the ground fire. , The ghost spirit in the whole underground broke out out of control. Zi Qingyun couldn’t control it, including me, couldn’t even escape. In the end, we both died in the imperial city, and before she died, she wanted to take herself Splitting the two strands of remnant souls, invading the disconnected eternal silence and mourning, hoping to merge and carry the two-part treasures, and control the explosion of ghosts, but the result is obviously futile. A strand of remnant soul becomes in grief You are now the ghost of the ghost wand. After hundreds of years, a ray of remnant soul was rescued by me who had been awakened as a ghost and became the current Zi slave... The night country became a ghost country overnight..." Fan Tiansheng Sighed.

I took a breath of air-conditioning. I never thought that the demise of the fairyland would be an accident caused by cutting off the mourning of Eternal Silence. I did not expect that Zi Slave was hidden in the ghost stone "Eternal Silence". A wisp of the remnant soul of Ziqing Yun, and Fan Tiansheng would doting and raising Zi slaves, it also makes sense.

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