Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3044: :Stingray

It has been seven or eight days since I traveled east all the way. According to the original map given by the owner of Xuhe Valley, I have almost reached the area where the cracked sky ray is located. Legend has it that this beast can open up the world and fill the cracks by escaping into the cracks in the space. Confused and prevented the immortal family from tracking its traces, so its location may be in the sky or in mid-air, so we have to adopt detection methods to find it.

The source of this map is a hundred years ago, but it is said that when the cracked skyray finds a good place, it will split the space to sleep. It is normal to sleep for hundreds of years, so the validity of the map is sufficient, plus that There are many immortal homes on Fairy Island. When traveling around the world, you will find this cracking ray. After a period of time, it will also record its whereabouts. The accuracy is worthy of recognition.

Adding Jiang Ruoyin’s flower basket calculations to search for the Sky-Splitting Ray, we soon came to a place that looked the same as a land full of white clouds in the sky, except that the clouds were dense and there were no gaps, and it looked like there was something. Things have accumulated them.

"It seems that it should be this large area. It is said that the Sky Ray is good at hiding. This strange cloud area is probably where it lives." Jiang Ruoyin pointed to a white cloud in the sky and said.

Zi Qingyun and I took a look at each other. She immediately drove the blood lotus to the sky. After a while, we were already at the place where the clouds were dense, but when we reached the edge, Zi Qingyun still asked: "Go in? It feels as if there is a weird breath constantly hovering from the clouds."

"Go in, just be careful." I thought about it and said, there is Li Guxian and I here, together, it is equivalent to the existence of several in the whole world, is it still afraid of an inexplicable place?

Li Guxian was very interested in this cloud layer. After the eyes of the sky were condensed, he glanced around and said: "A good place, where the sects are hidden, it is simply wonderful."

"Why?" I'm the Nine Tribulations after all, and Heaven's Eye can't see that clearly.

Jiang Ruoyin took a look at the same thing and said: "If the Sky Splitting Ray can really be brought into the sky, I am afraid the immortal family leaders of the four continents will be envious. Look at the white clouds, the vast mountains, surrounded like a hug. The son, like a fairy like a fantasy, is really exciting, but such a big beast can really be subdued?"

I was taken aback, but as Zi Qingyun rushed into it, I soon discovered that the mountains were really insignificant and hidden in the clouds. These mountains are not too high, and they are not densely clustered. There are still everywhere under the mountains. The troubled times are piled up, covered with moss and all kinds of weeds, which makes people wonder what geomorphological features can match it.

In the mountain stream, there are also small streams and rivers. There are even some large lakes, but they are mixed with sea water and fresh water. There are also birds, fish and insects, including some fierce beasts, running in the mountains.

I was surprised to see this weird landform feature, Li Guxian said immediately: "It’s nothing strange. The gravel under the mountain is caused by changes in the landform. The seawater and fresh water are everywhere. The sky will go, where the sea water comes up, and the fresh water is produced by cumulus clouds and rain. As for fish, insects, birds and beasts, how can there be no surrounding large beasts? Not to mention such beasts as big as the sky cracking ray. It will go to a place with dense vitality every hundreds of years, and then choose a quiet place to sleep with its back full, and birds, fish and insects will survive on it. This is also a normal thing, and the landscape changes like The rock collapsing is caused by the collision of the physical body when it moves. Therefore, the rugged rock, through this cloudy environment, is overgrown with weeds and moss, which makes sense."

"That said, it is clear. Senior is really knowledgeable." After all, Li Ciyin had never seen this scene, and it was unavoidable to be shocked.

"Living mountains and water, even the ground is alive, this is not easy to control." Jiang Ruoyin said his thoughts.

Li Guxian smiled and said: "If it meets its vitality needs, it is expected that it will not be so tossed. Moreover, once this animal sleeps for a hundred years, as long as it bypasses the changing position of the skirt of the stingray, the central area is basically unchanged. Yes, look ahead."

