Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3280: : Sword Diagram

Chen Jixue's calm face finally made waves, and the coldness in her eyes seemed to be real! But who is Li Guxian? Facing the opponent's deterrence, he picked up Lin Juli's incapable body and said, "Friends, do you plan to continue resisting with a large array? Then don't you need your junior brother?"

Chen Jixue frowned and said, "What do you want."

"Of course..." Li Guxian smiled faintly, then Changjian mentioned it, and said: "Fight."

After I listened, I was almost stunned not to give this idea, and quickly said through a voice transmission: "I said Gu Xian, the situation is now in our favor. At this time, she should use her junior brother to threaten her to open the correct posture, right?"

Li Guxian smiled at me and said, "So, you are a good leader, but I am a good sword immortal who has delayed the ancient immortal world, am I not?"

I laughed bitterly, and quickly said: "Anyway, she can't beat you. You don't have to be so serious with her, and quickly end the battle. It's serious for us to leave here."

Li Guxian shook his head and said through the sound transmission: "Only by constantly pursuing the perfection of the sword can you reach the true peak of the sword fairy. Have you not discovered that her sword is different from others?"

I nodded, and had no objection to what Li Guxian said, because from just now I saw that Chen Jixue’s sword is a bit different. The three-foot cold front is good, but the handle is longer than ordinary swords. The sword aura he produced was not comparable to the sword of the ordinary ancient gods.

"If it were the instant swordsmanship just now, I couldn't beat you." Chen Jixue said honestly.

Li Guxian grinned at the corner of his mouth and said, "I don't use Magic Sword Heaven, you also press the cultivation base to the Earth Profound Realm, everyone speaks with the sword!"

Chen Jixue narrowed her eyes, and then said, "If I win, let Junior Brother Lin go."

"Hehe, that has to be won." Li Guxian said, took out a small glass ball, quickly took a pocket of the virtual body, put it into the ball, and then threw the sphere into the ball. In the hurricane zone!

Chen Jixue was inevitably anxious, and immediately chased the small glass ball. She could see that she was still quite responsible for her junior.

But Li Guxian didn't give her any chance, and stretched out his sword to block her in front of her: "What? I didn't pay a price, I wanted to save people?"

"Okay, as you wish!" Chen Jixue condensed her eyebrows, and then squeezed her left hand, and the strength of the Sky Profound Realm instantly dropped, and she soon reached the Earth Profound Realm, but she didn't seem to want to take advantage of Li Guxian, or Said that she didn't even know how powerful Li Guxian was, so she was still only half-born in the Earth Profound Realm.

"You have dropped so much, don't regret it." Li Guxian snorted, but Chen Jixue didn't intend to pay any attention at all, and still reduced the strength to the catastrophic period. Dongfangfu and I looked at each other, and we saw each other's eyes. Chen Jixue's first sense.

The mentality is not weak, which represents confidence in your own strength!

Without much words, Chen Jixue drew his sword for a moment, then snapped his fingers. The ice cold sword aura was overwhelming, and she slowly shook the Frost Snow sword, then took a light step and sang: "One thought Flick your fingers to go thousands of miles, fly flowers and flies into the snow for thousands of calamities, today you will be farewell to the sad and lonely princess, and the emperor’s dreams are hard to be rare, magic snow road! Flick your fingers!"

"Good come." Li Guxian smiled faintly, and then waved the Divine Sword of Catastrophe, and soon followed up with a sword step. Her aura was even more terrifying, and there was no sword aura in her body, as if even she was going to hide. Among the swords, it really deserves to be a terrifying existence known as the infinite sword god!

Chen Jixue's expression changed slightly. For a swordsman, the power of the gesture of the sword realm can often be predicted, so she couldn't help lifting the sword realm in an instant!

At this time, countless snowflakes fell one after another, and the surrounding hurricane area seemed to be spreading heavy snow, and her uniform, like a sword king in the white snow, with a long sword, suddenly swirled into pieces of sword air storm!

