Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3352: : Chess Road

I took out a bunch of exquisite toys, and I quickly put them in front of him. These things were picked out on the battlefield. They were all rare and exquisite things. They weren't even lethal swords or anything. So when the child saw him, he was happy to choose.

Ye Lingling was also grateful. In fact, he cried because of the early death of her husband Wang Yuan, who was sad.

I didn’t have much to say with her, I just wanted to meet the child and recognize a familiar face, so with Ye Lingling, I just said a few words of relief by the way, including my grandmother. .

Wang Yuanyi is also a bachelor at ordinary times. He doesn’t enjoy much, just a sip of cigarettes and a little wine with his brothers. If you don’t mention his **** temper, he can be regarded as a model for men, so he has earned a huge family business. After his sacrifice, Ye Lingling inherited his inheritance and became one of Tianyi's mentors, which was actually expected.

After leaving Ye Lingling mother and son, and saying goodbye to her grandmother, Hu Qingya whispered to me that Zhao Qian wanted to see me.

Hu Qingya is arranging the itinerary, but now Zhao Qian wants to see me, I can only nod and say: "Well, there should be something urgent, then see her first."

In the apse, Zhao Qian's casual, wide-body ancient dress is waiting for my arrival. I can't help but admire her elegantly dressed, "Today is pretty."

"Not as good as the two ladies." Zhao Qian smiled, I shook my head, while Hu Qingya covered her mouth and smirked, and said: "After you talk, I will go to the outside hall to deal with something."

Zhao Qian didn't stop her, but pulled me over and said: "Brother Tian, ​​have you thought about the marriage of the Dao League?"

"Isn't this about to see Qingcheng? You called me here." I smiled bitterly.

Zhao Qian looked at me tenderly and said: "My God, isn't this a cover for you first, let you know some of her mood changes after you fell asleep, after all, she just went to her like this, nothing. It would be embarrassing if you knew it."

I gave her a thumbs up and said, "You are so strange that Shanshan can't beat you."

Zhao Qian gave me a nudge and blushed: "I can't compare to Sister Shanshan. Okay, let's not gossip. After you fell asleep, she has been wary of us all the time, and the context of your seal at that time, can It took a lot of our energy, and for a long time she refused to accept that memory, and even held hostility towards you."

"Well, how did you accept it later?" I smiled bitterly.

"Isn't it imperceptible? And it's also the reason why the state of worship is too weak." Zhao Qian smiled.

"Will the heavenly realm be weak, can it affect her acceptance of me?" I stared at her in a daze, and Zhao Qian nodded and said, "Isn't it? Where I live for a long time, I invite people to bully every day. I can't stand it, besides, there is a child who has a similar behavior and conversation with himself every day, hehe."

"Hehe, okay, what's her attitude towards me now? Looking at me before, she had a complicated expression on her face, and why did she run away from the military officer's row?" I asked curiously.

"That is her last insistence. Anyway, she doesn't admit it on the surface anyway. She also says that she doesn't read her memory. She only contributes to the sky and will not make any tricks. She also regards herself as a member of the Dao League, so she is willing Which row of generals are you standing in?" Zhao Qian smiled.

"Well, it looks like her character, no wonder. Fortunately, you wake me up, otherwise I will have to be hot and cold in the past." I smiled bitterly.

"Sister Qingcheng is hard-hearted. In fact, it doesn't matter whether you read the memory or not. It just depends on how you treat her. Moreover, the Dao Meng will give her and kiss to Brother Tian, ​​for fear that it will be the last straw to crush the camel's back. Well, such a thing didn't happen to me." Zhao Qian's eyes are sentimental, and I always have the instinct not to face it.

"I see, let me test it out first." I said, and then holding her hand, said, "Xian, you are kind to me, and I am impressed with it."

Zhao Qian's face was reddish, and said: "I don't count it."

I looked at her awkwardly and said, "What counts then?"

Zhao Qian took a step back, and said, "What you do is count."

