Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3146: : Unlock

"Can we open the box?" After I finished speaking, under the control of the mind, the surrounding gas instantly condensed into an image of opening the box. The child understood it at first glance, but he hesitated, and tears rolled in his eyes.

"Forget it, if you can't open it, we won't open it." I said with a smile, the child is very smart, at least knows what my tone means, but unexpectedly, she finally reached out her hand and pointed at me, and then again Pointed to the box.

I was taken aback, and then quickly asked, "Is there someone like me?"

She thought for a while, but couldn't understand what I meant. Her face was confused, and I quickly condensed a human figure with a phantom, but it didn't look good.

Seeing the human figure, the child didn't feel anything strange. Instead, she ran to look up and down. She didn't have the concept of ghosts in her heart, and of course she didn't understand and was afraid of faceless ghosts.

I saw that she wanted to touch the phantom, and didn’t intend to disturb her, until she realized that she couldn’t hold the other’s hand to give up, I said, “Dad is going to check the surrounding environment to see if it’s because of innate vitality that still remains here , Are you here waiting for Dad?"

The child looked ignorant, but seeing me stand up and want to leave, she quickly grabbed me, then pointed to the virtual shadow and then to the box.

I didn't understand what she meant, and imitated her incomprehensible expression.

Now the child knew what my problem was, and quickly opened the box, and then looked at me with tears on his face.

Seeing the contents of the box, I was taken aback for a moment, and then tears filled my eyes just like hers, and then straight down.

This is a box of paper figures from God's Court. They are all handymen. From here, I have seen the growth history of the child.

Xue Qingcheng probably hasn't stayed here all the time. How can she care for the child after fighting Kunpeng? It is estimated that the large formation has been closed in a hurry, and the space has been broken to break the ruins into the space. It is already very impressive. It is definitely impossible to defeat Kun Peng and raise a child.


She is no longer there.

I looked at the child in tears. She also had tears on her face. She took out the four paper figures one by one, looked at me pleadingly, babbled and pointed at the paper figures, and then pointed to me. Phantom.

I was stunned for a moment, and then I understood what she meant. She felt that my magical powers were vast and omnipotent, and even "people" could be transformed, so she wanted me to resurrect these paper people and make them return to their original form. Look like.

Obviously, the children are raised by paper people. She feels that these paper people are her caregivers, like fathers like mothers, even if they don’t speak, even if they only act according to the set work, such as feeding the child. A child is like weeding for weeding, sweeping for sweeping, but this is also the "person" who has nurtured her, isn't it?

As for the child’s eating problems, at this level, breastfeeding is basically not used, because the fruit juice will be more nutritious. If the set paper figure is instilled with the idea of ​​parenting, it will be implemented without error Amend your job, look for fruit to get juice and feed.

It’s just a pity that such a paper man lasts for a short time. As the energy disappears, he loses his strength and regains his original form. This child must have watched the four paper men fall one by one, but he couldn’t wake them up. , Even when the first paper person loses energy and becomes paper, I am afraid she will beg other paper people who can’t speak.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for these paper people to save themselves, so how can they rescue other paper people? If Xue Qingcheng casts the spell himself, a paper man should use it for about three to five years. However, the situation here is different now. The paper man will be affected by the disappearance and fluctuation of the atmosphere here.

Looking at the child’s expectant face, I picked up a paper man full of charms and injected my own strength. Soon, a woman in a beautiful Shenting skirt stood in front of the child and started doing it. With a very elegant and curious expression, observe the surrounding environment, and prepare to start busy with today's work.

But she didn't realize that at this moment, the child was so excited that he cried out, holding the woman's leg babble, and the woman just stood there and said nothing.

The child doesn’t seem to mind. After all, she has long been used to the dull expressions of these paper figures. In a world without feelings, she can have feelings, which is really precious to the extreme, because I don’t know how to grow up in such an environment. Child, what should it be like...

This child is so pitiful, so pitiful that just looking at her with a smile makes my heartache like a knife.

But the child is not easily satisfied, looking at the remaining three paper men, and begging to shook my hand, of course, the other hand is still holding the corner of the paper maid’s clothes for fear. The opponent will soon become a paper man again.

I had no reason to let her down again, and immediately activated the remaining three paper figures one by one, so that she could see her ‘family’ again.

Seeing the four maids appearing in front of him, the child was already crying happily, dancing around, as if he had received the best gift.

It was not until the maids began to prepare to do their job, the child turned back and looked at me. At this time, she and I were already very familiar with each other, and when she was holding my hand, she would pay attention to my hand. On the upper side, the blue veins violently on the face but not fully suppressed. After all, I used a line of Chuangyuan before, so now I can only try to maintain my original appearance, and the suppression force continues to explode.

"Are you happy now?" I smiled.

The child laughed too, but she obviously didn't know the meaning of ‘happy’, she just knew that I was happy when she saw me smiling, and she was sad when she saw me cry.

In fact, with my ability, I can give her a small-scale knowledge empowerment at any time, so that she has the knowledge of survival quickly. However, doing this is the fastest way for children to have knowledge and learn language, but it is undoubtedly Harmful, because she has **** as natural as today, how can I use the rules and even some strange vocabulary I have learned to influence her?

So I quickly gave up on the idea of ​​knowledge empowerment. Since this child is loved by God and has destiny to follow, let her study hard from now on. She will see the world with her own eyes and have a life that belongs to her. .

Because of chasing four rejuvenated paper men, I was able to fly out of the house at this time, and then fly straight to the bottom of the large array along the boundary wall, and cut it easily with a sword in the eyes of a damaged array left. Front mouth.

At the moment, the large array is actually very fragile. Of course, this is not something that can be opened during the normal catastrophe period. Otherwise, the large array would be destroyed in a hurricane zone or elsewhere.

And just now I flew around for a week, and found that this was indeed the place where the innate vitality was placed back then. There is no doubt that Xue Qingcheng could not take away all the innate vitality. This is the only reason why the ruins have not disappeared into nothing.

Breaking into the center of the big array, clusters of huge crystal diamond strips are arranged crosswise at regular angles, and in the middle of the cross, a group of breath about the size of a little finger rolls over there. This breath is creamy gray, as if stirring. The mud formed, judging from the breath it emits, there is no doubt that this is innate vitality.

After years of ups and downs, this breath is completely devoid of arrogant capital. When I see me now, I can't help but tremble, as if I can blow it out with a casual wave of my hand.

As for the crystal column that absorbed its power, the power it can absorb at this time is obviously very small. Even if it continues to regenerate its vitality, it is obviously unable to make ends meet. I am afraid that it will disappear completely in another year or two. I will not be surprised.

Looking around, the entire room is almost half the size of a football field, and it extends in all directions, but now only the formation is empty. I think that when the innate vitality was most prosperous that year, the power would continue to spread to the periphery to support the operation of the big formation. , If it weren't for Xia Ruize to take advantage of Xue Qingcheng's absence, it is estimated that if he wants to break the formation, it is estimated that it will take time and effort to complete.

The big formation is about to expire, which is great for me. I reached out and touched the crystal pillar, because in order to research and break the big formation here, I also discussed with Xue Qingcheng, so I know the spell unlocked above.

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