Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2810: : Chase the dream

What makes me old? I touched my face, but found that there were no wrinkles except for the traces of time and time. When I was suddenly surprised, I suddenly thought of something, because someone looks almost like me, and should be young Old look!

"Drive Wan Jian out of Ziguan, fight to Danqiu without surviving!!" Wan Jian's high singing voice suddenly sounded, I looked at him, the sword was holding a sword in his hand, and the sword song was already there. Loud!

In the quiet dark night, sand and rocks fluttered for a while, and the wind swept like flat ground, like boiling sword intent! Guan Miaole grabbed me suddenly, and then quickly flew in the other direction, and Qu Chifeng did not hesitate at all. With a big hand, a black transparent sword appeared in his hand and hit me with a boom. The place where I was originally, the next moment, a deep gully appeared before my eyes!

And the whole empty land, there are only gray smoke and dust, and the gloomy ghost!

"Mountains and rivers and the continents should look alone, who kisses the scenery of the fairyland..." A gloomy voice came from the darkness, and the feeling of vicissitudes, the hoarse sound like the old age, just penetrated my ears. in!

"Fan Tiansheng!" My heart thumped up, six magical swords, a sword that destroyed the terrifying shadows of my three family ghosts, still lingering in my heart!

"All! Let! Open!" When Wan Jianlai was singing the sword song, there was still an angry roar from his voice behind me. I couldn't help being shocked. I could only retreat with Guan Miaole and let Wan Jian come. Top in front!

It seems that Wan Jianlai still has a body like a body behind him. In this way, he might not have exhausted all his strength when fighting swords before!


The person behind Wan Jianlai who directs Wan Jian is like a red blood Buddha. When Wan Jian Lai Jian Ge was drinking, he has helped him put a handful of dazzling cloth behind him, but it is a sword energy that is mostly phantom!

And half of these sword auras are still invisible! They are not only hidden in the sword group, even the front, back, left, and right sides of the ten thousand swords are also torn with the sword into countless sword marks without hesitation!

Where does the sad wind send you?

"Sorrowful wind!" I knew it in a flash. These swords are no doubt the sorrowful wind. This sword is invisible and shapeless, and the most insidious and terrifying. If the cultivation level is not enough, the sky's eye can't see the sword's brightness, and it will give it to the sword in an instant The power cut into the blood mist, is the top existence in the true fairy sword embryo, it can be said that it is a big killer that specializes in killing low-level.

It’s just that it’s not someone else who exists in the darkness ahead, but Fan Tiansheng. With the blessing of innate ghost energy, no one knows how far the cultivation level is now, but at least the Nine Tribulations can’t escape, so how could it be easy for the other party? Shred! However, I was still shocked by this terrible attack! Wan Jianlai is indeed a master of masters! No wonder, Mu Zhongping is so sure that he can kill Fan Tiansheng!

I didn't expect that Wan Jian came and went to borrow "Sorrowful Wind", but how could Xia Ruize lend him this sword that can be called infinite sword energy? After all, apart from borrowing, I can’t think of any way to grab the sword. The true fairy sword embryo is different from the ordinary sword. It is a small thing like a seed. It exists in the Tao body and can be summoned at any time. The strength affects the use. It also depends on the strength of the sacrifice, and if you want to obtain it, you must kill the original owner and get the sword embryo, or its owner takes the initiative to take it out.

As for Wan Jian, it was probably true because Xia Ruize was trapped by what Yuan Muying said. It is very likely that letting him go is a condition of exchange, because Li Xiangrui and Xia Ruize belong to the dark gang. It should be more than one stone with one stone!

"Yeliang soul returns to Huanxi, flying to the sky, Ruozhou Mountain! Ten thousand swords! Ten thousand swords fit!" Wan Jianlai sent a big hand forward, and the ten thousand swords were all sent out immediately, and the sword shadows burned, like burning the sky and extinguishing the sun. The power of tearing space!

With such a terrifying range and sword aura, ordinary sword immortals did not dare to suddenly break in, and Guan Miaole did lead me back and forth. It seemed that he received a task to protect me.

And Qu Chifeng also chanted the sword curse, ready to help Wan Jian.

When the sword light flew from Wan Jian, and the suppressive fall everywhere, in the darkness, the second half of the sword song soon came: "Under the blood-stained clothes, I live in the low alleys. Why do you need to go to the fairy ghost! Dao! Cangzhou Xianhe!"

