Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2931: : Stick people

"Who are you looking for?" The woman didn't seem to expect that the sand would expose her existence, so she quickly released the trapped breath, but in fact, even if she continued to trap her breath, I had already discovered her. Luo Benliu's senior sister.

As for Luo Benliu, he was not here at the moment. After scolding him, he should have stayed on the tower.

"Forget the sneaky peeping, and still have the face to ask other people's private affairs?" I smiled coldly, and at this time, only the eyes of the corpse were left!

"Haha, has it turned into anger? Now this sacred tower is guarded by my Nanxian Pavilion, so that it is not coveted by other schools. Even we did not go down to check it, but you went easily. I should have done my best to take you That's right, now seeing you come back like this, I will just leave it alone, don't you want to kill me because of this?" The woman's star-like eyes also gradually cooled.

I snorted coldly and said, "This is the site of my Heavenly One. Not only your Nanxian Pavilion, but also the other sects are just foreign occupiers. It's not that they haven't been retaliated yet, but The time has not yet come!"

"Your threat is really harsh, is it inherently fierce?" The woman confronted each other.

"When dealing with the enemy, you don't need to retain feelings. When the sword is in the body, you can quickly reach three points." I said gloomily.

The woman smiled faintly, then held up her hand and said: "Very well, I don't know if your Excellency intends to fight me again, or what?"

I looked into her eyes, but I didn’t see even a bit of murderousness. Although she said that, she didn’t even have any intention of fighting. Of course, I am not a fighting freak. I was just angered by watching her over me. Actually It’s no good for me to fight with her, and she can draw with me in the Nine Tribulations. It can be seen that there are two brushes in strength. You must know that during the catastrophe period, I rarely really convince other colleagues, but that old lady Xu With Luo Benliu, I trust her unconditionally. It can be seen that she is not an ordinary sword immortal, and I still have something to do, so I can't waste my power on her.

Besides, the intention of this South Immortal Pavilion is not clear. It doesn’t look like occupying the tower at first. After all, let me open the formation and go down to the bottom. Second, let me listen to them. They are just guarding rather than possessing development, and they also I didn't open the big formation, then I didn't need to hate everyone first, let's see their intentions in Nanxian Pavilion first, so as not to cause endless trouble to the sky.

With this in mind, I didn't plan to entangle this female sword fairy anymore, and with a little toe, I went straight to the top of the tower.

The woman watched me passing by, with only a touch of complexity in her eyes, and she seemed to have an idea of ​​wanting to talk. I guess I didn't say who to look for. I guess it's like a throat for her, right?

I had nothing to do with her, so there was no need to explain anything to her, so after going around the bottom of the tower, I flew to the east soon.

In the end, he flew for a while, and seemed to sense the way I was leaving. Luo Benliu flew out again to catch up with me. I was deeply depressed by this middle-aged man. This act of death is probably worthy of Shaozi. Up.

"Your senior sister has said not to approach me, are you still coming to die? Are you not afraid that I will kill you with a single sword?" I said coldly.

Then Luo Benliu chased up and said, "Hey, you never fear that the wind will break your tongue when you speak big words? How can you kill me if you can't beat me? Are you planning a sword? You can do it even with a hundred swords. Don't lose me, hehe!"

"You say that, it seems quite reasonable." I was amused in my heart, and I secretly scolded your senior sister to be depressed with me. I haven't shaken the gods yet, and I can't attack the Nine Tribulations in a catastrophe period. Laughing out of teeth.

"That's natural, I Luo Benliu, and I rarely lie. The brothers and sisters in the pavilion also like to talk to me. I won't talk nonsense about this." Luo Benliu laughed and looked at me. , Said: "By the way, Brother Xia, what are you going to do when you go down? Just now, my senior sister went down too. Why, did you not find her? I knew you didn't find her! Her ability to restrain her breath is good. When we were young, we played hide-and-seek and I always lost! Hahaha..."

