Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3240: : Eat soft

"When the immortal family is corrupted to the end, it will become a corrupt existence? Isn't there a veined power to control rebirth and regeneration?" I quickly asked.

"Heaven and earth are things that do not rot? Have you ever seen anything that does not rot? Thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, will eventually decay, and the external factors encountered will continue to accelerate the rate of its decay , Even the fairy family is the same. You can live for hundreds of millions of years, but are you immortal? After all, you will decay, and even if you don’t rot, you will die? And this innate decay accelerates the rate of corruption. The breath, the dust and dirt, the earth and the sky, all accelerate the corruption and perish. There is no immortality in this world, understand?" Dongfang Fu said lightly.

"There is no immortality? Then what immortal do you still cultivate?" I stunned.

"Xiu does not die, repairs anti-corruption, why not do it? Oh, do you think there is really a life forever? A saint is immortal, isn't the existence of innate rotten qi superfluous? There is mutual growth and restraint between heaven and earth, and there is yin. Yang, there are positive and negative, fast and slow. We can’t turn our hands over. We can do whatever we want, cutting off all possibilities that we don’t want. So we can only tilt and balance between these two endpoints, what we want, Whatever you are heading, but there is also a negative existence, not without an end, do you understand? Everything must return, it is the supreme truth between heaven and earth!" Dongfang Fu talked freely.

I said this. When I looked at the other people, everyone thought about it, including the magic. They put their hands together and were very convinced by this.

"But just being rot and not being born is not the principle of heaven and earth, but it has been so for thousands of years. What is the reason? Who is doing the trick?" I asked again, but I never got a real answer. .

"Hey, who knows who is doing the trick, the old man only knows that if he broke the old man, the old man will definitely let the person doing it pay for it, and if he can't find it, he will find it! As for whether there is corruption or not, you are right. Now In the Nine Heavens, many things are indeed decayed! This is the horror of innate decay. Without the vitality of resistance, it will naturally continue to erode and decay the entire world. I am afraid that the entire world will not be corroded and vigorous. It won't happen again, so we are waiting and searching, isn't it? Maybe tomorrow, maybe tens of thousands of years later, it will appear all the time, who knows?" Dongfangfu explained.

"Waiting is terrible!" I said with a frown. The thing in the world is that I knew I was going to die, but I couldn't find a solution. And now that corruption is coming, it is constantly persecuting people.

At present, the creatures are still decayed and perished. After losing the land, food, and partners on which they depend for survival, who can continue to live?

"It's okay. I'm used to it after a long time. As long as I don't die in a day, what is it? I am afraid that this kind of vitality was deliberately taken away by which saint, and this thing of decay may also be the saint. It was placed in the Nine Heavens, allowing the filthy world to start again." Dongfang Fu smiled, as if he was not afraid at all.

"Jing Shi?" I couldn't help but feel cold. I don't want to be purified in my lifetime. I also don't want my children and my wife to see me become a rotten fairy and decay step by step. Of course, I don't want to see them. such!

So whoever wants to cleanse the world, I will first find a way to clean him!

"Hey, the cleansing of the world is a long process, but now after the dissolution, even if there is still a large area in Jiuzhongtian that has not been'purified' by the rot, it is too late to wait for us to take refuge there. I want to give you the next one. There is not much time, do you plan to purify it as well? Or find a way to resist?" Dongfang Fu asked with a smile.

"Of course I have to get rid of Jingshi! This is obviously an immoral behavior!" I wanted to swear, but maybe the saint could hear it. What should I do if a lightsaber smashes me?

"Jing Shi, what right does he have to die?" Li Poxiao gritted his teeth, expressing dissatisfaction.

"Perhaps the world makes him feel unclean, but to clean the world in this way, it's a bit past, and I can't accept it either." Fu Tianxiao said.

"God has the virtue of a good life, and the poor nuns can't bear to kill the creatures like this." Ci Ye put his hands together, and Shenmiao didn't speak, but calmly listened to us.

"The old man counts on you young people, I hope you can kill the saint who was killed that day, hehe." Dongfang Fu didn't change his nature.

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are humble dogs, saints are not benevolent, and people are humble dogs. The governance of heaven and earth always has its difficulties. Standing in a high position requires looking forward and looking back and dominating the overall situation. Purifying the world may be a choice, but it is definitely Not the best choice, I won't let him do whatever he wants!" I said flatly.

Dongfang Fu didn't laugh this time, but looked at me seriously and said, "Who taught you to say that?"

"It says in the book." I smiled.

"Puff! You stinky boy, the old man almost scared you out of blood! Almost thought you were the leader, what's not the best choice! It's true!" Dongfang Fu spit out. I almost didn't spray my face.

I looked at him awkwardly and said, "Can't I be a leader?"

"Okay, of course, you are your leader, my leader is not you, you are my apprentice now!" Dongfang Fu gave me an angry smile.

I shrugged, now Dongfangfu definitely doesn't believe me. After all, Zulong hasn't gotten down after going up, and I haven't shown the attitude and style that makes him think I am.

But seeing that I didn’t deny it, Dongfang Fu looked at me, patted my shoulder, and said earnestly: “What you said just now is indeed what a leader said, kid, come on, I rarely encourage people for the teacher, but this What you said was quite right this time, and rewards and punishments for the teacher are clear, and I don't hesitate to praise you too much."

"What's the reward? This is all in Tiannan, or let's dig out the second batch of treasures? I heard that Tiannan was the center of the ancient gods, and you have hidden a lot of treasures..." I smiled cautiously Tao.

When Dongfang Fu heard it, he scolded again: "Insatiable, it is simply insatiable! The jailer's family has tossed me for two thousand years, and it has smashed a few small treasures. How long has your kid been with me? You fooled the two old men! Or the biggest Yes! How did I accept you as a rebel!"

As a result, before he went crazy and beat me up, Ruxue had already crawled on his knees, with a cute face, and said expectantly: "Old Master Monster Master, Axue wants treasure, wants treasure!"

Dongfang Fu glanced at the little baby's eyes, and suddenly it was like hot water pouring snow, and the whole thing melted. The skin of the original twisted bun was limp. "Oh, good boy, dig, let's dig now."

I despised him, Dongfang Fu immediately glared at me and said, "I like to eat soft food, what's the matter?"

"Yeah, you can do it, see if you can." I was helpless, and didn't bother to refute him anymore, so Jinglian quickly turned to the middle of the sky again, I don't know what's wrong with this old monster. , But thinking about the treasure of the old man in my heart, I still salivate. After all, the batch of the East Sea bottom, it is estimated that the Western teaching has been used for many years, and digging out this amount will undoubtedly make the five worlds come again sublimation!

The positioning of the old monster was very accurate. After more than ten days, we really came to a large mountain range, and the ghost soldiers and ghosts I summoned together to dig out a large treasure nest covering the bottom of the mountain!

The huge treasure lair is rich in collections, and there are large arrays everywhere, but the owner has come, and there is no sign of activation, and the configuration inside is still similar to the seabed, and there are also several treasure ships.

I also found a rule that Dongfangfu’s treasure collection is directly proportional to the number of treasure ships. The number of small boats on the sea floor is not counted. There are a total of five large treasure ships, and the number is actually just completed; here is still the configuration, but There are a total of nine big treasure ships, and it can be seen that the number is nearly twice as large as that of the seabed. This is probably because he took a lot of treasures in Tiannan that year!

And even if there are many treasures in it that cannot be used due to the changes of immortal energy and vitality, but because he selected the top treasures of the world, it is definitely not the treasures that can be used and cannot be used at the time of the night kingdom. Now the proportion is small.

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