Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2777: : Chou Niu

Double context and eight tribulations, this is equivalent to me having two Dao bodies. One is dead, and the second can be effective. It is no different from two lives. Of course, the most important thing is that the core cannot be attacked. Each dao body will be finished because of the core leak.

But the core position has always been the place where all immortals are protected, and it is even called the immortal core. It exists in the same way as the demon pill and demon essence, so it is usually the most difficult part to penetrate.

Of course, after the scourge is successful, it also means to consolidate the context, but I still have the first context. Even if I encounter a battle now, as long as I change the context, I will not be helpless.

Dual-text communication has always been the part I care about most, but now because I have just succeeded in the impact, there is no way to synchronize them. This is why I consider the power of duality. Of course, this is also the theory. What effect will it produce in practice? There is no certainty.

To consolidate the cultivation base, I can complete it step by step on the golden lotus when I go to the right path. Of course, there are more important things to do right now.

I walked out and took out a bottle that resembled a soul urn. This is the prisoner cow that Zhao Qian handed me when I was leaving. This product has already cultivated to the level of the Three Tribulations, but in the communication, there is no one. Able to restrain it, so after the repair is beyond repair, the prisoner cow will fall for himself and hibernate.

As for the reason why hibernation runs into the soul urn, the reason is simple. It threatens to go out only when it sees me, so it has been asking everyone to bring it to me. In this way, the space station appears logically. , The prisoner cow made great contributions to me and the heavens. It is a qualified weapon. This time I took it out for a major reason.

After laying down the enchantment formation, I touched the soul urn and uncovered the seal on it.

Under the eyes of everyone, soon, a dragon roar shook the entire sacred tower. This sound seemed to come from eternity, and it seemed to have fallen from the sky, that power and momentum! Even the toad immortal jumped up and ran out of the den in the distance of the tower to see who was making trouble on the tower!

"Hoho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ao Ao Ao!" Prisoner Niu's huge body expanded in an instant, and its majesty overtook the entire enchantment. The sound was even more like a landslide and tsunami, scaring the disciples one by one to retreat very far, Prisoner Niu Good news, the sound is naturally earth-shaking, so soon, even Yan Xiayue, An Jun, Xiao Yi, and Shu Li flew out of the house where they were located, to see what kind of ferocious monster it was!

"Say what! Addicted?" I frowned.

Being reprimanded for no reason, the prisoner cow's huge nose suddenly wrinkled, and his hideous head was lowered, trying to see who dared to challenge it openly, but it forgot that if it wasn't in my enchantment, it would be too early. Just squashed the vitality of these eight tribulations.

When it looked at it, its head turned over in confusion, looked at me several times, and shook its head abruptly, not believing that the huge pig hooves circled me around the barrier, staring at me. Several times I didn't believe that I was its owner, as if I shouldn't be here.

The surrounding disciples were all shocked, thinking that where I had caught this ancient dragon, plus those who didn't know the effect of the formation, they would inevitably be shocked by this huge figure.

"What are you looking at? Have you forgotten who I am?" I laughed, and the ancestral dragon armor suddenly appeared on my body, and then my hand stretched out, and a huge virtual paw almost reached out in front of its nose .

At this moment, the prisoner cow finally believed it, his eyes widened, and he avoided the hand of Ancestral Dragon's claws grasping its nose, and stretched out his huge tongue to lick it at me!

This guy was in the Arctic Fairy Gate, he gave Zulong a paw and grabbed his nose and threw it at the foot of the fairy mountain. He was very jealous of Zulong. He was the son of a real dragon, but in the final analysis, he also worshiped Zulong as Yuanzun. It is the old ancestor among the ancestors. It is not much different from a small bug in front of the ancestor dragon.

"Miss me?" I smiled and patted its huge head. The prisoner cow howled again, and his head kept arching at me like a dog. I smiled bitterly: "You, the more you live, the more you go back. , But now you are not suitable to follow me, I have a bigger stage for you to experience, do you want to go."