Looking along the foresight of the prophet Li Guxian, it was true that we entered into the clouds and passed around several surrounding mountains. As we reached the center, it seemed that the mountain became stronger and there were few fragments caused by the collision of the mountain. The rocky area, where the mountainous forests are lush, the grassland and the water are fertile, it is an excellent place to start the mountain, no wonder the Xuhe Valley Master strongly recommends it.

According to the speed of our flight and the reference of the surrounding environment, this cracked sky ray is also very huge, at least dozens of times larger than the Houshan spacecraft of Linye Country, equivalent to the size of a large county in the world below, and sparsely live. The last hundreds of thousands of people should not be a problem, but the surrounding area is an activated gravel area, which is definitely not inhabitable, but with Han Shanshan and her scientific research team, it is also good to make a defensive area.

"It's really a magical animal. It treats the cracks in the sky and the earth as the sand that covers its body, and the body is hidden in the space, leaving only the hidden faces and the mountains in the world to obstruct people's eyes and ears. It also absorbs the aura of the world and supplies it to hide in space The energy of the body is used, so when you look at it from a distance, trance among the white clouds, enter the inside, the landscape is colorful, and it is a world!" Jiang Ruoyin knows the beasts quite well, after all, there are golden and silver dragon fishes in the southern fairy league for reference. , She has also seen the world.

The two dragon fishes used huge chains to pull up an urban area, supporting the entire Southern Fairy League, and it was a very shocking existence.

Of course, compared with this cracked sky ray, it is really a lot of meaning. After experiencing the observation of Xiandao for many years, the main part of this cracked sky ray has been drawn into the map. In fact, it shows a pan It looks like the mountain is in the center of the pot, and the handle is its huge thorny tail. This thorny tail is its most powerful part. The thorny thorny tail behind is highly poisonous, and it is waved to protect itself. It is said that ordinary beasts can fall down in an instant!

Soon we flew around the sleeping ray stinging. After finding the position of the tail, we followed the direction of the tail and turned back to the place where the central axis of the pan extends to the top of the pan. Here is it. Where the eyes are.

I hesitated, took out the ring that Miao Xiaoli lent to me, activated the ancient gods inside, and briefly stated my intentions.

"Don't force it to be controlled?" Jiang Ruoyin asked me.

Including Li Guxian, he also felt a little difficult to understand: "You can figure it out clearly, it is not a good thing, what should be eaten, what should be drunk, it also brings trouble to Fairy Island, every time you go to the top of Fairy Island Gathering vitality, the fairy island has been impoverished in the world for at least a few months. If it were not for the kindness of the old island owner, I am afraid that it would have been cooked in a pot to supplement the islanders collectively, and, in case it wakes up , You are about to break away from the sky, how are you going?"

Needless to say, Li Guxian, Jiang Ruoyin is also an expert in the ancient gods, and I don’t recommend this. I have to reconsider this choice, but in the end I decided to try it because it is necessary to be a good neighbor. Communication is indispensable, and besides, I am not here, and Miao Xiaoli will not be there anymore. Where will the top fairy league of Tianyi go?

"After all, I don't know what year and month it will be. If we can communicate and understand each other, it is always better than forcibly controlling it? Give enough rewards to work harder?" I explained.

Of course, Jiang Ruoyin and Li Guxian disagreed with each other, and insisted that there is no need to communicate, and the focus is on forced control.

In this way, we entered the voting decision process. Zi Qingyun on my side listened to me unconditionally, so Li Ciyin played a key role. Seeing that all four of us looked at her and wanted her to express our opinions, she was cautious. Put your hands together: "The Sky Splitting Ray is a spirit fish of heaven and earth. It would be wrong to deprive its mind and make it like a walking dead. I...I am more in favor of Brother Xia's decision..."

Li Guxian smiled slyly, Jiang Ruoyin helplessly stretched out his hands, so, using the divine ring to communicate with the sky-splitting ray is the option.

But what no one thought was that when the Sky Splitting Ray was awakened, I slapped the beast fiercely.

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