Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2960: : Vortex sea

Hearing what I said about the purpose of this trip, Han Shanshan took this as the goal and improved a lot of things for me. In addition to Ruyiyun and Kunpeng's wings, the Kunpeng Order has also been improved, modified and optimized the operation of the rune formation, and the distance has changed. It's farther away, of course, the time required for chanting will be slightly longer.

In terms of catching the beasts, because Miao Xiaoli could not carry it with him, he could only borrow a ring artifact from her. This ring was brought on the earth when he was on the earth. There is an ancient **** who is good at bewitching the soul. Insects are also strengthened by Han Shanshan. As long as they are close enough to directly control some terrifying beasts that should be catastrophic, they will definitely bring unexpected benefits.

Miao Xiaoli is Tianyi’s top combat power, and ranks on the same level as Zhao Qian, Chen Yixian and others. It can also be seen to what extent she has controlled various insects and beasts. Below the top combat power, there is still the first. This rank is very popular in the women’s army, but I’m not interested in taking care of these things. After all, I can’t take care of it. Of course, this does not mean that there will be too much privilege, at most The advantage of resources is definitely much better. After all, the first-class interior officials Qi Nuannuan and Daimei, you can't call them every day to practice swords, exercises or something, right?

Besides, there are the most special things here. For example, Han Shanshan is a strange flower. She is known as the peak combat power of the Tianyi Women's Army. This is the top treasure of Tianyi. Without her, Tianyi is basically impossible to play. This is simply beyond everyone's expectations. As for Si Xiaoxian, although the Zhu family sisters are very good at logistical research, they are still a long way behind this strange flower.

So Han Shanshan asked me to pay attention to what I said when I went to Gu Hai. Basically, I could only obey my words. For example, she gave me a terrible task, which is to bring the Ancient Sea God Tree back. This immediately let me teach her for most of the day. As a result, she didn't buy it at all, and the minimum requirements came out. She also said that if she couldn't do it, she would grab it herself, and the new goal was to bring back the only dead fruit that grew on the tree!

Seeing Han Shanshan’s obsessive compulsiveness for the treasure, I could only agree without words, and the preparations were almost ready. On the day of leaving, of course, it was indispensable to say goodbye. My three goals were gradually clarified, except for suggestions. The book is signed to the chief carrying handle of the ancient Shenzhou Quartet. By establishing the top fairy gate, I have to catch a huge beast to support my top school. The last goal is to grab the dead fruit no matter it is stealing or stealing. Bring back.

"How are you feeling these days?" After riding on the blood lotus, I asked about Jiang Ruoyin's feeling in the sky.

Jiang Ruoyin smiled and glanced at me, and said: "I really didn't expect that you, Old Demon Xia, is different from what I thought. In your backyard, there are actually a group of such beautiful and easy-to-get women, and each of them They all hold important positions in the sect and control all aspects of the entire sect. Even in the governance of the sect, it is like governing a country, and the maturity of ideas is not even comparable to me."

"It's okay. They are as small as governing schools, dealing with diplomatic affairs, and merging other schools, as large as governing the country. They are united, and they are all women I admire. At least they are more capable than me." I said sincerely.

"Well, but I didn't expect you to gather them all together and become a cog that turns the sky together. I thought you would be a reckless man, but after hearing what Zhao Qian said about you, it feels like what you have experienced. There are so many things like the vast sea, it is difficult to fight." Jiang Ruoyin has no prejudice against me before, it seems that Zhao Qian and others have really brainwashed her.

I smiled, of course I had to be humble, and out of the outer space of Tianyi, we quickly carried out the first teleportation with the Kunpeng Ling, because we were advancing towards the direction of the ancient sea vortex, so we basically went down four. The fifteen-degree oblique angle is the position in the southeast direction. This time we crossed over and we came directly to the sea, so even if there was an azimuth map of the ancient sea before, it would be useless at this moment.

