Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3096: : Looking for relatives

The enemy hid his breath and hid on the high mountains. The breath broke out when we passed by. We only detected their presence, and the opponent has launched an attack!

The most feared thing of the Sky Splitting Ray is to be hit from underneath the body, so Han Shanshan has armed all the Ancestral Dragon Shields under the Sky Splitting Ray’s body during this period of time, leaving only a part of the shield as a defense against the eyes of the body. , And the use of vulnerable parts.

In order to make the Ancestral Dragon Shield more flexible and changeable, Kun Pengyu is also loaded into the shield. These two top-level materials are supplemented with Ruyi Cloud, and the defense has reached an unprecedented level. The first round of attacks was blocked by the shield. Up!

However, the Sky-Cracking Ray twirled around, and it was inevitable that the enemies who had already occupied the high spot found a chance. They launched into the air and attacked from the mountains on their backs. However, the Sky-Cracking Ray was because of the mysterious energy of the Xuantian Gourd. Covering, there are teleportation formations everywhere. This attack hits the formation, and they all bounced back. Because the reverse formation is considered to be movable under control, the energy hits the enemy most at once. s position!

Suddenly, the brilliance flowed, countless magic weapon attacks and beam attacks all blasted towards the enemy, explosions one after another, as if the Sky Splitting Ray had fired its main artillery, and many of the immortal families who were in the catastrophe period suddenly scattered their souls and became virtual. Body escape!

The Sky Splitting Ray found that he would stay there quietly and wouldn't be hit. Suddenly, he was inexplicably excited and screamed strangely, rushing towards a place with many enemies.

The immortal family of the Tianyi Alliance’s catastrophe period has made plans according to the pre-war mobilization. The defenses of the front and the left are in place. The alliance in the south is now on the sky-splitting stingray, the Azure Cloud Gate is in the south, and the Nanxian Pavilion is in the north. The Rising Clouds Sword Mansion is in the west, and Emperor Lotus's demon clan is in the east, so the Sky Splitting Ray is definitely not worried about landing the enemy, not to mention it may not be able to enter.

After the cracking stingray was attacked, the Tiandong and Tianxi troops on the other side also encountered volleys, but the situation was completely different from that of the sky. The divine beasts guarding the periphery caused a sudden attack on the formation of chaos, showing that Tiandong and Tian Xi's cooperation was also not so good, including some expanded quasi-celestial alliances. After the monsters were attacked, they couldn't accept effective defense and follow-up rescues. They let the monsters fly around and finally fell into siege.

After the cracking stingray gave Miao Xiaoli enlightenment, it was very different from before. After encountering the first attack, it immediately counterattacked the enemy, and the sacred beasts on the back also began to exert force. No need to aim, all of them attacked the direction that needed to be attacked under Yun Bingxin's transfer.

But after all, it is the elite of Tiandong. The Wangtianhou of the Central Immortal League is still quite terrifying. When the roar, the heavens and the earth change color. The beasts were originally frightened and fled. After this roar, they ran back and supported them again. Protective net.

At the same time, the defensive net on the treasure ship was also woven, and the fairy family rushed out frequently, and the sky was suddenly full of bees, whizzing towards the enemy!

I felt that this group of enemies was at least four to five hundred, and there were more enemies flying up into the air from nearby mountains. Of course, the other side’s sacred beasts hung in the sand in the mountains, huge mountain streams. Here, all of a sudden rushed up!

Boom! Boom!

The sound of explosions can be heard from far and near, the surrounding chaos is extremely chaotic, and the sky is densely covered with smoke, like a thunderstorm. Nowadays, such chaotic battles are basically impossible to command. Fortunately, the sky-splitting rays are strong in defense and the enemy wants to rush. Entering for a landing battle will also be passed on to Xuan Tian Hu.

"Brother Tian, ​​the situation on the Tiandong Alliance side seems to be more critical, especially the periphery, which has already been attacked by the enemy's main force, and if the enemy sees that they cannot effectively attack us, they will definitely concentrate on reinforcements there. Are we closer now? They?" Zhao Qian pointed to the instant sensing sand table.

"Well, move closer, but keep a certain distance, and use long-range artillery fire to cope. The elite of the first echelon will play with me and kill the enemy's vitality. Presumably Ye Qingying dare not say anything about us." I looked at Chen Yixian and Zhao. Qian, Yan brother and other first-tier powerhouses.