"Well, um... I'll go to see Qingcheng first, I'm afraid she is also in emotional entanglement, and..." I feel that Zhao Qian today has a strong desire to attack. With my current mentality, she can't stand her much. A few words, besides, I have met Qingcheng, the sister-in-law has an appointment there, and the other members of the women's legion have to meet one by one.

"Well, I'm joking with Brother Tian, ​​you should deal with important matters first. Many people are afraid to wait for you to get their eyes through. You are here when you call you, enough to touch me." Zhao Qian pushed me. On the way out, I gave her the mother of the world stone. She naturally knew how to use it. As for the flower of world power, she also returned it to her. These are of great help to the world.

And Zhao Qian kept sending me out of the hall.

"Ah? I came out so soon? Don't sit for a while?" Hu Qingya asked suspiciously.

"What? We didn't do anything!" Zhao Qian's face flushed, and Hu Qingya was stunned for a moment, and then handwritten the word'sitting', which immediately made Zhao Qian ashamed to want to get into the ground.

I watched this scene embarrassingly, secretly saying that Zhao Qian has also become more and more dirty recently, probably because of Han Shanshan's tricks, she has applied her knowledge.

Under the leadership of Hu Qingya, I quickly came to a slightly larger interface that was not the main interface. The buildings here are antique and the scenery is fresh and green, making people feel like a palace in the forest.

After Hu Qingya sent the message, after a while, a waiter led us into the hall.

And just after stepping into the palace gate, I saw Xue Qingcheng all in purple clothes, sitting alone on the table, above it was a chess table, she was playing against herself, but it was exactly the same as before.

Hu Qingya pushed me in, and she pushed me back later, and floated out.

I sat opposite her without being polite.

On the chessboard, the chess path was enthusiastic, but her eyes were as pale as the surface of the lake. It seemed that she was either deliberately concealing or she was absent-minded.

"Qingcheng." I couldn't help but faintly called.

"President Xia, please drink tea first." Xue Qingcheng's brows frowned, as if she was a little uncomfortable with me.

The waiter soon served tea. In fact, these waiters were all paper-man changes at first glance. Although one should do what one should do, it is not the two of us.

"Where is Ruxue child?" I smiled, Xue Qingcheng glanced at me, narrowed his eyes, and said, "Isn't she with you just now?"

Giving her this refutation, I couldn't help but laugh. It seemed that she cared very much about her children, and now she is playing chess, which is obviously restraining the emotional fluctuations caused to me.

"Is it okay to live during this period of time?" I smiled, remembering in my heart that three years ago, when the Dao League kidnapped her, he forced her to kiss her.

"Given the leader of Xia, this prisoner's day is very tormenting." Xue Qingcheng said.

I couldn't help but shook my head and said with a smile, "It seems that you haven't read the memory on the jade card. In fact, how can you be considered a prisoner? This is your home."

Xue Qingcheng didn't say a word, picked up a chess piece, and randomly placed it on the board, and then said: "I don't remember these things, and now I can't accept you, how can I passively accept these memories?"

"You also said that you only exert effort, but for the realm of heaven, you do your best, whether it is brain power or strength." I laughed.

"That's because I want to protect this child." Xue Qingcheng frowned and put down the chess piece that had just been twisted in his hand, and then looked at me: "Leader Xia is here this time. What are you going to do, right?"

I picked up the chess piece she dropped just now and placed it on the chessboard seemingly at random: "Don't worry about it, finish this game first?"

As soon as Xue Qingcheng saw that I had taken the black piece, she really challenged her. She picked up the white piece and was ready to be my opponent. But then she was ready to play. Suddenly she discovered that my piece was in the most critical place. She was already considered defeated.

"Go, why not?" I smiled. Just now, she was upset and the game was open and closed, but she didn't want to get into the situation where one party was about to lose at any time, and she didn't even know the hand just now, but it was actually a step. Stinky chess.

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