Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2782: : Xia Feng

"Isn't that what they said?" I was very depressed. In other words, they wanted to play a few games, which in itself is a shameless punishment method, although it will not exceed the calamity of the attacker itself, but The same calamity has strengths and weaknesses, and a stronger one is enough to intercept successfully.

"Otherwise, isn't it too simple to attack the sword? It has to be punished, isn't it? Moreover, the Sacred Path can be qualified to attack, but they all have great identities. This is equivalent to a clear decree against the nine major factions. The criminal law needs to be filed at the Sacred Gate and qualified for punishment. Brother Xia is also qualified for a sword fairy like you." Suo Qing proudly.

"Hehe, should I still say that I have been wronged?" Seeing Suo Qing's expression, he can be considered a little yearning for the attack, but let alone such a punishment and attack, the point is really full. The Holy Taoist is in the sword. The aspect should be almost obsessed, even punishment has become an attack, of course, they also have the idea of ​​letting their disciples experience it, why not?

After listening to what I said, Suo Qing couldn't help but smile and said, "Brother Xia, so don’t take it seriously, play a little more seriously, and then give up. The nine major factions will not really embarrass you, just need It would be nice to spend more thoughts on compensation, now the nine major factions have rumored that Brother Xia has obtained a lot of treasures in Xian Country..."

"So you want to blackmail me?" I sneered.

"Well, that's what I said, so I don't think it would be too hard for Brother Xia." Suo Qing wanted me to think about it from a different perspective.

But I don't think so in my heart. This time, of course, I have to make a fuss about the sword fight to see the overall strength of the Holy Dao Sect. Besides, if I admit defeat, they can talk to me well? Isn't it even more threatening? Now they want to let Xue Qingcheng, the head of Tianyi Group, choose the right way to marry, and indirectly annex it!

Can Xue Qingcheng take him abducted?

think too much.

I gritted my teeth and asked about Suo Qing's more detailed information by the way, such as whether Li Poxiao and Xia Ruize had come here, but Suo Qing directly shook his head and said, "My uncle was still there before. I still know something about Their business, but now..."

"It turned out to be like this, but for a while, it reminded you of your past." I smiled bitterly.

Suo Qing shook his head, and then seemed to think of something. He took out his sword and said, "Big Brother Xia, my sword...Although it is not a good sword, I am afraid that the sword they rationed is not good, and it will affect you. Play, so if the selected sword is not as good as my one, or just use it, if it can be used for two more days, I will take advantage of it."

I saw that although this artifact is top grade, it is really not applicable. Swordsmanship is definitely not a problem, but the duel requires the use of sword songs. I use the top grade artifact for eight tribulations, and it certainly won’t work, but this After weighing it, I suddenly realized that this sword was different from her previous one, so I took it and pulled it out. Looking at it, I couldn't help asking: "Your sword should be better last time? Why... "

"This...I used my previous sabre in exchange for... a senior sister... It hasn't been returned yet. Anyway, I am not a pure sword repairer. I used to be a monk in the past." Suo Qing said unsuccessfully.

I sighed, shuddered and handed the sword back to her. Her hesitant expression was obviously bullied by her own senior sister. She used to be a high-ranking niece who claims power, no different from a princess. Now that the tree falls and the hustle and bustle are scattered, the former flattering sisters will definitely become more bullied back.

But of course I won't say it. This too refutes her face as a Seven Tribulations Immortal, so she said: "You take it first, and I will choose a better sword for you."

Suo Qing's eyes lit up, thank you very much.

I didn't take it too seriously, and I chatted with her about other things at random, and then ordered her cultivation methods, and I passed the journey.

On this day, the main tower of Gangzong was really huge. There were many buildings on it, various infrastructures were complete, and the disciples gathered here, it seemed to be crowded with people.

"Hehe, I heard that Elder Xia is a powerful sword immortal, and he wants to attack swordsmanship again, so the other factions have come to many excellent elders and disciples who want to accumulate knowledge." Yu Jianghai smiled kindly.

"Isn't it? I want to see how to abuse me, right?" I sneered.

