Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2968: :desire

"I don't know if the owner of this little island is a male or female? What's a great way? Besides guarding the fairy island, what other duties are there?" I looked like a curious baby, and Lu Yisan patted me on the shoulder, mysteriously The man said: "One day brother, what's the matter? Seeing you are so young, I'm afraid that you don't have a Taoist couple yet? We Xiandao can't help but marry each other. Do you want to come here to be our islanders? Don't bother to do things together. At the moment, let alone Tiannan, even Tiandong is not safe. Isn't it just being sold as a dish."

"Brother Lu, do I have a Taoist companion that has a lot to do with the gender of the island owner? No, I fainted you." I patted my forehead.

"Haha, I just got a little bit of drinking just now, I'll tell you one by one." Lu Yisan was red-faced when he drank, not to mention, the fairy island wine shop also has the fairy wine brewed on their island. If you are drunk, even if you don't drink much, you have to get up quickly.

"I actually heard that the owner of the small island is a woman... because she didn't come to the fairy island suddenly? He Ersi, who received her into the island, secretly told me that she was a woman. We are in the catastrophe period, and we are the descendants of our **** tree embryo seed. Like the small island owner now, they are all close to the catastrophe period. If the catastrophe is here, wouldn't it be a match made in heaven? Tsk tsk, such a coincidence. , How can you not write an article?" Lu Yisan smiled.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It's also superb, how can this be a woman?" The woman on the side said quickly.

Lu Yisan didn't care, and said, "How do you know that my brother likes women? Anyway, regardless of whether he is a man or a woman, our brothers will definitely not be picky eaters for a day. The point is to marry into our fairy island!"

The woman with a big waist sipped, and said, "Well, marry me, isn't it also on the island? One day, my brother's name is Xia, I count, one two... three six, three seven, yo, Xia's name There are not many of them, only to the three-seventh day. Isn't the brother called Xia Sanba the next day? That's a good name! Three-eighty-three-eight... It's much better than the two characters one day.

The big-waisted woman didn't notice the blue veins on my forehead again, thinking I liked the name very much.

The result was beyond my expectation. Others suddenly yelled the word'three eight' in a rhythm. It really was a good name posture. Lu Yisan even said, "It is indeed true. I checked it, but I don’t want this name to be taken away, and now Xia Sanqi’s father is grinding in his own Taoist couple’s room every day, striving to have another one, and grabbing the goodwill head of Sanba!"

"How can it work, it can only be one day that the brother is worthy of the name Sanba!" said the female fairy with a big waist and a little dissatisfaction.

I squeezed my eyebrows and couldn't help gritting my teeth and said, "Everyone, there is no difference between March 8 and March 9? Why is March 8 a good name?"

"Haha, brothers didn't know one day. In each of our surnames, there are so many people who are shining around the eyes in the glorious inheritance of Xiandao, and some are even recorded in the historical records of Xiandao. As for the heroes who died, the names of those who died back then were filled in naturally. Many names have been passed down through countless generations. For example, this name has three generations of heroes. One or two are great. Xia Sanba's name is rare. Three of them are rare. Do you still dare to say that this name is not good? If you inherit Xia Sanba's name and become the fourth hero, it's simply It's the number one name on our fairy island!" Lu Yisanyu looked at me with deep heart and emotion. If you don't **** it off, you will definitely regret it.

Be the fourth? Isn't that four thirty eight, the homophonic ‘dead three eight’? ! I almost slapped me first. This guy not only scolded me countless times for "March 8", but I still couldn't refute him. At the end, I was upgraded to a "hero"! What does this hero represent in this fairy island? That was brave and righteousness. He cursed me and cursed me. I still couldn't scold me back. I was so embarrassed!

"Isn't it? Xia Sanqi's father knew this, he almost never scolded her when he was born early." Several people who knew about it all began to talk.

I saw that they were seriously digressing, and quickly turned away from the subject and asked, "I heard that the Yaozu and the Wuzu have left first, why is this? Can anyone who knows tell me? After all, I am also a member of the Tiannan Immortal, Wan Once they came over, wouldn't our Tiannan be the first to fight them?"

"It seems that the talk was not very pleasant. Recently, hasn't Tiannan opened a channel to ask questions about the five worlds? So the four continents are competing against each other, and they all want to get their share? And I heard that the five worlds The situation, and the people in the universe have leaked out. This division is inevitably a bit biased. The four continents divide the five universes. The human immortals want the human **** realm and the ancient immortal realm, and the Yaozu naturally wants the monster **** But as for the Wu Clan, everyone wants to give them the Ghost God Realm. How can this be done? So the Wu Clan is definitely not happy, so I want to have one more Demon God Realm. These two places are relatively messy and can At the beginning, if the Wu people can ask for two, where do you put Western teachings? Western teachings want humans and gods. Anyway, one word is chaotic." The female fairy with big waist and round has a lot of information. Of course, I know a lot about patrolling the island.

"Each continent, of course, wants to plan a new universe according to its own meaning. People think they are the most united and powerful, and they should first have the largest share. Although the Western religions have been fighting between the two major education lines over the years. In the whirlpool, but in fact, the dispute is only a doctrine and teaching line. There are almost no real examples of fighting. Of course, I feel that I am better than the immortal, but how can the monster and the witch clan give up? I think these two brag. , So they have to go back to Mo Ma and Libing, saying that they want to divide a piece of meat in these five universes, they must have their own skills! So now Tiannan has become a target of public criticism, I am afraid that it is about to usher in the elite war of the four continents! At that time, based on the current situation of our ancient Shenzhou, I am afraid that the calamity will happen again soon!" An old man also followed.

"That's the case, so the residents on the island are also very upset, aren't they? When the time comes to fight and the amount of looting, our environment of living and working in peace and contentment will be broken, just like the amount of looting two thousand years ago, I heard that people are crowded. An island and graves were piled up everywhere. At that time, when Hongmeng's vitality came, nearly half of the old age died! What a irony..." Lu Yisan smiled bitterly.

"No, the island owner is chasing the alliance of the Lich races. He also wants to persuade you to develop the five universes together, as far as possible not to disturb the existence of the creatures in the five universes, and to be able to carry out the necessary preaching and introduce the cosmos. The vitality, water and nourish the five worlds that are increasingly lacking in breath." said the fairy.

"But in my opinion, the Monster Race and Witch Race will not listen to the island owner's advice this time." Lu Yisan said.

"Oh? Why is this? I don't know much about other continents, so I would like to ask brother one or three to explain one or two." I said quickly.

"Hehe, there is nothing to explain, it's just that Fairy Island is located in a relatively central location, and there are many islanders who have experienced far away. Of course, I know some news." Lu Yisan thought about it, and then suddenly asked. : "By the way, brother one day, do you know where the center of the calamity was? Why did the calamity be?"

Hearing his question, I said: "It's in the current rift in hell, where it is now red everywhere, and there are many traces of broken continental plates."

"Well, you only know one but you don't know the other. It is indeed the center of the calamity. It used to be a large piece of land back then, but you probably don’t know that it was once the place where the four continents battled decisively. Right?" Lu Yisan looked at me calmly.

I was taken aback, and then asked, "Is it because the four continents fought for the world and started a war?"

Lu Yisan nodded: "It is precisely that this history and destiny have always been repeated, because as long as desire exists, there will be creatures chasing it."

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