Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2893: : Tree Hill

Taking advantage of the current Tiannan melee war has not spread to Tianyi, Tianyi must speed up to enter the state and stabilize its position, and then the Tiannan battlefield will be transferred from the middle of Xia Ruize to me to be able to deal with all crises.

After the meeting, I decided to take Yun Bingxin, Li Nianjun, Jing Xiaoman and other members of the women's legion to the Tianxia faction. Of course there is Zhu Zhenfu in it, but what is surprising is Hai Chengfeng, the head of the original Jiuzhongtianmen. It's not surprising that he came here because he didn't want to see me.

In addition, there are some non-combatants from the Women’s Corps, such as Ziyi, Yan'er, Yan Qiancai, Xia Yanqingzhu, Zuo Lian, Bai Ruqi, etc. who have not yet reached the Nine Tribulations. They are all targeted for training and enter together. Tianxia faction, and successive resources will also be transported there, as the second largest gate of Tianyi.

Because of its excellent absorption capacity, Huxuelian He Ziqingyun has recovered as before, and it can be regarded as the best mobile tool for this trip. Under Zhu Zhenfu's guidance, we have reached the hinterland of the Tianxia faction in a month and a half. And Zhu Zhenfu also contacted the two true immortals of the Nine Tribulations, Sun Xuliang and Zhou Qinshu, who became a secret pile of heaven.

These two Nine Tribulations Fairy Speaking of which I have also seen each other, they were the two who led the army together with Zhu Zhenfu to attack the Linye Kingdom, beat me into an incorporeal body and returned to the world, although they had no status. What has changed, but since Luo Tian died, thinking of me, I was unaware that I wanted to escape from this Tianxia faction a long time ago. It was not until Zhu Zhenfu lobbied that this stayed, so she became Tianyiyi Tianxia faction. pawn.

After experiencing their activities both overtly and secretly, the Nine Tribulations True Immortals sent by the world all convinced the sky. After all, after Luo Tian died before, his elite group of dead men raised the banner of revenge. Luo Wang, now the remaining are some ascetic monks, or speculative immortals, the destruction of a country and the change of the gates do not have much impact on them, as long as they can continue to use the top towers, it is enough for them Up.

So entering the hinterland of the Tianxia Sect, the resisters did not appear at all. Instead, Sun Xuliang and Zhou Qinshu brought disciples from the Tianxia Sect to meet each other. Compared with Qitian, the vast number was as few as a dozen of them. Elite is actually very ironic.

"Master, in the future, our Tianxia faction will no longer exist. We will all be called Tianyiyi. Anyway, we have to bring a word for Tianyi. After discussion, the disciples agree to join Tianyiyi." Sun Xuliang is an old man. random.

"Haha, is it really okay?" I faintly smiled, and Sun Xuliang's eyelids twitched, and he quickly said with a smile: "It really doesn't matter! Right now the Tiannan melee, the outside is very chaotic, Tianyi is now occupying Linye Country, pinch Entering the throat of the main road, sheltering us from the wind and rain, we are too grateful. Besides, Elder Xia, you have come here in person. The disciples are very happy to be able to block your true face, so they are all satisfied! How can there be any objections?"

"Then the best, take me to see the tower." I smiled but didn't want to listen to him flattering there.

Then Sun Xuliang hurriedly responded, and then he and the four remaining true immortals of the Nine Tribulations led me to this legendary top **** tower!

I glanced at the remaining four true immortals of the Nine Tribulations. Among them was Zhou Qinshu, who had fleeed from the body before. Among the other two, one was a middle-aged man and the other was a young woman. Behind them, they stood separately. Two or three elites.

"We have many mountains in the world, and there are five largest peaks, each with about three or four thousand elites. The previous battle has lost one-third. Right now there are many disciples." Sun Xuliang said while introducing the middle-aged. The man and the young woman: "The old school leader Luo Tian has fallen behind. Junior brother, I really spent a lot of effort to put down the rebellion. Brother Xia Dachang, these two junior brothers and senior sisters, are the heroes who brought down my rebellion this time. , And in order to be able to control the disciples of the other peaks, I had to surpass and confess their fate. They both became the peak of the peak. Among them, Junior Sister Wei Peiqing was in charge of the second peak, while Jiang Ban was in charge of the fifth peak, and Junior Brother and Junior Sister Zhou Qinshu were in charge of the first. And the third peak, and the fourth peak because Junior Sister Zhu Zhenfu is still there, and the disciples have already joined Tianyi early, so Junior Brother gave her a reservation. I wonder if the head of Xia Da is satisfied with this arrangement?"

