Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3272: : Convention

"Guxian came from the rift in hell?" I asked Hu Qingya with a weird face. She nodded and said: "I heard that she went to observe the rift over there. After all, it was the starting point of the calamity that year. If one breaks the boundary from there, something unexpected may happen, so I went. I didn’t expect to encounter the immortal family of the Dao League, who was coming towards us in a big way, and after Li Guxian found out what the other party was thinking, He immediately volleyed, and was coming here, saying that it might be too late. Let's close the border first."

"Then what will she do?" I asked hurriedly.

Hu Qingya smiled bitterly and said: "She said she would be fine, but we dragged the family away, but she was worried."

"Isn't that..." Of course, I felt unwilling. Li Guxian came for us and gave us such important news. Wouldn't it be too great to let her stay in this ancient **** realm that is about to be polluted? Sorry for her?

"I'm afraid I can't manage that much. Sister Shanshan has already begun to do this. The closure operation is beginning. Li Guxian must be too late to come here. No matter how fast she is, it will not be as fast as the Dao League. As soon as the people of the Dao League came, if they couldn't stop them, the closure action failed, and the human and **** world would be in danger." Hu Qingya persuaded.

"No, you can't leave her!" I gritted my teeth.

Hu Qingya's task was to persuade me. Seeing that I didn't plan to leave, she took out the communication device and sent a message to Han Shanshan.

I was too lazy to wait for an answer, and immediately floated to the main hall, planning to find a few supporters, how could I open a gap for Li Guxian to let her return to the Human God Realm, in fact, it is not only her late arrival, but also many cultivation bases. The immortal family, which was quite low, also failed to come, and our enclosing the world was tantamount to cutting off the back of these people.

However, there is no way. The Ark is reserved for the immortal family who are prepared. As for those who can't make it, they can only be infected by the rotten gas first. What will happen then, they can only come. bear.

Although this is very irresponsible.

As soon as my front foot arrived at the hall, Zhao Qian and Han Shanshan came on the back foot, including Dongfang Fu, who also appeared in the hall at this time.

"I will leave an invisible hole in the gap. However, our premise is that we need a man to be able to use our strength and when we are exhausted, we must make the decision to leave. Do you think about it?" Han Shanshan seems to have long Knowing that I will stay and wait for Li Guxian.

"I would rather be jade broken." I gritted my teeth, and my sister-in-law also slowly walked down from the main seat and said: "Leave those who can fight, be ready to close the gate at any time!"

Han Shanshan nodded and said, "Well, the boss said so, we are young, so we won't say anything."

"There can be no more than three candidates, but the only ones who can control the Earth Profound Realm and above are Brother Tian and Senior Dongfang. I must be there because I can teleport the power and sister Shanshan has to control the entrance." Zhao Qian Said.

"Master, look..." I looked at Dongfang Fu, and he snorted and said, "Smelly boy, dragging the teacher into the water for women!"

"She is different." I smiled bitterly.

"As far as you are concerned, no one is the same!" Dongfang Fu cursed, apparently seeing me through.

"Okay, don't complain anymore. Isn't it impossible..." I smiled, Dongfang Fu stopped talking, and crossed my hands and raised his head to the sky.

"Then make the decision. I will leave first, but you must also remember that you must not let the other party find the invisible gap. Once discovered, your mission will fail and you will close the gap, or they will chase after you. When we come down, but we haven't arrived, the hurricane zone may become a melee zone." said the sister-in-law.

"I won't let this happen." I said.

In the next three days, the treasure ship of the Ye family and the Sky-Splitting Ray from Tianyi, as the bottom of the Ancient God Realm, sneaked into the half-sealed channel, and Han Shanshan would gradually close several flood discharge outlets. , And finally let this place be completely sealed.

Because of the blocking of such a large area of ​​Tiannan, the large formation started quickly, and when it was closed, it was also very fast. Within two days, with a gust of wind blowing into the sky, Tiannan was about to return to calm again!

