Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2870: : Stealing fishy

"Lord, what do we do next? If we don't go to the main tower, then go to the central tower first? Or to rescue the supreme first?" Zi Qingyun asked, I was so sad that I couldn't be more sad. After thinking about it, I Said: "Go to the Central Pagoda first!"

I am about to get to the central sacred tower. It was built from scratch, brick by brick in the sky. If others want to occupy it for nothing, how can I let it succeed? Zi Qingyun commanded Huxuelian to fly over there without hesitation.

As Ziqingyun’s refining methods and compatibility became more mature, the speed of the blood lotus became faster and faster, so I soon broke into the protection circle of the tower, and then entered the outermost first protection circle. Dozens of disciples of the Sacred Dao Sect rushed out, looking at us one by one like an enemy. Of course, Li Poxiao was still not talking.

"Who would break into my holy door casually? Can there be a school that summons Wen Di in wartime?" a true immortal of Seven Tribulations said without changing his face.

I glanced gloomily at him and the disciples around me, and I didn’t even bother to order Zi Qingyun to continue rushing over. The Seven Tribulations True Immortal immediately prepared to order his disciples to intercept, but Huxuelian wanted to break through. How could they be able to stop it? Zi stepped over and rushed directly to the second protection circle.

Perhaps it was because the elders of the Seven Tribulations just reported the news. The second layer of protection is already full of disciples, and there are more than a dozen of them in the Eight Tribulations, and they are even preparing to intercept the sword formation, and there are surrounding disciples. Came over here.

"No matter who you are from the Holy Dao Sect, or who belongs to which sect, this is the site of the Holy Dao Sect. Don't come here, otherwise don't blame us for being impolite!" An elder said angrily, and immediately took a lot of it. His disciples blocked the top, bottom, left, and right, and there are countless treasures floating in the air. As long as we continue to break through the barriers, we will attack with magic treasures.

"Haha, when I go back to my own house, do I need to report with you at the Sacred Door?!" I coldly showed the Sorrowful Wind Sword, Li Poxiao immediately stopped in front of me and said to the group of people: " Li Poxiao, the head of the Wanjian Sect, please see Xia Ruize, the head of the Sacred Dao Sect, the leader of the Nine Sects in Tiannan."

Even though the elder heard Li Poxiao's name, he still didn't believe it, and said, "Are there any clearance discs? You are not the head of Wanjian Sect, and you didn't participate..."

I shrank the ground in an instant in front of him, and pointed a sword at the center of his eyebrows: "Get out!"

"Xia Yitian! Stop it!" Li Poxiao yelled quickly, and the elder was still waiting to fight back. Then, the Sword of Sorrow swept up a hurricane, and the elder was instantly cut into incorporeal body, screaming and fleeing without being seen. !

I glanced at the disciples and disciples around me, and said coldly: "If I find that you dare to kill any disciple, don't blame me for making you a deadly enemy!"

A group of disciples and disciples all turned blue, but after all, there are so many elders in the Seven Tribulations and Eight Tribulations, and they quickly recognized my identity. Before I defeated Sun Daoji at the Daoji Sect, I deeply shocked this. The elders and elite disciples.

This group of elder disciples did not dare to stop, and began to contact the higher level. I returned to the blood lotus and approached the sacred tower. After a while, a breath of Nine Tribulations flew towards me, and I wrinkled. Mei, because of this breath I am very familiar with, it belongs to Ni Shi.

My face was gloomy, and I hadn't had any expectations for her, because she had completely become a diehard loyalist led by Heizi.

"One day." Ni Shi greeted me standing on a fast cloud boat. I didn't even bother to turn my face. Ni Shi wanted to say something, but I stepped over her in an instant and continued to fly towards the tower. go with.

On the tower, there are still two breaths of Nine Tribulations, but I can guess who it belongs to. One is Heizi’s, which is mysterious and gloomy to me, and the other is Xia Ruize’s, with a hint of it. The same miscellaneous atmosphere as me.

Xia Ruize discovered my approach, and soon flew out from the direction of the head hall and came to me.

