Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3269: :Completion

Behind me, a pair of scorching hands were still transmitting power to me. As soon as I received the exercises, Dongfang Fu didn't even react. I could only turn around and look at him, and he was already in tears. , Emotions can't be suppressed.

"Old monster! Are you okay!" I yelled quickly, and Dongfang Fu cried: "It's her, it's her, it's her..."

"Hey, speak well, don't cry like you sing." I couldn't laugh or cry, so I could only look at Zhao Qian, and she nodded, as if she had confirmed Han Shanshan's situation. I nodded and hurriedly followed Han Shanshan.

After a while, I returned to the side hall, and Han Shanshan drove away all the researchers in a hurry, and took out a formation, twisted it away, showing a huge starry sky world, and at this time, she He began to mutter words, and began to list the stars, as if the nebula of the new world was constantly evolving.

I originally planned to ask her what her impulse was, but when I thought of the woman who had kissed me forcibly before, I suddenly shut up, and now that Han Shanshan looks so serious, how different is it from that woman? What is the difference if you put on the same clothes and have the same temperament?

Han Shanshan may have been her after several generations and several different experiences, but the same, but a different existence from her, is probably an example of the divided soul eventually being stronger than the main soul.

I also feel a headache about this, because at this point, it is difficult to distinguish who is right and who is wrong, and whether she is the woman or not, I also feel inexplicable.

However, it is a fact that fate is disrupted and reorganized. They probably do not intend to use their memories for many years to fill the body of the soul. Such selfish thoughts are not like things done by the righteous existence, but if the goddess is true Is it just that after a kiss, it disappears with his past experience?

I sighed heavily in my heart. Looking back, she had a kind of end of her mission. After all her destiny had been tied to Han Shanshan, she left decisively. For me, what is the difference between this and disappearing alone?

Seeing the whole house quickly shrouded in darkness and surrounded by stars, I couldn't help but feel like I was in the midst of fate, watching Han Shanshan muttering some spells seriously, I am afraid that I am not even willing to accept it.

That goddess, called me a ‘husband’, doesn’t it mean that I used to be my wife when I existed? If yes, then my daughter-in-law has destroyed herself, shouldn't I be sad?

Thinking of this, I sighed deeply. I'm afraid she felt embarrassed to stay, and she kissed me when she left. This is a farewell kiss.

It seems that in the future, I will have to say goodbye to the goddess forever. From now on, there will only be pure brain line Han Shanshan. Because fate is connected, it can be regarded as a kind of coexistence, right? Even if most of the memory disappears, but the only clues remain, doesn't it mean symbiosis?

Can't understand the world.

Sometimes I get lost because of this. After all, I am not omnipotent. Even if I move forward courageously, it does not mean that everything around me will follow in my own footsteps. Can I take them all away?

The answer is: no.

You can't take it with you in any way, only karma is with you.

Buddhism is sometimes correct. You can't influence the destiny of others, you can only be responsible for your own destiny. So when you struggle with this point, it's just a lot of effort in the end, but you can't get the slightest clue to the other party.

When I looked at Han Shanshan, I cherished it even more, because her way, is it not her way, but mine? When will I be the leader of the sky? I do not know how! I am not impressed!

Everyone is actually the same.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Yes, everyone is the same! No difference!" I laughed and stood up and asked: "Han Shanshan, you are funny sometimes, but I still like you very much."

Han Shanshan is busy going round and round, because evolving the countless stars in the entire starry sky and expanding the huge universe is something that requires huge computing power. When I heard that I suddenly laughed, she suddenly said to me, "You are stupid? If you don’t give you a kiss, you’re so nervous, right? I want to think about your sister, so I can’t bear it for a while?!"

I was stunned for a moment, my old face flushed, and said, "Shanshan, don't you be so straightforward about this kind of thing, you just saw it?"

Han Shanshan snorted and said, "I haven't done that before. Others are ahead of me. I'm so angry!"

I smiled awkwardly, and said hurriedly: "That's just imagination, imagination. I just entered your body and manipulated it to do something like this. What do you mind about it?"

"Wow, Xia Yitian, I didn't expect you to talk dirty or lose your jokes. You just said that this counts as seduce sister? I want to tell Cici!" Han Shanshan winked at me.

"When will I..." I was taken aback, chewed carefully, and secretly said that I was in the sleeve again, coughing slightly, and then returning to the topic: "Speaking of which, that... ahem, the memory of the goddess, you Can you all accept it? What kind of existence does she exist in that dimension? Can everyone still meet? I think she knows a lot, can we invite her out again?"

Han Shanshan glared at me and said, "You think too much, and you want to make friends with others? But, hey, depending on your performance, if serving sister is happy, sister is happy, maybe it will be."

"You! You filthy queen!" I gritted my teeth, and Han Shanshan's ridicule was getting worse and worse.

"I like it, can't it? Husband." Han Shanshan chuckled, I sighed on my forehead, and fought with her. Don't want to get the upper hand. When she was a small patrol, she gave me back Somewhat reserved, but now it's like going out, there are no rules at all. The more you let her go, the more proud she will be, so she can't play with her anymore and will get her crazy.

But having said that, Han Shanshan should have got some inheritance, or some kind of memory mark, or else he wouldn't suddenly come here to calculate the Nine Heavens. In that case, I just watch the changes.

Han Shanshan didn’t have a relay to tease me, so she speeded up silently, really planning to calculate the entire nine-layer heavens. I was in it. Although the nine-layer heavens hadn’t been scaled down, I still felt vast and vast. This was completely as I saw. The past nebula is different, it looks more vibrant, as if it is alive, and layers of black clouds are eating away at this nebula at this moment.

But Han Shanshan didn't intend to really calculate all this nebula to the extreme, but seemed to be searching for something, because not long after, she said softly, "found it!"

I immediately turned my gaze parallel to her, and from the strange dark nebula, a light spot flashed and disappeared. But not only that, the entire evolving world began to disappear one by one, and then red The green tiles on the wall were restored to their original condition.

Seeing the room appeared in front of my eyes again, I looked confused and said, "What do you mean? What did you find?"

"Hey, what do you want? Sister can give it to you." Han Shanshan winked at me ambiguously, and I gritted my teeth and said, "Tell me business."

"I just found a breakthrough. Sister will lead the way this time. From now on, you will follow her." Han Shanshan smiled confidently.

With an expression of contempt, I muttered: "I don't usually talk like you."

Han Shanshan laughed, then slowly walked towards me, her expression changed from frantic to tranquil, as if she had changed to another person, and suddenly said indifferently: "Husband..."

I trembled all over, then stepped back abruptly: "Han Shanshan, have you ever finished?"

At this time, Zhao Qian and Dongfangfu had already arrived at the gate of the palace, but they were afraid that we were playing with important objects, so they did not dare to come in. Seeing me appear, Zhao Qian breathed a sigh of relief and asked about my situation.

Of course I said it truthfully, and of course I also suggested that she check Han Shanshan's situation, so that this little Nizi is really schizophrenic.

Dongfang Fu listened to the side silently, and his expression became extremely silent.

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