Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2742: : Pot Lid


The door seemed to be rushed open, and a large amount of liquid ghost gas poured out. This time the amount seemed to burst the bank. The flood was overwhelmed at once. No one can use a man's arm as a car, even if it is close to it, I am afraid that the body They must be infected into spirit ghosts!

My face was pale, but I was not particularly afraid of being protected by the Zulong, and because I was flying in the air, although the water rose rapidly, it wouldn't be enough to drown us!

In the face of such a flood, even the ghost of the ship painting may have difficulties to escape, because when I was robbed, two ghosts of the Eight Tribulations of the ship painting went crazy and charged towards me and Zulong. , I was shocked, and cried out that something went wrong there!

If there is no accident, the situation on Li Xiangrui's side is not much better than ours. The moment the door on the fourth floor opened, the ghost couldn't support being infested by the ghost gas, and Fan Tiansheng was controlling the opening of the door, and there was no way to go. Controlling these spirits is not very high, the lowest level of the Eight Tribulations and Half Ghosts, so it was just a slip, two ghosts in this painting ship were out of control! And leaped towards me!

Those two ghosts were both followers brought in by Ye Yunqiu before, and they were also the most unstable beings. Now they rushed over and wanted to tear me alive. It was also because the Zulong was glowing and hot here. As for Li Xiangrui, he is now on fire. The flaming sword comes with a ghost-expelling sword, so it's not surprising that Linggui came to trouble me.

But even if they bite over, I can’t control myself to escape. After all, I’m also experiencing the calamity, and it’s the body-filling robbery brought to me by the ancestor dragon, so I am also very uncomfortable, let alone controlling the ancestral dragon attack. Two ghosts!

The two ghosts rushed over frantically and caught the Zulong in an instant, but the result was tragic. Before they got close, they swept away the huge tail of Zulong, and they flew far away, and the whole body It also became a little transparent and swayed instantly!

No one can get close to a strange beast that is eating. The ancestor dragon is quite angry right now. Before the other party can relax, one tail drew it again. This time, two spirit ghosts could not resist, one was drew I don’t know how far to fly, the other one was drawn into the liquid ghost energy, and when it came out again, it mutated. At this moment, the spirit ghost doesn’t have the slightest bit of wisdom at all, and is madly trying to absorb Yang Qi. , And all the breath that is beneficial to you!

But then, it couldn’t find any chance again, because even with itself, because the liquid ghost gas was too terrible, it completely corroded it, making it form something similar to liquid, and finally even a touch of soul consciousness. There was no way left, and eventually became part of the liquid ghost gas!

People close to the flames will also be burned to ashes, and the yin horrible ice cold also has a strong corrosive and dissolving effect, so after the spirit ghost came into contact with this liquid ghost gas, it eventually melted away. Said that refreshed my concept of such liquid ghost gas!

I couldn't help but glanced at the armor of Ancestral Dragon, and was deeply shocked by the existence of such a horror, and it seemed that it was still not full, and it continued to use that ghost stone to absorb energy!

At this time, the ghost stone has become crystal clear, and even emits a breathtaking light. There is no doubt that the energy has gradually been filled!

Of course, it should be a little bit close to the state of absorbing the seven layers of Zhoutian Gate, or it should be considered full now!

Because Zi Qingyun occasionally absorbed the ghost energy here at intervals and then consumed it effectively, the ghost energy of the seven layers of Zhoutian Gate should not actually be so much, so the ghost stone can absorb about seven layers at a time.

But the seventh floor at the moment is probably a different concept. After all, it has been stored for thousands of years, and no one has ever opened it. The ghostly spirit inside has long exceeded the concentration that I don't know how terrifying, otherwise Fan Tiansheng would not As for the hastily opened the door of Zhou Tian!

Thinking of this, I can't help but worry.

However, every time I get to this time, I feel helpless, because usually what I think will come!

The same is true this time.

Ghost Stone never absorbed the yin here anymore, and Zulong seemed to be contented to hiccup and let out a harsh roar, which seemed to be full.

But I saw the liquid ghost gas gushing out from here, and it didn't drop too much. This time, I couldn't stay here comfortably!

