Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2804: : Naihe

Speaking of swords is a process of mutual progress. While I talked, I was also digesting my own experience. Sun Daoji’s swordsmanship was also quite exquisite in some places, which gave me a lot of inspiration. Of course, in When swordsmanship approaches, disagreements are everywhere. The Huangquan swordsmanship used to defeat Sun Daoji is naturally not totally acceptable to Sun Daoji.

In the same way, excessive sword rituals will lack aggressiveness and become like a benevolent sword. In this way, it will not be possible to advance to a higher state. Therefore, under their respective holdings, even those who listen to the sword will gradually become Divided into two factions, the faction that focuses on sword rituals, naturally holding on to his own persistence, but the one who came to me is preceded by a higher level of mastery.

In the end, I completely divided them into two groups, and there is no doubt that Ye Yunqiu and the others are all on my side. It can be seen that the pursuit of entry is also what they want in their life. As for Sun Daoji, the number of people appears to be small. Some, there are even some friendship tickets in it.

The reason for my grouping is of course not to express anything, but to select a few of the best, and to debate with the disciples selected by Sun Daoji, and then to select and explain from them. In this way, the theoretical knowledge that everyone has gained is of course also The more.

This process of ignoring world affairs, only talking about swordsmanship, lasted for three days and three nights. In the three days, I made tea from the fairy lotus and Yuquan one after another, and the cultivation level followed up with it. It is said that this kind of spring water has nourished the legendary fairy lotus, and only then has spirituality. The tea that mortals can drink can be ascended to the fairy.

On the third day, the head of the Daoji Sect came, and after a few words with Sun Daoji, the sword talk was over. Of course, all the immortal families who listened to the class got a lot of money. The expression left, leaving only me and Sun Daoji, and the head of Daojimen.

As for Ye Yunqiu already took Ying Xiangxue and the others to the guest house, after all, we need to discuss some business matters.

"Junior Brother Wan is here too?" Sun Dao said lightly.

My heart was stagnant. There is no doubt that the one who can be called Junior Master Wan to Sun Daoji is the first sword immortal of the Righteous Way: Come Wan Jian!

"Yes, not only the Ten Thousand Sects, but also the first seat of the Jianhe Sect, the two of the Ancient Sword Sect and the Xujian Sect also came. In the front hall, I was drinking tea with a few brothers and talking about the former ancestors. Uncle, you and Daoyou Xia are in a sword fight, so I came in while they were talking to tell you, Uncle Grandpa, you, see if you want to see him." Daojimen said.

"What's better? It's gone, what do they want to do here?" Sun Daoji said unhappily.

"Uncle Patriarch, isn't it about the six magic swords that have been raging? Now everyone has attributed this sword to our Ninth Sect of Tiannan. The heads of thousands are the elites of the Nine Sects of Sword Immortals, and they said they got this When the sword comes back, it’s an indispensable responsibility, and it is the most glorious thing for the entire Tiannan Nine Schools to eliminate demons and defend Taoism in Linye Kingdom, because Fan Tiansheng, after all, can be regarded as a disciple of the ancient sage Daomen who has fallen into demons, and can’t ignore it..." Continue to say.

"Ah, but I just want to claim this divine thing as our own. I have to say it so high-sounding. After we got this six-dao divine sword, did our Tiannan Nine Faction correct it? Without this sword, again Is the Tao not enlightened? As for Fan Tiansheng, alas, you don't know the matter, so let's not talk about it..." Sun Daoji shook his head.

"This... Patriarch, after all, the sword is to be taken. After all, we are also in the same line of ancient heritage? After the calamity, we also borrowed the power of the ancient kingdom..." The head of the Daoji Sect is not like Sun Daoji. Regardless of the secular temperament, he was still babbling about the Six Dao Divine Sword, but his cultivation was not successful, and he did not dare to let the ancestor and uncle Sun Daoji fight, so it can only be a temptation.

"Daoji Sect already has the Daoji Sacred Sword, so it will not be used for this sword. If you get it, it will cause disputes, do you understand?" Sun Daoji said clearly.

"Yes, Patriarch Uncle's eyes are like torches, and the disciples have no intention of fighting, but Fan Tiansheng holds the six divine swords, which will eventually be a disaster. If the kingdom of the night expands, we are afraid of being affected." The Taoist master quickly explained. Sun Daoji was still quite jealous.

