Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2752: : Zombie

"Don't... don't believe him..." Nunu said suddenly.

Her sudden sentence made me suddenly wary of Fan Tiansheng. When the slave spoke, ten of the ten sentences were false, but this sentence, I heard a little unusual, after all, Fan Tiansheng was gradually calm. As for Mu Zhongping, his eyebrows were slightly raised.

"Nunu, are you okay?" I held her hand in hand, and then quickly retreated to a farther distance. As for the three brothers, they also came to my side because the battlefield had stopped, and protected in front of me.

"My son... don't believe him..." Nu Nu continued to warn me holding his head. I immediately asked, "What's the matter?"

"Huh, a child full of lies, can you believe it?" Fan Tiansheng snorted coldly, and then stood beside the ghoul with his back hand. As for Mu Zhongping, he still looks like a good-looking man. As for the three heads, he is no longer seen. It's gone, and I don't know if it's gone.

"Fan Tiansheng... deceived you. He wants to take out the innate ghost energy... not only for the entire Linye Kingdom, but also to rule the right way!" Suddenly, Nu Nu no longer whispered, I even Some do not believe it.

"What nonsense!" Fan Tiansheng was a little inexhaustible, and Mu Zhongping seemed to be very interested. He was a lot higher than Fan Tiansheng's body. He said lightly: "Fan Daoyou, since the contract is irreversible, we are going to open it after all. On the seventh floor of the Zhoutian Gate, otherwise this boy Xia would die too. Why not listen to Daoist friend Ziqing Yunzi, let’s look back at this period of history?"

"I still advise the priests not to be too curious, otherwise it is not easy to regret it!" Fan Tiansheng said in a gloomy tone.

"I'm not afraid of this. I know myself and the enemy, so I can cooperate in peace. Although I have promised the conditions of a fellow daoist and become an ally with you, I still don't know you very well. After all, I was just a weak person back then. It's time to know some of the inside story of the year, right?" Mu Zhongping's curiosity is of course not diminished back then, and even now he is still the true immortal of the Nine Tribulations.

At this critical moment, whoever is restrained means the next failure. Therefore, Fan Tiansheng was silent at this time, but the sound of gnashing his teeth could not help but drill out of the cloak!

"Speaking of boy Xia, I'm really curious, what method did Friends Daoyou use to trick you here and open the door for him obediently? How did he tell you about the things that year?" Mu Zhongping asked When Fan Tiansheng was over, he brought the topic to me again, deliberately letting Zi Qingyun explain the whole thing to the surface of the water.

"Back then, the Holy Dao Sect and Lin Ye Kingdom fought, and Fan Tiansheng was no more than the Eight Tribulations True Immortal of Sheng Dao Sect. He failed in an attack on Lin Ye Kingdom, but was let go strangely by Zi Qingyun. After returning, he suddenly got the Holy Dao Sect. Attention of the head, he was accepted as a disciple of the room, awarded the supreme sacred school, and even allowed him to obtain the ultimate sword of the holy way, becoming a leader in the holy way, and was sent to the night kingdom and the truce as an envoy. In the regiment, Fan Tiansheng did not make peace. Instead, he talked about love with the night emperor and had a good relationship with each other. However, because of the hot and cold state, it made the whole mission difficult to talk about peace. Finally, Fan Tiansheng There is no way, in order to break this barrier, he is thinking about whether he can destroy the key of Zhoutian Gate to completely solve and seal the innate ghost energy, bring peace to the world, so he finally secretly took advantage of the night emperor to practice, using the ultimate of the holy way The ghost wand that cut off the seal and unlocked the Zhoutian formation is the key to eternal mourning." When I sorted out the plot line, I couldn't help but pause, because the next place would definitely be the place with the most access.

Mu Zhongping clapped his hands and said: "The interesting plot, and the information I got, although the front is the same, but in the back, it seems that it is not right at the beginning. Xia Xiaozi will talk about it soon."

Nunu didn't know if it was possessed or what. When I talked about it, she unexpectedly quieted down, but when she said to me in her eyes, she couldn't help but jump, which was obviously clear I'm afraid this is not the case.

