Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3025: : Earth collapse

And beside the sacred tree, there is a huge lake, the water surface is calm and waveless, like a green mirror, which makes people feel very comfortable, but it is a pity that the huge sacred tree next to it, although it is huge, but its branches are all changed It became pale, and even the leaves looked extremely lush, extending dozens of meters like the sky, but still escaped death in my eyes.

Seeing that I opened my eyes, Jiang Ruoyin immediately became happy and said: "How? Isn't it a pleasant surprise?"

"Fortunately, although it looked like the clouds from top to bottom before, but some clues can be seen, but now sitting here, I only found the beauty." I smiled faintly, my body has not recovered yet, Tao reflects The veins are all locked, and the absorption capacity is almost no. After all, the veins are not smooth, and there is no way to make the vitality run through the sun.

"It's a pity that the big tree is dead, otherwise the lake and mountains should be even more beautiful. I really regret coming here before it withered." Jiang Ruoyin smiled bitterly.

"I also feel a pity." Zi Qingyun also nodded, while Li Ciyin sat beside me meditating. At this time, she opened her eyes and looked at the tree, as if thoughtful.

"How is the situation outside?" I looked at the first mountain that I couldn't see clearly in the distance. Jiang Ruoyin said: "The enemy has not come, everyone is recovering, and even we are hurrying to recover."

"Well, can the island owner leave?" I asked again.

"Not yet, we also want to meet the little island owner, but I heard that she is now retreating at the bottom of the lake." Zi Qingyun said.

"Well, what about Senior Luo, Taoist Cangyun, and Leng Lingyun?" I asked again quickly.

"They recovered from the Taoist temple, and only we came here by the lake. We think you must not want to be there. After all, your side effects are the most severe. If people ask too much, they will know the side effects, so we are in your petrochemical industry. Later, after communicating with the island owner, he was allowed to recover next to the sacred tree." Jiang Ruoyin said.

"That's it." I smiled. This is another trouble for Huqiu, but she can open this forbidden area and let us get in touch with the sacred tree at close range, which is also a decision that trusts us.

It is still far away from the Taoist Temple, and it is considered a forbidden area in the restricted area, so the surrounding area is open and the view is good.

"I don't know if you see Big Brother, there is a dead fruit hanging on the tree?" Li Ciyin suddenly looked at the dense white leaves.

This giant tree is not particularly tall in the ancient **** realm, but it is extremely luxuriant. It occupies an area of ​​about tens of meters in length and width, and even has a height of about a dozen floors. Of course, I have seen the world school back then. Behind the giant tree of the sacred tower, this sacred tree is nothing, but its pale shape is indeed weird. Especially among the countless leaves, there is still a weird withered fruit that did not fall down, which is even more strange.

As I looked over, a strange shape appeared in the leaf bushes, which seemed to be withered, and there seemed to be vigorous fruit. This fruit was strange in appearance, oval, with a drooping sharp cone, surrounded by pieces of leaf skin, wrinkled. Baba looked very ugly, different from what I imagined, and based on the proportion of the huge sacred tree, this fruit is more like it hasn't grown at all, thin and small, hanging there alone. If you don't look carefully, it is no different from leaves.

"It looks like a withered fruit before it grows up. I heard that it grows normally, and someone can grow up to have a thick arm, and it is full of life, as if it can breathe." Jiang Ruoyin laughed.

Zi Qingyun covered her mouth and smiled, then said, "Isn't that terrifying?"

"Take the embryo seeds inside, you won't feel it." Jiang Ruoyin smiled.

I just got through the veins and couldn't move all the bones, so it is not easy to stand up. It is not easy to explore the situation of the sacred tree, so I asked about the movement of the island and the situation of the East Buddha not thinking.

"If the island did not move, we don’t know. The East Buddha didn’t even think about it and didn’t attack here. But I heard that now more than half of the island has become Heze. Outside the mountain, there is already the sea. It’s safe, but it’s not clear how long it will be safe, but as long as the island owner says it’s okay, it should be okay here... and the longer the quiet period, the better for us. After all, we can recover well here, but the other party No." Jiang Ruoyin explained.

I nodded, gave a few more words of peace of mind, and then started to open the veins manually. After all, as the rainbow qi accelerates to break the channels of the veins, I can also repair myself. I believe it will not take long before I can move. Of course, it will take some time to restore the third vein that has been exhausted.

After the veins were clear, another day passed. I was finally able to stand up, and I couldn't wait to use the recovered veins to make myself float up and start to look at the huge sacred tree up close.

Since the island owner asked us to recover here, look at the tree, she should have no objection, so I soon came to the fruit of the **** tree with Jiang Ruoyin and Li Ciyin.

I stretched out my hand without hesitation, and then touched the fairy fruit, sensing the situation inside it.

As a result, when I stretched out my hand, I inevitably touched the pale leaves. What surprised me was that the leaves did not fall due to wilting, but rather directly scratched my skin. The sharp leaves. Even my protective shield was directly torn.

I took a breath of air-conditioning. With my strength, I couldn't shock it flying, but instead pierced its shield. This was really terrifying.

"I heard that since it withered, it has become like this. Before the wind stopped, the leaves would flutter." Jiang Ruoyin explained.

"Sure enough, it is a sacred tree, and the leaves are as sharp as a sword." I smiled. Of course, this fruit has been observed by many people, so it also has direct contact with it. I changed the position and reached out to touch the fruit. However, this investigation made me inevitably also a little disappointed.

It looked like alive, but now there was no vitality, and it was still as rigid as gold and iron.

"Like a tree, if it is alive, the fruit should be soft. Even if the embryo is peeled out, there will be no difficulty, but in this situation, I am afraid that the sword may not be able to cut it." Jiang Ruoyin Said again.

"Well, it feels like it's welded to it, and I can't take it off with any force." I smiled bitterly.

"So, otherwise the island owner would have taken it down and opened it, and it's your turn to get it here?" Jiang Ruoyin smiled.

"That's right, it's like when it was still alive, suddenly the sword embryo of the Shinto sword sprouted and took root, and it directly drew away its tree soul, and it became gold and iron, losing its activity and becoming It looks like a dead thing.” I immediately gave up this fruit, because now I don’t say whether I can take it down. After all, the island owner is still guarding the mountain on it. I take it without saying hello, which is not embarrassing.

"It's almost like this. Its withering is different from other trees." Jiang Ruoyin said, watching me give up the fruit, she followed, and everyone began to regain their vitality.

The third vein consumes the most severely, but the other veins are also the same. In order to prevent the next battle from starting immediately, I took out all the medicines and crystals I carried with me. I can take medicine to recover, and I absolutely don’t inhale vital energy. , Anyway, you can come as it is convenient. After all, the three lines are different from others, and the recovery time will be longer.

And not long after I recovered, Jiang Ruoyin got the information, saying that everyone needs to be highly vigilant at the moment, because now they are about to leave the space crack area, and they may attract enemy attacks.

I thought for a while, knowing that the ascent speed and descent speed of an island are two different things, so two days have passed.

However, just when we felt that the other party was likely to attack from the top of the highest mountain first, the lake surface of the place where we were actually started to shake! Suddenly, the quake-like shaking caused the lake to make waves. I opened my eyes in surprise and found that it was not just me, but Jiang Ruoyin and Li Ciyin also looked at each other.

Rumbling rumbling...

Then, as if the sound of the ground peeling off came from the outer area!

"It seems...it seems that the periphery of the four big mountains collapsed..." Jiang Ruoyin judged.

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