The prisoner New suddenly shook his head like a rattle, his eyes streaming with tears.

"Things that are not promising, I want you to continue to be a tool spirit. Of course, this time it is a tool spirit that becomes a true fairy sword embryo, and will go to a larger stage with my master?" I floated in the air with my hands behind my back. Prisoner Niu looked up at me, somewhat lost.

"I can't bear you either, but you are still too weak now. If you want to become stronger, follow Master Li Guxian to experience your rapid growth. When you become stronger in the future and come back, if you are still willing, then follow me, how about "I know it just came out, I must miss my master very much, but now it only has three kalpas, I can't take it at all, after all, it's best at doing things with the spirit.

Prisoner Niu was very aggrieved, and the boss looked unwilling, but I couldn't help it, and said: "If you don't want to, just continue to hibernate and sit on the cold bench. When will I figure it out, and when will I come out!"

"Woo...oooooo." The prisoner cow whimpered, but quickly nodded and agreed.

I want to bring Master Li Guxian out, and I must find a tool spirit for the Rabbit Magic Sword, otherwise the Magic Sword will be destroyed because of its lack of spirituality or a fault. The reason I am not sure is because no one dares to try to make a true fairy sword embryo. Become a state of no sword spirit, after all, the true fairy sword embryo is too precious.

After recovering the prisoner cow, I went to the main tower where the vitality water was used to nourish the holocaust sword. Yingjietai is the place where the vitality of a sacred tower falls. It is the best place to rush, and of course it also nourishes the holocaust sword. The best position, under the nourishment of the Tower of Eight Tribulations, it must of course be completed now.

It was almost the same as I thought. Under the control of Master Li Guxian, the water bottom belonging to the Divine Sword of Catastrophe had been nurtured. When I entered the Stage of Ying-Ji, Li Guxian had already sat on the Stage of Ying-Ji.

"Eight Tribulations so soon." Li Guxian opened his eyes and found out that I have reached the level of the Eight Tribulations.

"Master, this time I brought a spirit weapon to replace you. You can come out of the sword and change the Taoist body." I said, taking out the soul urn that sealed the oxen.

I am already familiar with the conversion between artifacts and artifacts. After all, when I was in the Five Worlds, I had studied classics such as "The True Explanations of Artifacts". The conversion between artifacts and spirits was early It is too familiar, so it is not difficult to replace Li Guxian with a prisoner cow.

"Okay, let me see." Li Guxian seemed very happy, and his long eyelashes couldn't help but jump down.

I was too lazy to set up this time, but added a barrier to the jar, then opened the lid and let Li Guxian check whether it was suitable.

"Hehe, it's a dragon like an ugly cow. What's the special origin?" Li Guxian stretched out his finger and clicked on the prisoner cow's head. This immediately angered it, and suddenly roared inside, provoke Li Guxian. He laughed happily, as if back to the innocent age.

I couldn't help but stared at her for a moment, but quickly reacted and said, "I am the eldest son of the true dragon, the prisoner Niu. I used to be the sword spirit of a flying sword. He is very smart and very good at controlling the sword."

"Well, I like this ugly cow very much, and I will get along very happily." Li Guxian liked the appearance of the prisoner cow very much.

"If Master converts back to the Taoist body, where do you plan to go? The ancient gods are extremely dangerous. Unpredictable things happen everywhere. Master goes alone and I am very worried." I still couldn't help but want to ask more. .

"You child, there are too many things to worry about, but you don't need to put it on me, do you understand?" Li Guxian smiled. Seeing that I was not at ease, she said, "Don't I have to bring a toad? Now that this ugly cow has been added again, it's all right. Just wait for me to come back."

I knew that she didn’t want to talk more about it, so she didn’t ask any more. After all, she had lived for so many years and was once the real overlord of the ancient immortal realm, and the ancient immortal realm was formed by the collapse of the ancient **** realm, so she may know For some secrets that no one knows, it is reasonable to find or confirm one's knowledge reserves in the ancient gods.

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