Looking at the original position of Li Sang-ruo, the light has disappeared, and then looking at the transparent harem floor tiles at the top, I can’t help but feel annoyed that Li Sang-ruo has actually returned to the underground palace, and the ghost painting the boat is only that batch of seven. The Eight Tribulations Ghost went up, and it seemed that Fan Tiansheng had suffered heavy losses in order to rescue Li Xiangrui!

What tricks did he have brewing, do they need Li Xiangruo to help them complete? Could it be that there are other blood sacrifices buried here? However, the Gate of Zhou Tian is enough to be called a blood sacrifice. Under normal circumstances, how many are enough to die?

And if everyone knows that there are as many sky gardens as the treasures of the fairy country a week, I'm afraid they will drill into this pot if they are crazy? At that time, Fan Tiansheng shut the lid of the pot and poured the liquid ghost gas. How many righteous ways are there in it, isn't it the end of a ghost?

Of course, there is only me in the entire ‘pot’ now!

The fourth layer of liquid ghost gas was more than the previous ones combined, and even more intense, Zulong no longer planned to absorb it, but looked at the wall of the harem!

I suddenly had a very bad hunch, but before I had time to think about it, the Ancestral Dragon God suddenly stretched out the dragon claw, condensing a thunder sword that was so powerful that I had never seen it before!

"Ancestral Dragon Sword!" I screamed in surprise, isn't it the intention to destroy this harem?

The power required to condense this terrifying Ancestral Dragon Sword is obviously amazing. This ghost stone acts as the energy source of the Ancestral Dragon Armor at the moment, and the condensing of the sword is naturally drawn from the ghost stone. Of course, after condensing a part, The absorptive capacity of Ghost Stone has been activated again!

"What are you going to do?!" Fan Tiansheng was always paying attention to me. The appearance of the Ancestral Dragon Sword made him notice something wrong, so he immediately asked questions.

But it hasn't waited for me to answer, eh! With a horrible sword sound, the Ancestral Dragon Sword instantly plunged into the barrier of the floor tiles in the harem, and in Ancestral Dragon’s grinning, the sword made a circle, so in an instant, a thunder blasted the'pot lid' out of the huge. Mouth!

If Fan Tiansheng hadn't had a cloak, he would have been angry at the crown, but now he also made a wow, like an angry roar.

And Li Xiangrui thought he could rush to the robbery with peace of mind. At this time, seeing a big hole in the harem, his face was pale with fright. He couldn't sit still when he saw Fan Tiansheng. He said, "Senior Fan, that kid. I don't know if I have some anger and anger, I chased me endlessly, and I was going to kill me. At the moment, I am definitely not his opponent. I escaped this disaster first, and the seniors can do it for themselves! As for the seniors' entrustment, each other is determined. Live up to the task!"

As the old fellow Li Xiangru said, he had already escaped far! Even the figure disappeared into the darkness!

"You!" Fan Tiansheng was so angry that he was probably going to curse that the passing of years was a disadvantage, but he couldn't stop it. At the moment, the fourth floor of the Zhoutian Gate was newly opened, and he was presiding over the great formation and he couldn't get away!

Relatively speaking, let’s not say that I have escaped by myself, including Li Poxiao. I often joked and scolded him for running away. But today, Li Xiangruo refreshed my knowledge once again. It turns out that this old guy is the best at escaping. !

The old monsters that have lived for thousands of years are undoubtedly the nine-lived cat monsters, and they are not so easy to kill. Besides, Lee Sang-ju’s destiny is really against the sky, and he can get the ultimate of the holy path. Who dares to say that he is average. ?


The Ancestral Dragon also leaped out of the ground. It seemed to be full or something, but it didn't absorb ghost energy anymore, and it broke out from the crack, Fan Tiansheng was already too vigilant, and the ghost dragon sword After stirring out a big hole in the pot lid, the ghost at this moment followed us violently into the sky!

When the liquid ghost gas encounters a ghost gas that is slightly thinner than it, of course it needs to be violently diluted, so the upsurge in the past is normal!

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