Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2801: : Naive

As I can see, the surrounding Tiannan Nine Schools range from the head, to the elders and disciples. Although they are all standing around the Doujiantai, they are mostly whispering at the moment, and they have put all their thoughts and thoughts on it to Li Xianglu these days. In the news.

Even though I was already standing on the sword stand, they just glanced at me and didn't care too much, after all, the old lady hadn't arrived yet.

After all, this is the largest fighting platform. The level of luxury is shocking. The surrounding audience is not in mid-air at this time, but has their own position. Of course, there are only a few thousand people who can watch the battle. , So it doesn’t look too crowded.

And when I was observing the crowd, several rays of light floated from the horizon. I stared and found that the leader was indeed the old man, and it seemed that he was Sun Daoji, the actual ruler of the Daojimen.

Because behind him, in addition to the current head of Daojimen, there are also Li Xiangrui and others, and there are also other people in the crowd that surprise me. For example, Ni Shi, Lonely Mu is among them, it seems these few I have come to the front of the stage.

Except for Sun Daoji falling into the ring, Li Xiangrui and Ni Shi, Lonely and Harmony did not keep up, but sat where they belonged. I deliberately took a look and found that Ni Shi followed the head of Daoji to Daoji. On the side of the door, Lonely Mu belongs to the side of Xujianmen.

Of course, they belong to which school and school, and it has little to do with me, because now Tianyi has to face the whole right way, not just one school.

Sun Daoji fell into the ring, so I took a serious look at it. It seemed that there were at least a hundred years old.

The old man seemed quite energetic, but even if he was so young and red, he couldn't hide the vicissitudes of the years. His face was already covered with age spots. If he was left in the world, he would be considered a centenarian.

"Old man Sun Daoji." Sun Daoji's voice was very small, and only the old was left in the faint. He didn't reflect the spirit of a super sword fairy at all, but it was precisely this faint feeling. , But there was a sense of intimacy, no wonder Ye Yunqiu and Wei Guangyu spoke highly of him.

But even if it doesn't look like a very powerful sword fairy, I still have to go all out this time, so I handed over and said, "Boy Xia Yitian, I have met my grandson."

"Okay...same as they said." Sun Daoji said, and coughed slightly: "Are you disappointed with how the old man is now...?"

"Don't dare." There is no emotion on my face, such an opponent, there is no vain under the reputation!

"Haha...good." Sure enough, after Sun Daoji said, his eyes, which were still a little tired and languid, quickly rose from a curved line, and the aura on his body began to slowly rise. , And climbed higher and higher, and his whole spirit suddenly changed!

I have seen many existences of the Nine Tribulations, and of course I will not be moved by them. I just stretched out my hand and summoned the Holy Path extremely smoothly. I have studied this sword for three days and three nights, and now it is handy. Of course, This doesn't mean it is suitable for me, because using this sword, the second context is equivalent to being sealed, this is the ultimate holy way, known as the holy fire, but it is not the devilish energy that can drive it!

"The sword of Lord Wen is in the empty mountain, and the door is silent and silent..." I don't have any thoughts to ask for advice in this battle. Now I can only win, so when I shoot, it is the most suitable sword!

"Well come, there is not much opening remarks. The sword is a word, and words are a sword. The old man is very pleased." Sun Daoji closed his eyes, and then gently pulled out the Daoji Sacred Sword in his hand, which was full of wrinkles. His mouth slowly sang a sword song: "Autumn Wind Suqin and a crane under the forest, falling wood and solitary sail among white clouds..."

The meaning of the sword is Wen Sun Daoji serving the sword in the empty mountain. Although the door is cold, but never closed, it means that there are many disciples and visitors, and they are both meditation and not meditation.

And the sword art he returned to me was to tell me that the scenery of the secluded place, there is autumn breeze, Suqin, and cranes in the forest, free and comfortable, and there are white clouds and big rivers, as long as he loses it. With the next piece of wood, you can sail alone by raising the sail!

