Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3000: : Dou Tian

Everyone was happy at once, which meant that the first break was effective. Who was unhappy? Seeing that the Huadao Fa was effective, Fu Tianxiao immediately stretched out his hand, and a sword beam shot out from the finger, as if to test whether the periphery was really as he saw it, the big formation had been broken!

What made everyone happier was that Jianmang went to a far place without any cohesion, and Fu Tianxiao, as the only contact with Jianmang, also said, “I didn’t see the blocking. , The big formation has been broken."

The hearts of the people were finally let go. Among them, Shang Jingzhou said: "It is worthy of the Lord of Futian. He can easily use the Taoist method to transform this layer of light array. It is really inevitable, unpredictable! Now everyone Go out immediately, or how?"

"Don't worry, let's see how I bring Jianmang back?" Fu Tianxiao said, and quickly pinched with two fingers, Jianmang flew back. He pinched his sword and smiled: "It's okay, which A fellow Taoist go out first? I will use the Taoist method to send him a ride. It is natural to go out one person at a time, two people the second time, and then go out by multiples. It should be the safest and safest way."

Of course everyone now regards him as the backbone. I dragged Luo Feng straight here. After witnessing this scene, I also found it strange that it went so smoothly, so I satirized Luo Feng and said straightly: "It seems that I have no chance to take me to the world. Hey."

"Oh huh! It's easy to see the world. You can go out first?" Luo Fengzhi, the old madman, is indeed a wicked evildoer. He immediately found a way to fight back against me. I opened my mouth, and finally laughed: "You just let me. The past of the Nine Tribulations?"

"Hehe, it seems that Daoyou Xia is not as courageous as he thought." Shang Jingzhou was originally Ye Guxuan's person. Hearing our conversation, of course, he was ridiculed.

"I'm different from you. My whole family will starve to death without me. Your orphan and widow will have to starve to death. The whole family will not be hungry. If you die, no one will regret it. How about you?" I sneered and scoffed.

"You! What a sharp-speaking junior, don't forget that this is not a fairy island right now. It's really irritating who was killed here, and it deserves it! It's also the old man and I don't care about you a lot! Humph. "Shang Jingzhou finished coldly humming, and immediately looked at the attendant behind him, and said, "Go out and try."

The attendants are also afraid of death. Even if you see the effects of Huadao Fa, things go out and people go out. Who is the first to eat crabs without fear of death?

Seeing that the follower was so timid and didn’t want to confess to me, Shang Jingzhou said coldly: “I’m so afraid of death, that old man should be the first person! Please also Futian lord to make preparations and take care of my brothers. One or two."

Fu Tianxiao nodded and said, "Business leader can rest assured, I will do my best."

After all, Fu Tianxiao really used the Taoist method again immediately. You must know that the Taoist method first hurts yourself and then hurts the enemy. It also hurts the veins at the same time. In severe cases, it even breaks the veins, so the opportunity is also Not to say infinite.

But this time, a big gap was opened directly, which made Shang Jingzhou couldn't help but say "Thank you", and then flew out with a swish, and broke through the light curtain of the island owner.

The result was only an instant, a scream came from the opposite side, and then Shang Jingzhou returned to his original position in an instant. At this time, his face was already severely pale, and his eyes widened like cow bells! But there were scars everywhere on his body, and the whole person went back to the battlefield with him, almost incorporeal!

"Why go and come back? You are not Jianmang!" Luo Feng said sarcastically. The old madman would taunt when it was interesting, for fear that things were not complicated enough.

Shang Jingzhou was already in shock, and said quickly: "Close! Futian lord, close the door!"

Fu Tianxiao asked quickly: "What's the matter?"

This is also what everyone is curious about. How long has he been out, and he is still a Tiandong leader, how easy is it to be like this in an instant, and if he is replaced by another period of catastrophe, can he have a way back?

The sound of taking a deep breath of air-conditioning quickly came and went, and everyone was shocked by what happened across the gap.

Shang Jingzhou glanced at his back and returned to normal, gasping for breath and said, "Many people and immortals who are in the catastrophe period! There are also witches and monsters, and the number is at least thousands!"

