Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2983: : Futian

"Why, what are you running? No more swords?" I sneered, the old man trembled all over, with a look of horror. He could come to Xiandao on behalf of the Northern Immortal League, indicating that the strength will not be much worse, but before Qian Ping’s body was killed by a precision-guided bomb first, and then Leng Lingyun was defeated first. I suppressed them almost one-sidedly, which made him panic in his heart and lost his resistance;

So when I asked, he could only smile bitterly: "This sword is the thing that I have listed in the Northern Fairy League after all. I am afraid that I will not ask anything. When the leader asks, how should I answer? That's why I did this fainting trick. How can I dare to ask for it now? Don't blame Daoists, you are still in this position, you have to do it, right?"

"Haha, I am aggressive when I want it, but what if I don't want it now? Let's return this sword to you. If you can catch it, then the sword will be taken away. If you can't catch it, I'm sorry!" I instantly activated the infinite sky Sword, the next moment the sword shadow spreads towards the old man!

"Let's stay! Xia Daoist friend can't have more conflicts!" Jun Yishuo also planned to stop one or two, but the old man could not resist halfway through his flight. He had several swords in his body, and finally solved it by himself in desperation. Flee like a ghost!

I hate the instigator the most. As soon as I stretched out my hand, Na Ling Fa pulled him back from the infinite body, which made Jun Yi Shuo stunned, but quickly waved his sleeves and chanted a few spells. I only felt Na Ling The law suddenly stagnated, and it actually sealed the opponent's spell directly for a moment, and at this moment, the old man had already escaped into the sea and clouds!

This is equivalent to eliminating my spell, but I thought about it, and I still couldn't fit with the Taoist method. Then, what kind of magic is this kind of magic that can temporarily isolate the existence of the spirit?

"Don't blame Dao Xia, I just don't want you to expand the hatred with Tiandong." Jun Yishuo frowned slightly, obviously not planning to let me continue chasing.

There is the Three Great Ways in the world as the Great Way passed down from the Sanqing. Of course, other ancient gods will not have no inheritance. This Jun Yishuo’s spells must be at least the level of the ancient god’s inheritance, or else you want to seal the Great Way, at least Also have to make the consciousness of resisting with small lives.

Leng Lingyun’s spells allowed him to deal with the sabotage without fear of Dao, and finally escaped intact. This Jun Yishuo directly caused the spell I issued to stagnate for a while, causing the old man to escape on the spot. The leader of the alliance has no less than the existence of the Three Great Ways, which is equivalent to the similar spells of the Tianyi Yufa!

"Hehe, I hope this is just a moment of unbearableness for the monarch and the leader. If I repeatedly hinder, even if I have a good temper, I am afraid that you are the enemy." My hideous face is full of gloom, and I am already angry.

"Don't dare, now Daoist Xia has the upper hand. Everyone knows that it's great. Then why do unnecessary killings and complicate the situation? The island owner has summoned us to go to the heart of the island for a talk, and please don’t let the Daoists take care of this. Besides, , Futian leader of the Northern Immortal League, surely he wouldn't want to see you so openly against him, right?" Jun Yishuo's expression clearly reminded me.

I frowned and said, "Fu Tianxiao? Can he still turn black and white? Don't say he doesn't come to me, I also want to ask why the monkeys under my hand come to trouble me!"

"Friend Xia, please think twice." Jun Yishuo said lightly. After all, I didn't listen to him, which made him feel shameless.

I was too lazy to pay attention to him. I looked at the hunchbacked old man Qin Daiquan, the master of the Swordsmanship Hall of the Central Immortal League who had run far away, and said coldly: "Qin Daiquan lied to me that Qian Ping left the sea and went back. As a result, Qian Ping brought a group of people. People from the Central Fairy League and other Fairy Leagues came to surround me. Would you like to ask me for justice in this matter?"

Jun Yishuo smiled bitterly, and then said: "The justice I ask for in the Southern Immortal League is the justice of the world, not the old hatred of private enmity. I will report this matter to the Alliance and question the first swordsmanship hall of these two immortal alliances. For whatever reason, I don’t use everything."