This is a rare opponent!

My eyes are fleeting, the ultimate of the holy path represents the supreme authority of the holy path, so when I move around quickly, I have a love and a scene, and the depiction is lifelike. Of course, Sun Daoji is not lagging behind, he watched The figure is not tall, but at the moment it has already swept away the depression, and the sword is energized, and the drawn sword state is also unique, so it is only a moment, in the fast sword writing of the two of us, the whole sword state actually fits perfectly in Together!

Before discussing the matter of the six divine swords, there was still some noise in the scene, but at this moment, the whole scene was quiet, and now only the wind and the grass in the sword realm are all soldiers!


However, the whole world seems to be just a beautiful scene, but there is no doubt that two swordsmen have nurtured it, so the whole scene only lasted for a moment, and immediately began to compete dimly. This is obviously because of the two of us. The sword power is too terrifying!

The sense of tearing suddenly made the surrounding spectators exclaimed, and Sun Daoji and I were already in mid-air at this time. In order to gather our sword energy to destroy each other, we were all moving swords and wandering!

"Yeye Sword Wind has become a dream, how can I envy Guyun and return the old piano! One day! Guyun Jianfei!" The scene was gradually destroyed in the storm, but I did not stop the recasting of the entire sword realm. The destruction of each other, and the redrawing of one side, quickly stirred the entire sword stand. There was a flash of light everywhere, or like thunder, or fire!

"Xianxiang for a long time living in the white double temples, looking back at the homeland and red dust! Daoji sword! Looking back at red dust!" Sun Daoji seemed extremely calm at first, but now he shouted loudly, as if he had exhausted the rest of his life and returned to his youth. ,! And like his sword tactics, the entire fairyland was deliberately modified and reorganized by him, but under my destruction, it began to gradually become dilapidated, making the entire sword stand area really become red. Like dirt!

Buzzing! Lin Quan, Xianhe, and Dashan were quickly messed up in the entire Jiantai. I painted Sun Daoji's exquisite depiction and destroyed it very simply, just as his sword wind was not a dream after all, and he was envious. What Gu Yun, what kind of music do you still envy and enjoy? It's just a piece of virtual soil!

One wants to return to his prime, one takes him to the sky, and then lets him fall from the sky. This is an unfair sword fight.

The whole earth shook, and construction was far from simple destruction.

"What a powerful sword, the old man suppressed the cultivation base, but he couldn't suppress you at all... My son, you are very murderous." Sun Daoji's face was a little pale.

"I'm sorry, senior, if you are not serious in this battle, you may lose in the hands of the kid." My face sank. This time, from the moment the plan started, I can't step back. Shadow Search Sword is so innocent, whoever lives in can kill immortals!

Boom! The sword was not finished, and the sword was up again. The next moment, my body burst out with infinite sword energy. With the perfect cooperation of the holy way, the golden light even exploded and rendered the entire sword stand!

"Okay! What a naive man who seeks swords in the shadows, who can kill immortals! So murderous!" Sun Daoji's eyes widened suddenly, because the tone of my sword was really big, this was telling him, Chasing an inexplicable and imaginary kendo is too naive, living in a high position and enjoying the joy of swordsmanship, how can there be a kendo that can fight sword immortals? The sword was made to kill people.

This is ironic that Sun Daoji's sword is suitable for accepting disciples, but not for killing, so no wonder Sun Daoji is not angry!

"I am ashamed of playing the crown and light sword, so I always think of swords and rituals!" However, unexpectedly, when I forced him into a desperate situation, Sun Daoji still didn't really get angry, and planned to use the sword. To deal with me, from the wording of his swordsmanship sword song, there is a sword intent to tirelessly educate people!

Suddenly, Sun Daoji's fingers seemed to flick the Daoji Sacred Sword, and suddenly there was a croak, and it hit my forehead if anything!

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