Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2828: :baby

I heard that I had taken the head of the nine-fold heavenly gate into captivity. All the disciples in Tianyi were boiling. They ran like monkeys to watch the excitement. Not to mention the people on the way to greet them. Hai Chengfeng on the Delian Platform was so embarrassed several times that the pain can be imagined.

"Look, take a look, take a look, this is Hai Chengfeng, the head of the Nine Heavens Gate, this time I came here to visit us, don't get excited, don't crowd, you can see it if you fly farther!" I dispelled the crowd loudly, Hai Chengfeng turned pale again with anger, and this time, it was Sun Mochen who came to greet me. After all, the women's army was still in retreat at this time, so there was no time to watch the fun.

"Brother Tian, ​​you are so kind! Why are you like a street seller?" Sun Mochen smiled embarrassedly, and glanced at Hai Chengfeng. This female head had already lost her breath at this moment, and her face was flushed. She was so ashamed that she was ashamed of herself. After all, she was also the head of a big sect. She was actually **** by someone at this moment. Is she still a gangster in this life?

"I've saved enough face, and I clearly said that I was here as a guest." I laughed. In fact, I also removed the blood vine seedlings before. If it wasn't for Hai Chengfeng, I wanted to sneak away while I was distracted. , I wouldn't be so shameless, it can be regarded as a punishment for her.

"Old Demon Xia, you let me go, or I'll detonate the incorporeal to die for you!" Hai Chengfeng said angrily.

I snorted coldly, looked at Zi Qingyun and said, "Emperor Ye, it seems that I have to use the blood vine seedlings directly to make her honest."

"Alright, this method is very good to deal with such a stubborn enemy." After Zi Qingyun finished speaking, he planned to introduce the blood vine seedlings into Hai Chengfeng's body. As a result, Hai Chengfeng was not scared to look at Huarong? Immediately sue Rao again and again, I don't mind letting her go, it's not the first time anyway.

Hai Chengfeng was tortured so helplessly that he almost didn't cry. I didn't bother to pay attention to her. The few disciples who died in Tianyi were also miserable, so I didn't find her to fill the accounts.

"By the way, I said Hai Sect, when did you say that your Dao Lu Mo Xiuran will come? How much compensation will you bring to me this time?" I smiled.

"I said, he is not my Taoist companion!" Hai Chengfeng said angrily.

I shrugged: "It's not too late, but it ruined your marriage, but I'm really sorry, but one thing falls into the same thing, so I'll let the head of the sea condescend to stay here for the time being, and wait for the accounts to be settled. If you're clear, go back and make up the big wedding with him. Let's spend the night in the bridal chamber, hehe."

Hai Chengfeng thought about it and got angry, but couldn't really do anything to me, his face was full of harsh expressions.

"Brother Tian, ​​I would rather demolish a temple than a marriage. This is not good..." Sun Mochen saw Hai Chengfeng's signs of growth, and sympathy would inevitably overflow, but I laughed: "If the two loves are long-lasting, how can they be together? Mu? I didn't forcibly occupy the head of the sea, but just discuss the matter. If the Nine Heavens Gate does not give me a reason, of course I have to give them an explanation."

With a simple ‘oh’, Sun Mochen informed the others to prepare for a meeting, and studied how to deal with the Jiuzhongtianmen.

After handcuffing Hai Chengfeng with a special tie, I asked Sun Mochen to take her to the side hall first, and then I went to the closed place of the head hall to find my sister-in-law.

When they arrived at the retreat, the two female disciples were standing outside. After asking questions, they found that the sister-in-law was not in retreat, but she still couldn't come out inside, and there was no reason to say.

And I just wanted to open the door, but the door opened first, Zhao Qian appeared at the door with a smile of joy, and said: "Brother Tian came by coincidence. Sister Tian is not very comfortable, she is still inside."

I was stunned and said, "Uncomfortable? What's the matter?"