"Haha, forgive me, for so many years, isn't it always talking about whose fists are big? It's fair for them to take the sword. I seek my fairness, and it has never been fair. How can this be true? Monarch, I respect you It’s a man, but you think I’m a woman, so you don’t need to talk about this friendship. Since ancient times, Piff has been angry and splashed with blood for five steps. Let me tell you today and annoy my fate." I sneered and did not continue to chase. The coming Jun Yishuo flew in parallel, but burst out with the energy of the Creation Method, and instantly stopped in front of Qin Daiquan!

"Why fellow Daoist stopped the old man?" Qin Daiquan looked at me in surprise, his face full of shock.

"Why? Don't you have any points in your heart?" I asked with a sullen face.

"Friend Qian Daoist has left my Central Immortal League, and everything is not the work of our Central Immortal League! Otherwise, Daoyou Qian brought a group of immortal families over just now, we have already cooperated with her, why is this?" Qin Daiquan was depressed. Said.

I looked at her coldly and said, "Old Qin, you said Qian Ping has gone back, and people are still here. Are you not the first seat of the Swordsmanship Hall of the Central Immortal League? Why is it not worth talking? , I don’t want to talk nonsense with you, and I don’t want to bully you either. I only use one trick. If you dodge it, I will end this matter with your Central Immortal Alliance. If you can’t dodge it, then you will end up here, I The matter with the Central Immortal Alliance also ended, how?"

"Xia Daoyou mean, don't you still want to kill the old man?" Qin Daiquan said depressed, he was still carrying his hands, and under his hunchback, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that there was no problem, but I know that he should actually be better than the northern and southern ones. The first seat of the Swordsmanship Hall must be powerful.

"You're right." I didn't hesitate at all. I raised the sword in my hand, and the buzzing sword sound changed from slow to faster. The next moment the sound was twisted into a single stream, and the rain poured down!

Qin Daiquan is worthy of being the head coach of the Swordsmanship Hall of the Central Alliance. With a soft whip sword, he immediately crackled and swept around. This seemed to tremble like a defense that would be broken at any time, but it was really like rain hitting a banana, and he resisted the first round!

But the pressure of the Misty Wind Splitting God in my hand has risen sharply again, and he has no way to resist, and he retreats and quickly escapes. He also seems to be mumbling something, and looks eagerly behind.

I know this means looking for a rescuer, so where is he willing to let him leave like this! ?

Qin Daiquan couldn't stop the power of the original creation method. When I handed over the first face to face, the whole person was a sword mouth, and the blood was shining. At this time, a fierce breath suddenly came towards me. Rushing over, I couldn't help but let out a grinning smile: "It seems that someone is really willing to save you."

Qin Daiquan smiled bitterly, and said: "Xia Xiaoyou's swordsmanship alone does not need to say much. The old man is only the first in the swordsmanship hall. This is also the time I heard Taoist friend Qian Ping fooled and passed false information. ."

I snorted, and the sword pressure reached the critical point again. Qin Daiquan could not keep up with the defense, not to mention counterattacks. He could only hold on to the deadly parts of his body and support it hard.

Not to mention, this old man in Qin Daiquan, with his back hunched, was able to block the crazy attack of Chuangyuan Method. This survival instinct is enough to make people admire, and Jiang is still hot, just as he is about to watch. When the crash caused Infinite Sword Qi to shatter, a vein in my body suddenly lost the output of power!

The loss of power at this moment meant that the sword aura suddenly became weak. How sensitive Qin Daiquan suddenly flew away in the rain of swords, and along the way he bowed his hands toward the dark clouds: "Thank you Futian for help, old man today Almost the old man told me here, you have to be careful, Xiaoyou Xia is not an ordinary Nine Tribulations True Immortal, and the three ancient ways may not be easy to balance."

"Very well, Mr. Qin will take a step first, and I will meet this guy in Fu Tianxiao for a while." The person who appeared in an instant was a middle-aged Taoist carrying a long sword.

This person looks calm and steady, with a condensed breath in his eyes, and his face is dark, but he has a sunny attitude. Compared with my current white face and ferocious face, it is a world.

"Able to use Hua Dao Fa, is it a descendant of the moral heavenly respect?" I asked coldly.

Fu Tianxiao is the leader of the Northern Immortal League, and a relatively low-key and mysterious existence among the leaders of the several big league leaders.

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