Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2772: :succeed

"You mean that kid?" Zhao Qian was startled, and the others also showed lingering expressions. I couldn't help but jumped in my heart, and quickly asked again: "He can control people's skin and body, very possessive. Concealment, extremely dangerous, have you eaten his loss?"

"Do you think? That was the situation at that time. When the old lady returned from the Qingxu jade sword you gave, she was ambushed by him, but because he didn't use his full strength, the ambush did not work, and then fled. Later, I followed the eldest woman all the way to the land of the Tao! The eldest woman knew that he was following all the way, so she contacted our women’s army early and made an ambush circle, but this kid was also quite cunning, so he couldn’t catch him. He ran away." Han Shanshan said in detail, Zhao Qian stretched out her hand and patted her, and said, "Why is it called a big woman? It's a good one, and a sister Tian."

Han Shanshan smiled and said, "Hey, otherwise it's called Dafang? Madam?"

Zhao Qian pushed her embarrassingly, and then said: "We also lost a few disciples in the ambush. One of them was taken away by him and used the heavenly ghost to draw his soul. Therefore, she learned that Auntie and Xiaoxue were still in the Demon God Realm. The news, in the end, he controlled and seized a destroyer from the Demon Temple through the sea of ​​blood from the space rift, and went to the ghost road to break the boundary. On our side, we also drew a few elites, of which I led the team. , There are elites such as Shaozi, Xiangling, driving the warship to chase this destroyer."

This ghost baby is indeed an individual talent. In addition, he stays by Zhou Qiping's old fox all the year round, and he is also quite skilled in doing some bad things. He can control the Taoist body of the Xian family, and it is conceivable that getting a destroyer is not problem.

"The destroyer is very fast. The child controlled the captain all the way, indirectly controlled the crew of the entire ship, and relied on gradually devouring the crew to recover from his injuries, so when he reached the ghost gate of the ghost road, he also ordered the ship to go through the barrier. The result was no doubt that the Star Formation was sunk, but this kid was very insidious. He had long known that it would cause such a situation, so he has been mixed into the rotation of a sergeant of the Star Formation, and in our When I rushed to the Ghost God Realm, there was already a riot in the Ghost God Realm, and there were a lot of casualties." Zhao Qian smiled bitterly.

"That's not the case, and when we chased there, he seized a holy warship, and went straight to the ghost and **** realm. All the way was the part of the sea of ​​blood, it was extremely cunning and vicious, and waited until we searched again. When the Holy Road battleship was acquired, the situation inside the ship was already unbearable to witness. The mess inside, even the interior of the battleship was destroyed." Song Wanyi said.

"I didn't expect it to be so powerful. This very deceptive spell is indeed against the sky. How are mother and Xiaoxue's situation?" I quickly asked. Hearing this, it is enough to show that the ghost baby is going to die for thousands of miles. It's not difficult. After all, when he fled, he said that if I killed his family, he would kill my family.

"Later, he really blended into the Demon God Realm smoothly, but because he entered the territory of our four worlds, he was basically in a state of marine capture, and our communications tower had already issued dangerous instructions and listed him as not. Inferior to the existence of a fleet, and also moved Auntie and Xiaoxue to the manor under the sacred tree in the Yu'an King’s Demon Territory in advance. The ghost baby is also powerful. After killing someone, she learned the news and finally controlled Yu'an. One of Wang Moyu’s concierges opened the door to let him in, and went straight to the sacred tree. Fortunately, the sacred tree was alive and there were experts around him. Otherwise, he might have succeeded the first time.” Zhao Qian said.

"Later when we got there, the ghost baby knew that there was no way to succeed, and began to lurch. This time, the time span was much longer, and it was difficult for us to continue to stay in the sacred tree, so we decided to Auntie and Xiaoxue, as well as the child Yu Xin, took the battleship and prepared to go to the place where the Tao was heard. Speaking of which, this decision is also a very risky decision. We plan to leave all the guards and maids behind in the Demon God Realm battleship. , And the main battleships were all escorted by members of our women's army, but in this case, something happened.” It can be seen that Han Shanshan was very depressed at the time.