"Well, it's okay, but I just met these people, some don't trust me enough, so I plan to place some palm peak supervisors for you, I don't know if you are happy?" I laughed, and the words were very explicit, with a trace Threatened.

"This...I'm not happy with this!? But Senior Brother, you really don't deprive Junior Brother of the temporary arrangement?" Sun Xuliang said in surprise, but actually had to agree.

"Don't deprive me, the main peak is still up to me to arrange for people to have full control. In terms of strength, it should be enough to deal with the catastrophe. As for the management ability, you don't need to worry about them. They are competent enough, whether it is strength or management ability." After I said that, I looked at Jing Xiaoman and Li Nianjun, who were not very happy at the moment.

Needless to say, Jing Xiaoman, this little princess was very unhappy when she heard that I was going to leave her here, and had trouble with me several times along the way, but fortunately she promised that she could come back anytime after she was finished Look for me, or it would have turned the sky long ago.

Li Nianjun is better, because he is not willful and wants to make some achievements to attract attention, so he is very looking forward to this trip to the world, and of course he will not refuse to be the suzerain here.

Since Tianxia faction has become a part of Tianyi, it does not have a head, and can only be managed and controlled by the left and right suzerain.

Sun Xuliang saw that the two girls were both so young. Of course, the corners of his lips were smiling. I didn't bother to talk to him about the greatness of these two young ancestors, because soon he would know that it was Jing Xiaoman alone. It's not a good girl anymore, and Li Nianjun is usually fine, but if Jing Xiaoman is playing sideways, she is not a vegetarian. The most important thing is that they are still very strong. They have a spiritual mind and a Taoist method. In order to squeeze into the top class again, it is really not easy to find the true immortal of the same calamity that can bully them.

"You don't need to look at the other five peaks, just go straight to the subject. I want to see the sacred tree of your main tower." Because most of the gates in Tiannan are looking forward to the sky, my time is very urgent. I can only keep everything simple. That's all, if other peaks are also going around, it is really not the time.

Of course Sun Xuliang knew about Tianyi's situation, but now Tianxia School is not a school he cultivated, and second, he doesn't have enough money and no shop at the back of the village. No one can take refuge, so there is really no other choice except Tianyi School.

Moreover, Tianyiyi is now trying to find the depth of defense, and has no intention of letting the Tianxia faction go, so he can only lead the team first. After all, the world is so fierce, and the sky is falling down, a tall man has to carry it.

While Sun Xuliang led the way, all the disciples of the Tianxia School who floated along the way had already taken the initiative to change their costumes. They were made blood-like from the original bright red, and now they have put on the simple Tsing Yi robes of Tianyi. There is no doubt that this Sun Xu Liang had lived such a long time, and he was not all lost in his cultivation, and his temper was very smooth.

Entering the area of ​​the main tower, a towering green tree has appeared in front of us!

The size of the sacred tree can no longer be described by normal thinking. Normal people can hardly imagine how high a top sacred tower is, but this huge towering tree is already very high! Of course, it doesn't look like it's all a thin line, because the bottom of the tower is actually very huge, and Green Youyou looks like a huge mountain!

Later, when I approached, I discovered that the "mountain" under this top-level pagoda is not a mountain, but a huge tree and vine that is intertwined everywhere, spreading for dozens of miles, and the surrounding area has large trees and rocks. , It has been taken over and cleaned, basically it can't survive, it can be called a disaster.

"This sacred tree is still accelerating. The disciples feel very good and think it is a miracle. Only us palm peaks know that once they reach the area of ​​other peaks, they are afraid that their vitality will be drawn by it to get weaker and weaker. "Sun Xuliang said embarrassedly.

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