Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2737: : Reversible

I don’t know if Fan Tiansheng has already implemented the array of eyes, and several beams of light are shooting towards the bottom, making the whole circular “pot” more light, which looks quite gorgeous, but this should soon fill the ghost spirit. I don't like the place very much, so after a few glances, I am not interested.

And because I came out from another position, it made me pay attention to a place that looked like a high platform. Near the high platform, there were several old folks of Mu Zhongping floating, including the three heads who were near the round platform. As for Mu Zhongping himself, he is meditating on the high platform now, and there are many magic weapons placed beside him.

I floated over, but Sun Zanlin, the third head, came to me and stopped me and said, "Xia Yitian, each has its own tasks. This is not where you should come."

Sun Zanlin's unceremonious behavior didn't make me feel irritated, because as long as I want to go in, no one can stop me here.

But seeing that I was still planning to enter the high platform far away, another old fellow of Mu Zhongping floated over and said, "Friend Xia, we are protecting the law for fellow Daoist priests. Please stay away. Jie Lei is not a joke."

I snorted and said, "I will be afraid of thundering?"

"Why?" Sun Zanlin's face suddenly became dark. I am not surprised that he had a prejudice against me. If it weren't for me, he wouldn't have lost everything. Even his rights had been emptied. Now he came here, if it wasn't for Mu Zhongping I didn't intend to let him die, he was already dead.

"The third child, all right, let Xiaozi Xia come in."

Just when Sun Zanlin was about to race with me, Mu Zhongping, who was preparing for the robbery on the platform in the distance, soon heard a gloomy voice. This old guy was sinister and treacherous. He even wanted to calculate Fan Tiansheng before. That was definitely The old fox is extremely, and if he wants to calculate me, there is no way to distinguish it. It is necessary to ask at this moment.

I quickly floated to the platform. I knew the structure of this platform a long time ago. After all, every sacred tower has one. This is a platform to draw vitality down and a bridge to communicate with the world, so the materials used are all top-notch, of course , The number of calamities is different, and the jade platform of this quasi-super **** tower is obviously the top of the top. As a quasi-super first-class school, this **** tower is the standard because it is far away. The level of super-class **** tower.

"The spell you gave me before was fake. I showed it to Fan Tiansheng and let him burn it on the spot. You want to hurt me?" I frowned.

"Haha, did you see it? This is normal. Your kid is also honest, and you actually returned this spell to him for verification." Mu Zhongping smiled grimly.

"Give me a reason." I said coldly.

"The spell hasn't changed much, but the original spell has been limited, at least not to make Fan Tiansheng too proud, but since he has seen it through, what else is there to say? But the goal has been achieved." Zhongping said.

I glared at him: "Do you use me as a bridge?"

"That's not easy to say, you should belong to the most important link to open the big formation, and the last link, right? If I can't do this and my death is gone, then you will let the purple ghost recite the spell, I What good is it? I just reserve some space for you to escape, so that after Fan Tiansheng is not allowed to succeed, I cut off his tail." Mu Zhongping laughed, and then said: "Right, these things don't matter. Let’s not talk about it, just talk about what you told me before that I was successful in crossing the robbery, so what do you say?"

"As I said before, if you use your Yin Qi to hit the Dao body to the point of eclosion to attract the calamity, I can help you overcome the calamity. Of course it will be 100%, but if there is no benefit, how can I help you?" I snorted coldly, still brooding about what happened before, so I said again: "If the spell leaves some space so that the door cannot be opened, won't Fan Tiansheng kill you and me?"

"Hey, can't open the door, what good is it for me? He promised to be a teacher in our country. Only by opening the door can I take away the treasure and get the status that I deserve. If he can't open the door, wouldn't he have to fight me? One? Besides, if I succeed in crossing the Tribulation, I also need to stabilize my cultivation base. When he opens the door, he also needs to suppress and control the innate ghost energy. Everyone will have a balance, isn't it?" Mu Zhongping said.

"Indeed, balance is very important, but how can Lee Sang-ruo get the ultimate balance?" I asked.

"Haha, the ultimate of the holy way burns all evil and delusions, thus attracting that holy power to its master. It is a sword of holiness and the most holy, so it can become a sword of saints and destroy two layers. He is at least a true immortal of the Eight Tribulations, and he needs to consolidate his cultivation base. Is that also a balance?" Mu Zhongping knew the grand plan of the big formation better than me, so he explained this that I didn't know.

"What about me? What will Fan Tiansheng plan to do with this?" I asked, they are all balanced, then I will definitely be an unstable point, and Fan Tiansheng will not allow it.

"Jie Jie..." Mu Zhongping suddenly smiled slyly, terribly.

After I stared at him for a long time, he said unhurriedly: "The original plan was that you absorb a layer of ghost stones and open the door, and the ghost energy of the last layer will immediately rush out and swallow you. , And even if it’s not what we guessed, you will use ghost stones to temporarily resist, absorb another layer of ghost energy, presumably the innate ghost energy inside is not simple, you are also a dead end, by the way, you should know that you are abandoned You are right, why do you still ask me?"

"Huh." Although this is the answer in my heart, it is still a kind of anger after being deceived from the demographic of one of the designers.

"Boy Xia, don't blame us old guys for being vicious, young people, you always have to work harder, otherwise, how can you get too much? You rushed past, for example, you swallowed ghost energy and became a spirit ghost, and then you became a ghost and fairy Yes, isn’t that also a good thing? You are bound to die, but you die and then live, at most after a few hundred years of chaos, you will be a hero again, and you will be promoted to the nine calamities with ghosts, no problem. Well, anyway, you are also a ghost cultivator now, how far can you go?" Mu Zhongping said.

"Damn, I don't want to die yet!" I angered.

"But you have to die, Fan Tiansheng is not a fool." Muzhong said flatly.

"I will protect you from the calamity, and you will give me the method." I have to ask for all help now. I need to be a ghost for hundreds of years before recovering. This daylily is cold, don't say you will give me nine calamities. , Let me go to Nine Heavens, I will not do it!

"The method is given to you, but you give it to Fan Tiansheng." Mu Zhongping smiled triumphantly.

"Okay, you fend for yourself." I gritted my teeth and said, turning around to leave after waving my sleeves. Mu Zhongping floated over and stopped in front of me and said: "Wait, you protect me. Are you sure you can make it? "

"It's necessary, you can only find me, or you will be disillusioned under the tribulation." I frowned.

"Sign a blood contract, when you read the original spell I gave you, try to buffer, I will help you avoid this disaster, what do you think?" Mu Zhongping finally showed a serious expression this time, he half There was a touch of cruelty in his squinted eyes.

"What are you planning?" I asked.

"You should know Fan Tiansheng's style of doing things. In order to make the whole plan perfectly complete, he will definitely have a back hand. It just so happens that instead of your back hand this time, he is ready to be in the hands of the old man. If you sign a blood contract with me, When you open the last door, use the spell I gave you, and I will activate his second hand, so that you will not be extinguished by the ghost. Of course, you have to help me successfully overcome the catastrophe, how?" Muzhong Ping said.

I looked up and down Mu Zhongping, thinking about the feasibility of his words, but since I really have no choice, I can only say, "Take out the blood deed and have a look."

Mu Zhongping took out the blood contract that had been written for a long time from his sleeve, and said: "I also save a hand for myself, let me choose one between you and Fan Tiansheng, am I still willing to choose you?"

"A group of old foxes are looking for loopholes!" After reading the blood deed, I roughly picked out the loopholes on the basis of the blood deeds signed by everyone, and left some opportunities for reversibility.

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