"One day, big brother welcomes you back." Xia Ruize stood on the steps of the sacred pagoda, wearing a Tsing Yi Dao robe, the head of the Sacred Dao Sect, which looked very simple, but it looked like me and looked even more elegant than me. He stood there more like a person of high authority.

"Who asked you to lead your troops to invade a **** tower in my heaven?" I frowned coldly, my face already hideous.

"One day, what are you talking about? How could big brother invade Tianyi?" Xia Ruize said with a straightened face, "Big brother is helping you."

Hey, the Sword of Sorrowful Wind flew out of my hand, and my face was still ugly: "If you don't explain it clearly, this is where you were buried today!"

"One day!" Xia Ruize frowned, and his face became serious: "What are you talking about? I am your elder brother! Who do you think I am? The sword in your hand, or the eldest brother I gave you, Are you still planning to use it to kill Big Brother?"

"Don't talk nonsense with me! I only ask you, do you plan to take people out of here now, or do I personally come and drive them?!" My patience was almost to the extreme.

Xia Ruize frowned slightly, and said, "One day, I learned about the Nine Heavens Gate and the Wuwei Sword Sect invading Tianyi, which made you very angry, but the eldest brother did not come to invade Tianyi. On the contrary, I led the disciples of the Holy Taoism to help. Yours, and staying here is to better restore the physical strength of the disciples and elders, so that you can have the strength to deal with the invading army! You want to drive us, how can our holy gate resist the invasion of the magic gate? The witches here Both the demons and the human towns will suffer the disasters caused by the invasion of the Demon Gate, can't you bear it?"

"Hehe, don't talk about it. You want to take advantage of the invasion of the magic door, take the opportunity to occupy this tower, and want to get the most benefit from it, don't I know? Don't think I don't understand what you are thinking!" Said coldly.

"One day, put the sword away, we two brothers, this confrontation will make people laugh, you come with me first, let's talk alone." Xia Ruize slowly shook his head, and then stretched out his hand to let me and him enter the palace of the head.

"What are you going to say here!" I didn't plan to buy it at all, but Xia Ruize quickly looked at Ni Shi and asked, "Are they here yet?"

"Come here." Ni Shi nodded, and then looked in the other direction. After a while, a group of elders in heavenly robes floated over. I glanced over, and An Jun was there!

"An Jun?" My face changed slightly, and when An Jun saw me, he cried with pears and rain: "Master! You are back!"

An Jun hugged me at once, and I took a deep breath and asked quickly, "Where are Gu Rong and Yan Xiayue?"

After listening to An Jun, he burst into tears: "Sect Master Gu said that I was their future, so I stayed in the large army and let Sect Master Hua escape back to the central tower, but in the end we encountered a volley. Sect Master Hua was broken up, and the one I was leading was rescued by Head Xia. Sect Master Hua was severely injured and disappeared."

Xia Ruize said quickly: "Oh, when we arrived, it was too late. The monster tribe troops rescued were just the remaining parts of the escape, including the girl An. It was indeed the elder brother who rescued it personally. He said that he has a deep relationship with you. After knowing this, the elder brother brought her along with the elders of a few days and knew that you were definitely coming here."

"One day, you have too deep a prejudice against your eldest brother. As soon as he heard that Tianyi was besieged by the Nine Heavens Gate, he immediately mobilized the nine major factions to expel the Demon Sect. Right now, the surrounding sects also responded and began to fight the Demon Sect. Fight to the death." Ni Shi said from the side.

I raised my eyebrows and said, "A raccoon dog, how can there be a cat that smells fishy and doesn't steal it!"

Ni Shi's face changed slightly, but he didn't dare to say anything. Xia Ruize shook his head and said, "Follow me."

I hesitated in my heart. I don't know what Xia Ruize has to say. This central sacred tower was piled up with huge resources from the sky. It is impossible to give it to him with a few words or one or two people saved.

Entering the palace of the head, Xia Ruize continued: "On the side of Yan Xia Yue, the eldest brother has sent someone to find it, but the chance is probably not great, because Yan Xia Yue took the group of people who fled with them, basically they are definitely in trouble. "

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