"How is it possible!? Thousands!?" Fu Tianxiao asked in amazement.

Shang Jingzhou nodded and said: "I just passed, and countless spells flew up right away. I had no time to react and could only use the Tianyuan Shield, and the result was unstable. If it weren't for my fast speed, it would definitely be dead. The place of burial!"

Because the island owner’s light curtain formation is to protect the island, it is not the main dissolving part of the Taoist method, so after passing the light curtain, everyone will not be able to see the scene behind it. What happened now is undoubtedly for everyone. It was a huge blow!

"Change the place!" Jun Yishuo said hastily, this method was undoubtedly thought of by everyone.

"I'm afraid it may not work, you can think about the possibility that the other party has gathered thousands of catastrophes here." Ye Guxuan directly brought the problem back to the center.

This made everyone wonder how to answer, and Shang Jingzhou also nodded quickly, and said: "They just surrounded me, and the ones who attacked me were terrible. We have seen several of them. They are all monsters. The absolute elite of the Wu Clan, as for the immortals, they belong to the East China Sea! And they all seem to surround me!"

"What!? What does this mean? They are united together?" Jun Yishuo asked quickly.

"Why don't you believe me? I saw it with my own eyes! If you don't believe me, just go out and see for yourself?" Shang Jingzhou has recovered his Dao body, but he has lost half of his vitality. Who is this Jun Yishuo? ? How can it be easily fooled?

"I don't believe in the leader of the business, but I just think it is incredible. After all, the number of thousands of catastrophes is too big, so please forgive the leader of the business." Jun Yishuo is very good at communication, and immediately apologizes. Of course, people's impression is extremely sincere.

Shang Jingzhou was too lazy to pursue Jun Yishuo, and continued: "Dare to come to deal with Xiandao without a thousand catastrophes? There are no half of the island guardians here. To be honest, don't you have the slightest fear of Xiandao? ?"

These words of humiliation attracted the resonance of all the leaders. He was really right. There were so many immortals who protected the island during the catastrophe period in the immortal island. Everyone had no idea, but the island owner was too hospitable, so each The immortal family who entered the island instinctively relaxed their guards, so that there is a kind of illusion that everyone is so hospitable as their own. I am worried about the illusion, but in fact, I compare the two sides without leaving emotions, and everyone should be shocked.

Shang Jingzhou's words made Ye Guxuan's expression cold, and said, "Should the business leader say this now?"

With this stare at Ye Guxuan, Shang Jingzhou was a little bit horrified, and said quickly, "Leader Ye, I was also shocked. After all, we are here as guests, right now the other party's entire fairy island is rounded up?"

"That's also to deal with us." Ye Guxuan said coldly.

"Yes, Leader Ye is right. Of course they came to deal with us, but Fairy Island is where everyone talks. They even fight Fairy Island. Don't you worry about everyone uniting?" Shang Jingzhou smiled bitterly.

"Hehe, if you are afraid, why is it so?" Ye Guxuan said coldly.

"Yes, I surrounded the fairy islands and put them in my pockets, and no matter where the bag mouth was opened, the space was transferred to their encirclement net. No wonder they didn't attack. This is intended to lead us out, I think, can do At this point, it should be the most precious Xuantian gourd that fell into the hands of the demon race in the legend, and we are now trapped in the pot. Once the gap is opened, it must be the gourd mouth, and it is inevitable to fall into the siege prepared by the other party. Middle." Taoist Azure cloud who had never heard a word suddenly said.

"Can Xuantian Gourd hold such a big island?" I asked in disbelief.

"Hehe, you can’t install it all at once, but if you have enough time, how difficult is it to install? This Xuantian gourd is refined to the legendary level, and you can go in even the sky! So don’t underestimate the legend. Four innate treasures." Taoist Cangyun smiled faintly.

For the first time, I felt the power of the four great treasures. Although I don’t know what the principle is, at least I know the reason. Presumably Taoist Azure Cloud should have a solution?

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