The four continents have experienced countless calamities, and the land has long been mutilated. Legend has it that there was no such big ocean back then. It was caused by the lack of land, but I don’t know if this is the case.

This is still the edge of the ancient sea. Without any pollution, the sea is extremely clear. Even the deep seabed can be easily seen with the naked eye, let alone with the sky.

"It's a beautiful sea. There are so many living things here. It can be seen that it is a real livable place." Jiang Ruoyin floated out, and it was necessary to comment.

I nodded and smiled: "Two thousand years of precipitation, plus this is a no-man's land, of course it will be so clean. I don't know if there will be super monsters here, hehe."

Jiang Ruoyin immediately corrected my thoughts and said, “Although the ancient sea is vast, the vitality is lacking because it is far away from the inland. If you want to catch the beasts, you have to go to the whirlpool area. It is rumored that there is The huge fairy island, on which a very powerful island owner lives, acts as the mediator of the entire ancient Shenzhou, and the ancient sea meeting was carried out under the order of the island owner."

"Oh? Isn't it because everyone was fighting over there that caused the whirlpool?" I asked with a smile. In fact, I certainly wouldn't believe this false statement. Jiang Ruoyin's explanation went deeper into my heart.

"Of course not. That fairy island is not affected by the calamity at all. Legend has it that the buildings on it are from a very early age, and have gone through several calamities without being destroyed. When the calamity was in those years, there were still many catastrophes. Expect to escape there..." Jiang Ruoyin introduced.

"So that's the case, didn't the island owner above have lived for many years? Can there be a transformation?" I asked.

"Of course there is. The acting leader and the leader have both been there back then. I also understand some of the circumstances, but this time I knew that I was coming to Gu Hai, and passed me some information about Gu Hai back then." Jiang Ruoyin replied.

"What information is it?" I secretly said that this Southern Immortal League is really different. She, a pavilion owner,'eloped' with me, and the Immortal League doesn't mind, and even supports all kinds of support. Then Jiang Ruoyin wants to come to me this day, I am afraid it is. Difficulties are numerous.

"It is said that after the calamity of that year, Fairy Island also suffered a great loss. It also attracted a lot of trouble and criticism because of the shelter of the refugees from the four continents. As you know, all ethnic groups cannot completely seek common ground. Local conflicts naturally continued, and they were able to come to the fairy island, one by one, they were very powerful, and they still dealt with each other life and death without knowing it. I heard that many people have died. After the catastrophe, Hongmeng's vitality finally entered the ancient Shenzhou. After losing the fairy qi, everyone was quiet for a while. It was also because of the easy temperament of the island owner. He took everyone through the difficulties with his hard work. It is also kind and rewarding. Afterwards, everyone succeeded in changing their vitality, and after starting from scratch, most of them returned to their own provinces and started a career. Some became the overlord of one party, some became the leader of the province, and future generations also missed the island owner. In the future, everyone will talk about the frictions and irreconcilable contradictions of the four continents, or the things they have to face together, on the fairy island of Guhai, so everyone will call these meetings Guhai meetings. "Jiang Ruoyin said.

"Highly respected, of course everyone is convinced. He seems to be a very good talker." I laughed.

"Well, so everyone has the customary rules. Fighting is not allowed on the island. If you want to fight, you should go to the bottom whirlpool. That's why you have said before. Everyone's fight attracts the whirlpool. Haha... "Jiang Ruoyin laughed.

I will also smile, but actually I really want to visit this fairy island, because it is equivalent to the general adjudication department of the four continents, and the biggest things can be solved there.

After talking to Jiang Ruoyin about some things I didn’t have, I took out the Kunpeng order again, and straddled towards the fairy island. After six times of use, I finally came to the place where the legend is in the range of the whirlpool sea, and I was in Jiang Ruoyin. Under the guidance of Wang, on the rainy night three days later, I came to the edge of the turbulent whirlpool sea!

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