Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2757: : Seize

I am now in the realm of the Eight Tribulations, but I have been so simple to invade things, and I am so frightened, so I quickly switch to the second context and release the innate demon energy for a while!

Innate devil qi can infect all auras, even if it is innate ghost qi, it is not a problem, and as soon as the devil qi comes out, the breath that invades my body immediately begins to shrink, but the coldness of my body has actually begun to become a place. Cold, that cold breath is like a small snake, about the size of a thin line, quickly invading toward the core of my Dao body vein!

This horrible experience is no less than the upper body of a ghost in the world, and it is even more terrible. If you are not careful, you will immediately be controlled by it, and the ghost is basically intended to take home, otherwise it will not be directed at me. From the source of the context!

The first vein completely sneaked back into the heart, and the innate demon fire of the second vein appeared at the core of the heart, replacing all the veins. This made it difficult for the cold breath to rush into the heart, even in the innate demon. Under the control of Qi, there are signs of infection!

When I invaded just now, it was a ghost with the same area as my body. It can be imagined that it copied a human shape exactly like me. This is very simple. Innate Qi has a certain thinking, especially after becoming refined, imitating it Become instinct. I imitated the third child before, but now imitated me, and while I was controlled by a ghost, I suddenly got into trouble and wanted to occupy my body, but it did not expect that there would be innate demonic energy in me, and Suddenly infected most of its breath.

But innate ghost aura has a core after all. Its own existence is destined to exist as long as it has a breath. Even if there is no breath and the surrounding area is not in a state of'nothing', it can create breath, unless it is artificially sealed. , Otherwise it itself is a kind of semi-permanent energy!

Devouring and encroaching are the basis for its rapid growth.

I immediately activated the ghost stone and released the core of the innate devilish energy. Naturally, I was going to fight it. After all, the control right in the body could not be occupied by it.

If it is an ordinary fairy family, it is very dangerous to encounter this kind of innate aura. After all, once the innate aura enters the body, the energy and mana in the body will contaminate it. If it cannot be localized Control, and force it out of the body, sooner or later, it will become its puppet, and in addition to losing its own thinking after being controlled, and being occupied by the first weather, some individuals can also seize personal memories, so it is also very dangerous. The presence.

Even if an expert can smoothly drive it out of his body, he will be forced to infect a part of it before, so after being expelled, he still has to cleanse the alien aura again. After all, everyone's Dao body has different attributes and encounters the same innate nature. The aura is okay, but once it is a different kind of aura that can't be in communion, then at the very least, you have to go crazy.

But fortunately, my second context is innate demon energy, so this demon energy is covered by the form of spreading nets, taking the opportunity to become the size of my entire body, wanting to eat me in an instant, but I don’t know the situation. , Was decontaminated by my powerful second vein, and in the end only the core innate ghost energy the size of the iron thread snake remained.

The two innate auras collided together in a short time, and the narrow veins in my body stirred. The two auras collided, entangled, and even swallowed each other. If this scene were enlarged, it would be no less than a duel! Of course, while fighting, I was constantly driving him into the ghost stone, because now I have no place to subdue this innate ghost energy, so I must store it in a part that is not my body. The ghost stone happens to be its best container.

On the periphery, after Fan Tiansheng grasped the handles of the six divine swords, the whole ghost gas erupted like an oil well, venting endless auras. Not only was I unable to move, but at this moment, even Fan Tiansheng, the ghoul, Mu Zhongping, and even None of the slaves can move, and they are struggling to support under the violent ghost air. Fortunately, those who can reach here are more or less ghosts and ghosts. Otherwise, if they are changed into adult immortals, they will all Gotta die.

So for the time being, everyone has to wait for the ghost qi to erupt and weaken, so I concentrated all my energy in my body!

The innate demonic energy occupies the advantage of the home court, and the innate ghost energy has infinite capital to consume, so now I only lack time. I only hope that these ghost energy fountains can erupt more so that I can tame this. The innate ghost spirit of the trail, at least catch it into the ghost stone!

However, things are often moving in unexpected places. At the position where Fantian Sanctuary is standing, the coffin suddenly trembles violently, and the eruption of ghost energy concentration begins to decline rapidly, which makes Fan Tiansheng holding the hilt of the sword. There was a gloomy laugh!

I secretly said that this time is terrible, this Fan Tiansheng in the middle of the storm, not only withstood the ghost, but also pulled out part of the hilt of the sword, the sound of chuckling sounded all around, even here I can feel that he has obtained the sword The excitement of time!

However, just when I felt that Fan Tiansheng was about to pull out all the swords like this, suddenly his laughter stopped abruptly! Because in a sudden after the eruption of the ghost, I suddenly found a black haze appeared in front of Fan Tiansheng. The haze became clearer and clearer, and its face was the first to show. At this moment, this haze is staring at Fan Tiansheng curiously. The distance between the two is measured by the size of a coin, and I am afraid that it seems too far!

And as the appearance of the haze became more and more concrete, I was shocked to find that it had some appearance characteristics, and it looked very much like me!

A pair of vicissitudes of old white hair, a pair of stunned eyes with a scent of scrutiny, the bridge of the nose, lips, ears, and eyebrows, all have some marks of my age!

This is the old version of me!

I was so scared that I almost didn't control the innate demonic energy, and let the innate demonic energy invade again. After a long inner struggle, I stabilized my situation!

"Fan Tiansheng!" Zi Qingyun gritted his teeth, and his eyes suddenly became blood red. There is no doubt that the enemy was extremely jealous when they met. This is another innate ghost, indirectly copied the true appearance of Fan Tiansheng in the cloak!

His appearance is what I will become when I grow old!

In Xianjia’s finger calculation, you can always calculate what you already have, such as calculating what a flower and grass will look like next, and how you will spend your whole life. And including me, I also calculated my old age. It’s not surprising that I know what will happen to my appearance if my appearance is aging. Of course, it’s not easy to change my appearance with my current cultivation base. Fan Tiansheng will become like this. In fact, it is related to his own resume. Related, maybe he was young when he assassinated Zi Qingyun, but after all, he died once, and turned from a righteous monk to a spirit ghost, and then cultivated into a ghost. The span has been tossed for thousands of years, almost spanning the time from the disaster to the present, it is not surprising that it has become this way.

In addition, some people will deliberately condense and become older because of their aging state of mind when they are concentrating on the new orthodoxy, in order to match their state of mind. Therefore, it is not uncommon for a fairy house like Fan Tiansheng to do so. There is very little dry, but this is a digression.

When Fan Tiansheng saw another'self' suddenly appeared in front of him, he yelled, and his body suddenly burst into an infinite aura. He wanted to completely force the other party out of the periphery. After all, that Dao became his innate ghost energy, compared to mine Dao, definitely strong, not just a little bit!

But with this roar, in addition to roaring the opponent's bun and white hair, he failed to scream back even a millimeter! That ‘Fan Tiansheng’ showed a faint smile, his eyes were full of confidence and pride, and then, under the eyes of all of us, he swished into Fan Tiansheng’s body!

I could see that the whole person was stunned, and Zi Qingyun, who originally glared at Fan Tiansheng, could not have guessed the result after all his calculations. I really did not expect that Fan Tiansheng, who draws the six divine swords, would suddenly take the innate ghost energy. Home!

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