"It's all from the Women's Army? No one is injured, right?" I asked quickly.

"Not at all. Although we are fighting alone, many of us are not his opponents, but there is a little raccoon who has almost covered the battleship with all kinds of puppet poisonous insects, and the ghost baby broke the battleship once. We all warned in advance, but we only injured Xin Shinian, Zuo Qingxuan, and Xiao Mengtong, so we could only withdraw from the battleship. However, along the way, the battleship behind was not so lucky. None of those confidant waitresses were spared, they all died in the hands of the child, and every time we wanted to go to the rescue, that child had a chance to rush into the battleship, and we could only grit our teeth and prepare to go to the ghosts and gods. , And halfway through the design several ingenious killings, but unfortunately he was very cunning, he was never caught, it was really troublesome." Zhao Qian said.

"It's not just trouble. For the last time, he also forcibly controlled a Gorefiend warship and ran into us. As a result, Cici found out that he escaped a disaster, and the entire crew of the ship and the immortal family became his. Puppet, this ghost baby also used this to threaten to surrender Auntie and Xiaoxue, otherwise they will kill." Han Shanshan sighed.

From the tone of Han Shanshan, I already know that the ghost baby is difficult to deal with. This kid is born an evildoer. I am afraid that it will be difficult to kill without turning upside down. A crew member and an immortal house are probably lost.

Sure enough, Zhao Qian said: "Our women's army is all right, and we also kept aunt and Xiaoxue about this, for fear that they would be unbearable because of the death of the former close waitress, and they would exchange their lives, so the rescue is just The next move was taken, but the child was indeed vicious. After we realized our uncooperativeness, we started to kill. By the time Yixian and I rushed into it, the crew was half dead, but the ghost baby didn’t know. Where did you escape..."

"My mother heard about this, I'm afraid it will blow up." I smiled bitterly, and Yixian said Chen Yixian.

"Indeed, after this time, Auntie and Xiaoxue didn't cooperate so much. They didn't want to die because of them. They wanted to meet the ghost baby regardless of our obstacles, but the result was that the ghost baby passed by After this battle, I fled back to the Human God Realm, and this time I stopped staying in the Ghost God Realm and the Demon Temple. This time, I also concluded a rule. After the ghost baby controls the human, he will extract the knowledge of the other party. And thoughts, after all, every time it is smarter and cunning than the last time, next time, it is likely to be the place of hearing the Tao, or the **** of the gods." Han Shanshan smiled coldly.

I took a breath of air, and said, "No wonder Zhou Qiping or Xuanyuan Ruxin did not feed this child a lot at a young age. I guess this ghost baby wants to cause a bigger war?"

"Brother Tian guessed right. This time he knows what he is good at and what he is not good at. He knows that the place where we hear the Tao is gathered together for hundreds of thousands of days. He has no chance of winning at all, so he didn't even go to the place where he heard the Tao. I plan to go straight to the God’s Court, because didn’t the Emperor Qingcheng go up with Brother Tian? At this moment, there is no leader in the God’s Court, and the power of the kings of the God Court has reached a fierce stage. Sister Tian called for a large army to gather and prepare to unify the five worlds completely and let the five worlds live in peace. However, this child wants to start a war at this time. It is indeed cunning and vicious for us. Extremely, the most threatening move. After all, Sister Tian travels through the world. At this moment, we can be regarded as a group of dragons without a leader. Once the kings of the gods are convinced, we must immediately go to war with us in the land of hearing the Tao. The consequences are disastrous." Zhao Qian said. .

"Let him succeed later?" I did not expect that a ghost baby would actually trigger an all-out war. This scourge is no less than other old foxes, but it can devour other people's knowledge and memory and even Taoism. It was originally a son of heaven. If this period is not the opposite, it can be called a miracle.

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