"Later, Eternal Silence’s mourning was cut off, but it did not seal off the innate ghost energy. Instead, it could no longer be controlled and erupted, causing Lin Ye Guo to fall into disaster, and finally Ye Huang Zi Qingyun divided his soul into Second, I entered the eternal mourning of the ghost wand, so I wanted Fan Tiansheng to hold it to permanently seal the sky array this week and prevent the innate ghost energy from rushing out to harm people. As a result, the door of the sky is not so easy to control this week. , The ghost spirit was still vented everywhere. After being unable to control it, the entire Immortal Xiu of Linye Kingdom died, including him, and then he became a ghost Xiu and sent the broken ghost stick. Going out, I plan to find a fairy who can control and communicate with Ziqingyun's remnant soul. Come here to let Ziqingyun recite the curse, break the gate of Zhoutian, so that he can control the innate ghost energy, and finally let Linye Kingdom no longer release excessive ghosts Angrily, the world is at peace." I said in an orderly manner. These were all things Fan Tiansheng told me before, and Li Xiangrui was also present at that time.

"Nonsense!" Nu Nu looked a bit sullen, and then gritted his teeth and said: "These are all nonsense from him! Back then, I let him go because I thought he looked like one of the two supreme gods of Linye Kingdom! But it was not. What kind of love came to him! And he came to my Linye Country as an envoy, I just thought that he might have an unspeakable chance with my Supreme God, so I treated him differently! But he was actually called "Said He", I really want Linye Kingdom to hand over the innate ghost energy to the management of the Holy Dao Sect! This innate ghost energy is the sacred relic left by the Supreme God of my Ghost Dao, it will be born in the night country, and die without it, how can it be given His holy door?!"

"Oh, it turned out to be so, so I don’t believe the others. I must believe this, because it is consistent with the law of exercising the right way. Actually... Fan Daoyou said to me that if you get this innate ghost energy, I can control the mainland of China. After all, think about it, if the innate ghost energy can be controlled, such a huge and terrifying fairy country like Linye Kingdom can be destroyed overnight, then it can be used to infect other fairy countries? At that time, there were spirit ghosts everywhere, so he tricked me into rebuilding the ghost way, and used the emergence of the Tao body as a drug to smash the calamity, just for the purpose of letting me become his country after he controls the innate ghost energy. Teacher, rely on the ghost way to control the spirit ghost, and then use the spirit ghost infected by the innate ghost energy to gradually kill the right way..." Mu Zhongping was calm, with a cruel smile.

"Hehe, it's really sinister! How many innocents and immortals will die? Haven't you thought about the big master? There is no compassion?" I gradually changed from a sneer to an angry question!

This method of cutting off children and grandchildren can be called a zombie plan. Most of the people who have been eroded by the innate ghost energy will become spirit ghosts. Why shouldn't they become the same fate as this night country? In the end, there are spirit ghosts everywhere, and the two ghost cultivators of the Nine Tribulations can become superiors and control these spirit ghosts to start wars. They don't even need to launch them. They all infected the ancient gods! At that time, this ancient **** world will be a ghost world! As ghost repairers, they naturally become supreme!

Of course, Fan Tiansheng’s original plan definitely did not have Mu Zhongping. After all, in his script plan, after Mu Zhongping helped him absorb the ghost, Yu Dujie killed Tianlei, but after I joined, The script actually changed, and Mu Zhongping successfully advanced to the Nine Tribulations!

Therefore, Mu Zhongping, who is surviving now, certainly does not trust Fan Tiansheng too much!

"Boy, do you think too much of the old man, thinking that it takes no time to roll a snowball? This innate ghost energy does not grow indefinitely. There are many immortals who died in the front. Undoubtedly, if you want to be infected again later, you think it is because of the innate ghost energy. That's enough? And there are countless strong sects in the world. Want to rule the entire Shenzhou Continent, it is easier said than done, but Fan Tiansheng gave me the goose as a soup!" Mu Zhongping was unexpectedly calm, as if he had already penetrated everything.

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