Sitting on the blood lotus with Zhao Qian and Dongfang Fu, we watched silently as the passage was slowly blocked, while the remaining Xianjia kept entering the hurricane zone; as for the invisible gap, it was the weakest in the end. The flood discharge outlet is also the place where we can return to the human world. It is located in a place that seems to be a desert area, not far away from where we are.

After a few more days, under Dongfang Fu’s perception, he found a few breaths of the Earth Profound Realm, and began to quickly flash across the surrounding area. It seemed that we had also been discovered, but they didn’t think they were looking for it. They didn't come over to ask for trouble immediately, showing that the Dao League's rules restricted their imagination and execution ability.

I also contacted Li Guxian with the communication device. When she knew that we were waiting for her here, she was surprised and scolded me again. Of course, the itinerary of her plan to return to Whirlpool Sea was changed and she planned to return to me. Here.

As for the fairy family on Xiandao, in fact, long before she went to the rift in hell, she joined the retreating fairy family group and transferred to the world of humans and gods. She was the only one who continued eastward in the rift area because she wanted to investigate something. That's it.

Maybe our location was too conspicuous, or maybe their pioneers couldn't find the entrance, and one of the detective immortal's homes who came first couldn't help but come over to strike up a conversation.

Dongfang Fu had already suppressed his breath to my level, and it seemed that we were just a few lost direction in the catastrophe period, so the immortal family in the Earth Profound Realm was not very afraid of us.

"Haha, these immortal families are a little weird. I don't know what they want to stay here?" The immortal family in the Profound Realm asked with a smile.

"Wait for someone, if Senior is fine, let's leave." I smiled faintly.

The Xianjia in the Profound Realm of that land was dressed in black, and looked like an immortal. Seeing that I didn't make sense, he said: "We are looking for a passage from Tiannan to the Human God Realm. I heard that it is in Tiannan. In this place, as a result, none of the more than a dozen immortal houses has received news from the passage. How many people know where the passage was originally?"

"Hey, right here, if you have the ability to open the gap by yourself, you can see it. If you don't have the ability, please leave the seniors quickly. We have to wait for someone." I said with a smile.

"You!" The fairy family was a little angry, but soon calmed down and said: "Have you ever heard of a fairy family called Jun Qixing before?"

"Not going?" Dongfang Fu raised one eye, and Zhao Qian knew that he was about to explode in anger, so she quickly said, "We are also looking for that place."

Obviously, the immortal family certainly didn't believe it. He glanced at the three of us and prepared to start sending other immortal families to come here, but Dongfang Fu would certainly not give him a chance. The strength of the Sky Profound Realm immediately exploded, and then he rushed to it. In front of the opponent, the next scene was familiar and cruel, and he really tore the opponent!

I did not hesitate. The Heavenly Smiting Technique was activated, and the Heaven Smiting Divine Sword was also involved in the attack. An Earth Profound Realm did not have the power to fight back for our masters and apprentices. Soon this allied nosy immortal family was demolished. In pieces!

Of course, the disappearance of the other party inevitably made the situation uncontrollable. In the next day, the surrounding Earth Profound Realm immortals returned here one after another. When the interrogation failed, some planned to threaten us, and some planned to attack us. We use various methods to lure, but all of them are easy to kill!

In this way, this place became the devil's zone, devouring the lives of five or six immortal families in the Earth Profound Realm. Of course, if there are more routines, others will know what is going on. In the next day, there will be no more Earth Profound Realms. The immortal family in the realm came over, and it seemed that he was accumulating strength and preparing to make a siege.

Of course, Dongfangfu, Zhao Qian and I know what the other party thinks, but this place is an agreed place, and we definitely cannot leave.

In the early morning of the third day, as expected, more than a dozen immortal houses in the Earth Profound Realm were divided into several small teams, one after another close to us.

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