"Let them go, we Daoji Sect, we have always only been learning, one day, you will also extinguish the thought of participating in them, and don’t forget that when Tiannan Ancient Sacred Daomen was just split up, it was not The current Tiannan Nine Schools." After Sun Daoji finished speaking, the head of Daojimen couldn't help but shudder.

I don’t know the past, and I can’t help but mumble after hearing it. It seems that for thousands of years, the change of sects in the right way is cruel, otherwise, this sect is not only about learning, not competing for strength.

"The disciple knows how to do the Six Dao Divine Sword matter, but this attack... has always been the Sacred Dao Sect presided over, and our Dao Ji Sect is named..." The Dao Ji Sect's head asked again.

"Senior Brother Yuan, what did you say?" Sun Daoji asked Yuan Jinghong.

"Uncle Yuan said that the matter of the six divine swords is of course more important. This time the sword fight, let's slow it down," said the head of Dao Ji Sect.

I can’t help but frown. It’s reasonable. Yuan Jinghong is not a fool. Although the Sacred Dao Zhizhi used to be the magic sword of the ancient sacred door command sect, it is the ancient sacred door. It won’t work at the new sacred door. , And knowing that the Six Dao Divine Sword ranks among the four great treasures, if it is given to Wan Jian to take it away, would he still dare to give orders to the world? That is definitely the world where Wan Jian has come!

These days, I don’t keep my mouth open. When the disciples are defending their own swordsmanship, I also interact with Sun Daoji to explore the old monsters of the Tiannan Nine Sect. Sun Daoji is a very good talker, although he doesn’t. As for scoring the opponent’s kendo weakness, but being good at it is very straightforward. Even the temperament is true, which saves me a lot of trouble in investigation.

Yuan Jinghong's character is cold and cold, with few words, but his swordsmanship is unusually good at speed and extremely awful. Sun Daoji had killed Mu Jianli a few years ago and placed him under Ten Thousand Swords.

As for himself, I don't know whether it is humble or what. It is said that because of his old age, there are many rumors in the outside world, so the fame can be ranked first in the right way, but the strength is only fifth.

And as Wan Jianlai, whose ranking is not controversial, Sun Daoji doesn’t actually like it very much. From what I mean, Wan Jianlai has been out of control for many years, and he has been acting independently. There are so many things that do not negotiate. , This is also too strong. If you want to change someone else, you would have been killed long ago. Of course, even if you can survive alone among the nine factions in the South of Heaven, there is reason for him. He will not go to some bottom line things. It's like Daojimen. For so many years, he has always sent his disciples, and the education funds are not less than a point. It can be seen that this is not recklessness from Wan Jian, but he is really smart, knowing what to fight and what to do guard.

Sun Dao nodded and said: "As expected, if I lose, our Tiannan Nine faction wants to come up with a victorious sword fairy. It will not be easy. Junior Brother Wan won't get up early, and Junior Brother Yuan won't even take it. Let’s do this with you, Gu Jianzong and Xujianmen, both of them are old and cunning characters who do not see rabbits or scatter eagles. Lin Yeguo and his party are here to fight for six swords, and they are afraid to take Xiaoyou Xia away. Hello, the name leads the way, and it also means testing."

The head of the Taoist School was shocked and quickly said: "Uncle Patriarch knew what was going on before he left the house. All of this was said. Uncle Wan really meant this, so he asked me where Fellow Dao Xia is at this time."

"Hey, a group of old guys, there is no face and face, our nine major schools in Tiannan, that's the only way to behave?" Sun Dao sighed extremely bitterly, and then looked at me: "Xia Xiaoyou, the old man has nothing to do with it. "

I smiled, and said, “I’m going against the tide, and I’m going to retreat if I don’t advance. I have had a great time with my grandchildren, and I have no regrets.”

Sun Daoji took my hand and patted it, there was a faint light of helplessness in his eyes, and at this time, three strong breaths came quickly from a distance, which was very compelling.

Sun Daoji's eyes were torch, his eyebrows narrowed, and he coldly said to the three quick breaths: "Hehe, is there no deterrence for the old man's defeat? Junior Brother Wan, why don't you come here?"

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