Yu Jianghai gave a haha, but he didn't care about it. He probably thought it was inevitable in his heart, but this day, the tower of the Eight Tribulations of Gangzong, there are so many people here that it’s like spilling rice. Those who are interested in watching the excitement, there is no doubt that Suo Qing is right, this attack is simply a'celebration' of the whole new Holy Taoism, intending to kill me.

I was thinking about this in my heart. Suddenly several figures took off from a loft in the distance, and soon greeted them first. When I saw that these four figures were all eight calamities, I dared to approach this place before the ship stopped. The boat, obviously has a lot of status, as expected, it was all acquaintances.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Xia, the immortal country has been away for a while, and it is already the cultivation base of the Eight Tribulations. It is indeed the posture of heaven and man, which makes Ye very envious." Ye Yunqiu was the first to speak, which fits his temperament very well.

"Friend Daoist Ye, don't come here unharmed." I smiled, Ye Yunqiu is a rare role model in the right way, and a friend worthy of socializing.

"Xia Daoyou, Xianguo was able to retreat with assistance. Don’t go anywhere else today. Let’s go to Drunk Xiange first." The next speaker was Chen Weishu. Such an open invitation was obviously intended to be from Yu Jianghai. Cut me off.

Sure enough, Yu Jianghai was very surprised and depressed, but he was just about to say something to leave me, Wei Guangyu had already raised his eyebrows and stood up: "The banquet has been set, our friends are getting together, do you want to come too?"

Yu Jianghai was taken aback, and quickly said, "That's not necessary. Since Daoyou Ye and Dao Wei are personally picking up the people, even if Yu's burden is relieved, don't forget about the attack tomorrow, so don't forget. Got drunk."

I have a chance to speak directly. This was decided long ago. I don’t find it strange, but Ye Yunqiu and Wei Guangyu treat me as a close friend, but it’s beyond my expectation. And they came to VIPs. Yu Jianghai couldn't say anything, but Yu Jianghai took a look at the last fourth Immortal Xiu of the Eight Tribulations. After all, she appeared here at this moment, it was too dazzling.

Just because she is an immortal of the Lingyue School: Ying Xiangxue!

Lingyue faction and Tian contradicted each other twice, placing the two factions at the level of mortal enemies, but Ying Xiangxue came here regardless of the pressure inside. It was really rare. I took a look at her current cultivation level, and it was already eight. Tribulation, it seems that during this period of time she has picked up the fallen Tribulation, and once again became the Eight Tribulations True Immortal!

Worthy of being an immortal family in a vertical position, the cultivation base goes fast and comes fast, just like a roller coaster.

And the key is that she looks too dazzling, and she was thrown among us, that is also a big beauty, now without the wilting of the fairy country, it is even more stunning.

"That's not true. Head Yu, don't worry." Ye Yunqiu's status is extraordinary. With Wan Jian here and the super sword immortal standing behind him, who can't give three points?

Mu Zhongping said that nowadays, no one can beat ten thousand swords in the right way. Just these words are enough to show how powerful these ten thousand swords are!

Yu Jianghai smiled bitterly and arched his hands, and took the second and third heads to the dock, while I took Suo Qing and followed Ye Yunqiu to the Drunken Immortal Pavilion for a banquet.

After all, I am their savior. Of course, the layout of this banquet is extremely elegant, and the table tops on all kinds of delicacies and fruits cannot be put down. The six of us gathered together for a table, and of course the host and the host enjoyed it.

Ying Xiangxue didn't talk much this time. I exchanged a few words with her, and she was not very interested, and she looked at Suo Qing frequently, but I didn't take it seriously. After all, she is from the Lingyue school, so it must be hard to say too much. If there are too many, there are ears on the wall, and Suo Qing was brought by me temporarily. She doesn't know the truth, and it is normal for her to believe but not dare to speak.

And this time the host is of course Ye Yunqiu, because I am going to attack tomorrow, so I can't drink, he will use tea instead of wine to cheer me up. It is indeed a chivalrous demeanor.

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