"It's been a long time since I have really moved my muscles and bones. Today is a good fight!" Senior Brother Yan said calmly, then glanced at a fast moving black spot on the sand table and said: "This guy is running rampant. I will stop him."

"Senior brother will pick the opponent, if I guess correctly, this should be the **** of blood, it is a stubborn stubbornness." I laughed and said that the senior laughed suddenly, and then strode out: "It's him!"

I nodded, then looked at the others, and said, "All those who have not consolidated their cultivation base will stay, and the first echelon will go with me!"

"Yes!" Zhao Qian and the others should be, and then we flew towards the periphery soon, Luo Yingshen is still the acting pavilion owner of Nanxian Pavilion, and after experiencing the previous marriage proposal, she has been staying recently. Here, I also went with me this time, and Liandi Zhenxin also entered the first echelon, and this time also played with me.

Sister-in-law of course can't fight and kill, so stay in the command of the Tianyi League.

After rushing out of the periphery, some of the enemies in front began to turn their guns to attack Tiandong. After all, we were on the same line. We couldn’t feed ourselves and the whole family was not hungry. After Zhao Qian used the power to transfer, she quickly put a dozen of A stairway of the Tianyi Alliance True Immortal teleported to the place where the enemy had penetrated the deepest and had the worst disaster.

Sure enough, the evil immortals of the East China Sea participated in this interception, and they were also elite troops led by Shen Jingxiao himself. This batch of nearly two hundred true immortals was much more powerful than the normal catastrophe period, and could catch up with the battle of Immortal Island That batch was made at the time, so the batch of immortal houses in Ceying Baodao were almost like vegetables!

Senior Brother Yan saw Shen Jingxiao's blood congealing sword, and he immediately itched all over his body. The magic blood chaotic sword was added behind him, and he rushed towards the other side like a swallow.

I was afraid that he would suffer, and I quickly explained some of the key points of the Blood Coagulation Sword, but he refused it to Senior Brother Yan. He wanted to play with fire. It would be no fun if there is no difficulty.

"Xiang Ling, stare at your uncle Yan, but you can't let her have an accident." I asked.

"Yes!" Xiang Ling nodded and immediately rushed out. Recently, she has begun to touch the stone stele of the Naling Method. With my support, she has cultivated to the first layer of fur, plus the intensive cultivation of the Tianyi Imperial Method, and Tai Ah Jian protects his body, so he barely enters the first echelon.

However, Shaozi is currently unable to learn the three-way method, and is still staying in the second echelon. It is estimated that this trip will be treated differently, and it will be depressed for some time.

Li Nianjun and Jing Xiaoman are the inheritors of the Three Great Ways, and they are undoubtedly members of the first echelon after Yingjie. After the battle, they immediately showed their power. When the enemy encounters them, they can only run away. They were all over, but in order to make them safer, they have been ordered to act together.

After coming from the Five Worlds, Li Nianjun and Jing Xiaoman resonated in their backgrounds. Although they quarrel a lot, when they are really desperate, they have a tacit understanding with each other, and the enemy can hardly threaten their cooperation.

Needless to say, Chen Yixian, regardless of Tianyi Imperial Method and Naling Method, are used to the extreme. The battlefield is a killing machine, so it is difficult to find a real opponent. Even if a person runs rampant, I won't worry about it.

It is worth mentioning that, in addition to a few veteran members of the first echelon, Shu Li also easily entered the threshold of the first echelon with Huang Xiangling this time. After all, the strength brought by Ying Jie has improved by leaps and bounds, giving her the ability in actual combat. Decent ability to fight and attack.

In addition to warming her up, there are actually some reasons for bringing her out this time, that is, looking for a patriarch of the Witch Clan, who has fought with me before and can turn into a giant Shupu to recognize her relatives.

I felt a bit, and there were indeed several familiar opponents, but most of them were the evil immortals of the East China Sea, such as the Lich clan. They gathered on the other flank and the stern of the treasure ship. I looked at Zhao Qian and asked her. After organizing an attack to break the rhythm of the evil immortals in the East China Sea, he called Shu Li and flew towards the place where the Wu Clan gathered. After a while, he really sensed some'old friends'.

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