"No wonder your senior sister slapped you when she raised her hand." I couldn't help laughing and scolding, this guy was really undefended.

"Hey, let's not talk about it. My senior sister really doesn't give me face, but she was like that when she was a child. She was so strong. I couldn't beat her again. I was beaten by her often. I tried to beat her back when she was beaten. But I was beaten again. Looking for teeth all over the floor, our master said later, let me let her order, but guess what?” Luo Benliu said and laughed.

I smiled and said, "I won't beat you for sure, right? Your master is a wonderful person."

"Fart, I beat me more fiercely. I chased me for three days and three nights. My elder sister asked me where I learned the caution and dare to use it on her?" Luo Benliu had a dumbfounded expression. .

"This...but the heart is not bad." I smiled bitterly, and suddenly didn't mind the camp so much for Luo Benliu.

As a result, Luo Benliu listened and said angrily: "Isn't it bad? Later, I was beaten fiercely, but I can only tell that it was the master who taught me everything, but when she went back, even the master beat her. But she."

"Your master must let her?" I smiled.

"It shouldn't be the case. My master heard that when he was young, he was also very fierce, but now his body is weak, and he can't beat the senior sister at all! It took me to escape for several days before daring to go back." Luo Benliu said helplessly.

"Haha...well, your senior sister is really amazing." I laughed, but with such a fierce resume, I couldn't connect with the woman in the pink dress. At that moment, the eyes met, what I saw was Sympathy for me.

Such women tend to be gentle at heart.

"Isn't it? Her title of the first sword in the South of Heaven is not a joke." Luo Benliu smiled.

"The First Sword in the South of Heaven?" I narrowed my eyebrows. I didn't expect that she would have such a title, but this title is probably from before, because now the number one sword in the South of Heaven should be Master Li Guxian. If she claims to be second, she is afraid that no one will dare to call first.

"Yeah, Luo Yingshen, the first sword in the south of the sky, you don't know? Why are you so miserable? No wonder I can't even beat me. Hey, my senior sister doesn't know where I am interested in you. There are so many tricks, let me say, I just have to fight with you! I can’t give you the false names I saved before, otherwise I really can’t fight! You said that? It’s a pity, the sister only listens to her own, who's. I don’t listen, it’s like this when I was young, and it’s like this now!” Luo Benliu looked annoyed, and then looked at me up and down: “How about I teach you swordsmanship?”

"Teach me swordsmanship? Okay, but I'm not free now, why don't you wait for me to come back after finishing the work? How?" I am funny in my heart, and sometimes it is fun to run into someone who is sincere and undefended. It’s really fascinating and interesting to be able to teach such two completely different disciples without knowing who his master is.

"Eh? What are you going to do? Or I will go with you. I'm boring to stay in the tower. If you go to play, you can't leave me alone? It's not as good as everyone else's. Ever?" Luo Benliu was busy preparing to come over and pull my sleeves and walk.

I stepped away from him and said, "I heard it, but you can't go. I'm going to use the Kunpeng Lingling this time. I can't take you with you when I travel thousands of miles."

"That's terrible, do you stay there for a long time? I'm fast, and your Kunpeng's order will arrive. I'll fly two more days and maybe catch up with you, how?" Luo Benliu said again.

A black line suddenly appeared on my head. I found this guy's fault now. It was clingy enough, especially when I met something I was interested in, it would be endless. My thoughts changed in my heart, and then I suddenly looked towards Behind him, he said: "Look, your senior sister seems to be chasing..."

That Luo Benliu wanted to turn back for a moment, but I took the Kunpeng wings in an instant, and then swished into the high sky in front of him. Then, a Kunpengling fell from his sleeve pocket into the palm of his hand, and was about to chase after Luo Benliu. Start instantly when you come up!

The colorful light before my eyes is overflowing, and it is already in the rapid switching of time and space!

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