Chi Chi! Suddenly, the speed of the broken sword slowed down, and then, the blood-colored cloud suddenly floated towards us, like a red sandstorm, even blowing away countless sword qi directly!

However, there were countless sword auras breaking into the clouds, but then, a burst of black energy swept through again, only to hear the sound of the sword, there was nothing!

Although the blood mist that rolled in was violent, the red sword Buddha behind Wan Jianlai also waved his hand, like sweeping the ground, swept the red cloud away! It seems that this red sword Buddha is no ordinary treasure!

"Six divine swords!" Wan Jian came to gritted his teeth and condensed his eyebrows. I spent more than a month with him, but I had never seen such a solemn expression on this strong man!

"Haha...child, the swordsmanship is good." Fan Tiansheng's voice was still determined, as if when he first saw me at that time, and immediately afterwards, his figure quickly appeared in the scattered clouds!

And the moment he appeared, I was shocked, not because he changed his clothes into the costume of the night country, but because there were six six divine swords floating behind him! These six swords are arranged neatly, with the handle facing the sky and the blade facing the ground. They float up and down for a while, and then continuously revolve into one. The variety is amazing!

I rubbed my eyes and found that I did not make a mistake. They are combined into one, and they are divided into six.

But if you take a closer look, these six six magic swords actually have different colors of the light where the blood tank is connected to the handle. They are gold, silver, blue, black, brown, and green. This strange color combination , Let me give birth to a trace of confusion.

But I quickly swallowed blood into my throat, and the golden lotus uttered a voice, saying: "The six divine swords are magic swords, and there are six inner paths. The six swords are six bridges, divided into gold, silver, jade, stone, wood, Bamboo! Represents the ending of the six reincarnations."

I took a breath of air. I didn’t expect that the six divine swords could separate the six bridges, but I didn’t care about it. There seemed to be six divine swords in front of me, so they should be able to carry out targeted attacks, or the six in one would be even more terrifying. The power of?

At the moment when the ten thousand swords came, he was really greedy for the six divine swords. He narrowed his eyes and suddenly licked his lips and smiled: "Your Excellency is not good at playing swords. If you don’t want to give it to me, or exchange it with my Finger Sword Buddha, Maybe it will be more suitable for you."

"Pointing the sword Buddha? Haha, is it the sword Buddha behind you?" Fan Tiansheng also laughed, and then gently twisted his hand, and a brown sword on his back suddenly screamed. Fan Tiansheng smiled again and stretched out his sword. That is to say: "My child, you did not have much merit in your previous life. Everything in this life is considered to be grabbed. So when you count it, it can be said to be harmful to the world and full of evil. The karma is really not small. This sword is suitable for sending you into the six reincarnations. ."

Looking at the scene before me, I suddenly remembered the infinite ruler back then. These gods are often terrible things when they come out!

"The gods and gods are talking nonsense, the cultivation is truly immortal, and everything is robbed? Whoever grabs it!" Wan Jian snorted coldly, the Sorrowful Wind Sword swayed, and the palm quickly wiped the blade, and the blood suddenly became transparent. His sword was dyed blood: "Thirty-year-old is still in the waste and old industry, and the next day I will realize that I will go to Yunxian. The ruler is not broken by Yunhong, and I can go to a short time with a sword! Ten thousand swords!

"Hehe, I said that you grab everything, and I didn't need me to call it." Fan Tiansheng didn't have any signs of corroding the innate ghost energy, and even the voice and expression were normal. Is it really suppressed? Innate ghost spirit?

The Finger Sword Buddha once again put his hands together, and then the Ten Thousand Thousand Sword reappeared next to him. It was an artifact from the Ten Thousand Swords, just like the Jingshi Qingping Sword and the Kyushu Mirror of the Year, belonging to the super magical weapon type.

Fan Tiansheng seemed to be very confident in the Six Ways of the Divine Sword. He didn't pay attention to the sword Buddha at all. Instead, he held the brown sword and sang a sword song: "Going to the west to fight the fairy emperor's dream, but the night cold sound mirrors the Mid-Autumn Festival. Hua Temple, for whom is the legacy to this continent! Fairy ghost road! For whom is chasing dreams!"

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