Zhao Qian was still laughing, and I put the back of my hand on her forehead: "You don't have a fever, right? Jiu'er is uncomfortable and you stayed there too?"

"No, you come." Zhao Qian took my hand off and dragged me into the large jade plate where I entered the retreat.

My sister-in-law was meditating there, but she didn’t mean to stand up at all, and she didn’t even have any signs of arousing her vitality. And she has been in a state of seven calamities for such a long time now. My third channel is all It's faster than her.

"Jiu'er, what's the matter?" Zhao Qian and I reached the jade plate, and the sister-in-law opened our eyes and said, "It's nothing, it's just..."

"What is it..." I panicked, and put out my hand to put her catkin jade wrist on the palm of my hand, and gently drew in a soft breath, the breath slowly wandered away, and quickly swam all the limbs. I walked it again, but I still didn't find out what was wrong, except that the position of her lower abdomen seemed to be a little unusual movement.

"Brother Tian, ​​don't look at it, you don't know this very well when you think about it." Zhao Qian smiled and took my hand away.

The sister-in-law shook her head and said, "How do you feel?"

"This..." My face changed slightly, and my eyes were placed solemnly on her lower abdomen, and I suddenly pondered: "I can't see..."


Zhao Qian clicked her finger and knocked on my forehead directly: "Tian brother fool."

"Huh?" I was stunned, a little at a loss, but Zhao Qian leaned over and said to my ear: "Sister Tian has it."

I stood up with a whistle, got up, my face suddenly ignited like fire, a little unbelievable: "Really...really?"

"Okay, I'm not mingling anymore. I'm going outside. Don't make too much noise. It scares the children, and everyone will not let you go." Zhao Qian complained me bitterly, and then went out.

The sister-in-law shook her head, her face still filled with a doting smile, I slowly sat down, and gently put her in my arms: "After decades of flicking, the white horse has passed, the sun and the moon are like shuttles. Never thought that there would be such a day, Jiuer...thank you..."

There are tears in my eyes that will fall when you blow the bomb, and the circles under my eyes are already reddish. I have never dared to think about such a time and such a situation. The sister-in-law who stood behind me since I was a child, Take care of me, love me, become my wife, and now, she still has my flesh and blood...

"Do you like it?" Sister-in-law said quietly and gently, her pride, at this moment, has become gentle because of the child in her abdomen, no more edges or corners, perhaps this is the real motherhood.

"Like... I don't like it too much. I never even thought about how I popped out of my mother's belly back then. I think this little day, I'm afraid it is the same now." I laughed.

"What nonsense, the logic is wrong, how do you know that it is a boy?" The sister-in-law was lying on my shoulders, her eyes whitened at me, her pupils are very beautiful, the pupil circle is golden, which This kind of glaring light is far more sacred than anyone.

"I know... by the way, does grandma know?" I like little girls, but usually they say the opposite, and they will get what they want. That's why they are boys.

"I want her to be like me, the boy must be like you toss, you know, after following you for so many years, I was exhausted, but you didn't have a day of worry, and there was no thought to stay for a moment... "Sister-in-law said with a smile, and then continued: "Zhou Ying has gone to Yingjie station. She has to calculate the child's destiny, and calculate whether the wheel of fortune has changed because of this..."

"Grandma must be so happy, right?" My tears fell. What grandma has done for me for many years, thinking about it really moved me endlessly.

"Well, yeah... she, after hearing about it, she walked and almost didn't knock down on the edge of the jade plate... Tears were still flowing." The sister-in-law smiled faintly, and seemed to remember the year. Everything.

Grandma persuaded her to become my child bride-in-law. It took a lot of effort and wisdom. It was impossible to do this by replacing it with someone else. Intercepting the luck of heaven. In the final analysis, how did I steal it? I didn't even understand, does grandma really have such a big energy?

But all this is not important anymore. Now that many years have passed, my destiny has also been positive. Even if the future is still long and at a loss, at least now is a node of fate, right?

While wiping my tears, I laughed out loud.

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