Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3292: : Brave

"I'm going to check this sacred tree of destiny, I wonder if the future fellow Taoists can agree?" I looked at this huge sword embryo sacred tree, after all, it is a relic of the immortal world. If you look at it at will, it would be too abrupt.

Hou Qingyu looked at the group of old people around. Those old people were interested in giving me face, so most of them nodded, but there were two or three voice transmissions to Hou Qingyu. I don’t know what they said, then Hou Qingyu continued. : "I wonder why the leader of Xia attaches so much importance to this tree of destiny?"

I thought for a while, and said, "I practice a kind of exercise, using the veins of the tree as the context to form a unique attack method. If the veins of the tree are strong enough, I need to extract some to prepare for the future battle. Of course, if it’s too weak, I won’t take it, let alone fill my own desires.”

Hou Qingyu looked at the other old men, and all the immortals nodded, and one of them arched his hands and said, "Even if the sacred tree is destroyed by the leader of Xia, I am afraid that no one of us can stop it, but after all, it is the immortal family from the world of Yixian. Before, it was something that had grown. It can be seen that it is dictated by the destiny. After all, we need to do our best to protect it. Now League Master Xia is willing to speak out, but we think too much.

I nodded, and then stepped on my toes, and I stepped into the protection circle of the sacred tree and stood in front of the big tree.

The big golden tree in front of me is only two thousand years old. It is not twice as big as the one on the fairy island. I don't actually have much hope in my heart, but no matter the little bit of available context, it will be able to strengthen I can't give up the strength of Huan Jiantian easily.

The hand touched the big tree, and soon the strength was poured into it, and a trace of vigorous pure energy quickly revealed to me. I was happy in my heart, but after sensing this young power, I found that it is really better than other gods. The tree is not much better, even the sheer strength of gold and iron.

And once this power is extracted, the power of the sacred tree of sword embryos will stop for a while. Seeing the two sword embryos hanging on it have taken shape, I finally sighed and said: "Nothing, this The power of the sacred tree is still too weak, it is better to let it continue to grow, if it is extracted to regenerate, then I don’t know where to find it."

Hearing what I said, all the immortals breathed a sigh of relief, including Hou Qingyu, who said, "Leader Xia has a kindhearted heart and has made the world surrender. Now we really believe it."

I shook my head and smiled, and said: "For the sake of the world, I still won't give up the power of extracting it one day, but it's not going to happen now, so later fellow Daoists don't say what I said so well."

Hou Qingyu shook his head, arched his hands and said: "If there is an enemy that is irresistible and cannot be defeated without extracting its power, even if the leader of Xia cannot bear it, our Yixian Realm will willingly offer the sacred tree, because of that Perhaps it is its real destiny."

I looked at the immortals seriously, and the opinions of the immortals in the world of the immortals were very unified. They all nodded and voted. I can only smile slightly and stop the matter.

"Leader Xia can’t use the power of the tree veins, but the sword fruit of destiny, presumably the leader of Xia can still use it. We are willing to offer the sword fruit of destiny that has grown and matured, which can be regarded as a contribution to the leader of Xia. , I hope not to postpone it." Hou Qingyu said without hesitation.

I looked at the two formed sword embryos, and of course I was very happy. These sword embryos matured every few hundred years, and these two were large and one small. The larger one was ready to ripen, and the smaller one was no more than a little finger. , I am afraid that it will take hundreds of years of work, which is also expected, and now the immortal family in the world of Yixian can make such a big decision, which is very impressive.

"In that case, I will take this sword fruit. Of course, I won't take it for nothing. Later I will give you an artifact of the same value to make up for your deficiencies. "Although I haven't figured out what can be exchanged for such a precious existence with vitality, Tianyiyi is no longer the Tianyiyi of the year. Just the treasure brought down from the ancient gods is rich and the enemy. Picking out a few is not a problem at all.

"Leader Xia doesn't need to be so polite. We almost went all the way back to Liushentian, hoping to be protected by the lord of Xia, how can we make such an unrealistic request of exchanging things?" Hou Qingyu quickly refused, and I waved. Said: "No need to say more, this matter is up to me to decide, whether you treat it as a meeting ceremony or barter, it's all just fine."

After Qingyu hesitated to speak, he finally compromised.

At this time, the **** Jin Zhaoyouyou, who was beaten by the sword to faint with me, woke up, took a look around, and found that he was carrying a fairy family behind him, and quickly broke free, looked at me vigilantly, and said: "You despicable villain, I am fair and honest with you, but what demon technique did you use!?"

I looked at him and smiled: "Young man, you don’t know how many things you don’t understand in this world. If you haven’t seen it, it doesn’t mean you don’t have it. You just met me today, and there is something more powerful than me. If you run into it, won't you lose even more unclearly?"

God Jinzhao was startled, and planned to refute it again, but he slapped Hou Qingyu and drew it on the back of his head: "You kid, but you don't know how Meng Xia treats you well, he ignores the predecessors, and repays the obstruction for you with virtue. You even bumped into him ignorantly because of his veins. Could it be that the child I gave birth to is so intolerant of evil obstacles stronger than yourself?"

God Jinzhao slapped the slap firmly, and he was a little confused. He probably hadn’t beaten his old lady like this before, but he hesitated, and finally gritted his teeth and looked at me and said, “What are you trying to do? Just put it bluntly, you can't fool everyone around and isolate everyone from me!"

"It seems that you are smart, and you can think of this level, but unfortunately, your strength is not enough for me to do this for you." I smiled coldly, and God gritted his teeth. He probably hates others most. His strength is poor, especially because he is clearly the strongest existence in the world of Yixian! So he immediately said: "You can't tell the attempt, but you have to do it, you think you are a saint!? You think I will believe you easily?

"Believe it or not you lie with you. As for saying that I have no intentions, I actually don't believe it myself. But speaking of it, what I am aiming at is really not your power, so there is no need to let anyone isolate you, you and me, and here Every fairy family is the same, I will treat it the same. I will help you because I admire you a little bit.” As I said, I looked at him: “The brave is angry, and he is stronger. Those who are timid are angry, but slash towards the weaker. What I admire is that you are fearless and guarding the heart of the relic of the immortal world. As for other things, you can’t fall into the sight of my law, so you should be glad you have a great mother The accusations and responsibilities of protecting the world have been passed on to you intact!"

After all my words, all the immortals felt the same.

Hou Qingyu burst into tears in his eyes, apparently agreeing with my point of view in his heart, and said to his son: "Zhao'er, have you heard that? Meng Xia is more than a hundred times better than you? You have only one body to make yourself confident. , But today, the leader of Xia, no matter what it is, you are countless. If you don't reflect, you are still blinded by your own strength. You used to practice so many spells and your character is not cultivated. What is the use now?"

"I..." God Jinzhao was speechless. Obviously, no matter how stubborn he was before, he should already know that he was wrong. I looked at him and said: "The strong do not have brute force, but Have a tenacious heart."

Hou Qingyu watched her son stunned, and seemed to have a flash of inspiration, and quickly said to me: "Leader Xia, my son has followed his father since he was a child, and his father died prematurely, so there is no more guidance from a famous teacher. With such a temperament, the leader of Xia League possesses both ability and political integrity. He is a good teacher for my son. If we don’t dislike our mother and son from humble origins, and my son has a poor temperament, can he turn this piece of jade into a talent, so as not to leave it outside and cause trouble sooner or later. !"

I looked at God Jinzhao, and God Jinzhao was astonished by what he had said to his mother at this time, and was hesitating and wondering what to do.

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