"Green scaly clouds are flying, and the wind has covered Qiong Ting for several times. The sword platform once laughed at He Zhanxian, riding a whale to fight against Taiqing! Ancient Immortal Way! Yuri Taiqing!" Li Guxian roared and attacked the opponent. The sword was already out in an instant. In the majestic snow, the whale's roar was shaking the earth, and the storm also caused the surrounding hurricanes to rush away. The sword realm drives the environment. This sword has Li Guxian's own unique charm!

In the radiant space, Li Guxian on the sword stand leaped down and stood on the huge green-scaled whale, taking the wind as the wave, breaking the sky with the sword, and heading towards Chen Jixue!

Chen Jixue couldn't help being shocked by Li Guxian's strength, she didn't dare to have the extra boldness of the Sky Profound Realm, but looked at this sword from the level of his true opponent!


The collision between the two sword realms is inevitable. Li Guxian has always been a ‘rogue’ in swordsmanship. Even with the same strength, she can use the opponent’s attack head on, let alone use the surrounding terrifying hurricane! With the help of the hurricane, the flying whale was so fast in an instant that it broke the snow and rushed towards Chen Jixue!

This move Yuri Taiqing is the original version of the "Yujian Taiqing". If there is no comparison, it is not surprising. After all, Li Guxian must be outrageously strong, but once there is a comparison with Li Sangrui before, no matter the flying whale His momentum is still speed, and it is no longer the realm that Li Xiangruo can reach!

After a short while, the two sword songs collided with each other. There is no doubt that both sides are under the oppression of each other's sword realm, but the face to be hit will vary with the strength of each other's sword songs. This time the confrontation is very realistic. Victory is biased towards Li Guxian, her swordsmanship is even sharper, and her use is more sophisticated!

Chen Jixue was knocked out. Although he didn't receive a fatal blow due to his foundation in the Profound Realm, his mana was instantly emptied. If the origin was in the catastrophe period, he would have lost the blow.

"If you don't show your strength anymore, for an immortal family who can rush to the Profound Realm, isn't it a pretty face?" Li Guxian saw her tenacity, but didn't care about the other party's full state again. Should be repaired during the robbery period.

"Humph." Chen Jixue snorted coldly, and then said: "You forced me!"

"Yeah, otherwise? If you don't win next time, I will kill the bead." Li Guxian smiled coldly, of course I knew she was intimidating the other party to do her best!

Chen Jixue was finally angered this time, the long sword was raised, the slender fingers of the left hand held the blade, and the right hand held the hilt, and then suddenly he pulled it hard! Hey, bright red blood splashed out from the palm of my hand, and I couldn't help but stun in my heart, secretly saying that this sword really has a mystery!

And Li Guxian smiled slightly, and looked at the position of the sword with satisfaction as a long rod, while the snow-like sword showed a bright red color after being stained with blood!

"Annihilation, good sword inscription." Li Guxian looked at the sword like a spear and a sword, and couldn't help being very curious about such a weapon, but I know that she is familiar with her, she plans to be serious! So my expectations for the next sword are no lower than Dongfang Fu and Zhao Qian.

"Farewell to the late autumn, the green hills and birds will forget their nests, the flowers will fall and the snow will be broken, the sky is broken, how can the heart be lost, the magic snow road! The fairy sword is annihilated!" After Chen Jixue deformed the sword, the posture of holding the sword has changed from sword power to After the gun, the sword and gun suddenly came alive because they were full of the blood of the owner, emitting this rolling red air wave. This air wave is completely different from the previous cold, frost and snow, as if it was boiling. The flame is burning! This is like an incompatible attribute between ice and fire, appearing on a weapon at the same time!

"Sprinkle the ink cloud to go to Yinggu, the strong affection is Cangfengyue soaked in the lake, the sky tree is as if the autumn is sluggish, the mountain is full of sword silk pendant paintings, the ancient fairy road, the sky tree sword picture." Li Guxian quickly raised the divine sword, strode , Quickly swiping a few words, writing his sword song like a thick pen!

In a short while, the sky with clouds and the long wind and the moon quickly appeared in the sky, and a huge shadow of a towering tree stood in the sky incredible. I am very familiar with this big tree because of this It is exactly the same as the big tree on Xiandao. It seems that this sword technique came from Xiandao.

The big tree shook with the wind, and the leaves quickly fell down!

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