Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3436: : Environmental change

"Let's put down the four-year-old twilight array!" Gong Ningyan saw Lu Gui sneak into the surrounding fairy clouds, and immediately flicked his sleeves, the surrounding smoke and clouds steamed, and everything became hazy out of thin air!

The twelve great elders quickly followed Gong Ningyan and rushed out of the main hall in an instant, but each fairy family finally disappeared in the clouds!

"Uncle Xia! What should I do? What do I need to do?" Yuan Muying immediately drew his sword, not afraid of all the enemies that disappeared in front of him, but actually meant to join hands with me, I looked to the left and right, and said: "You go to the side Go, you are not needed here."

Yuan Muying still intends to say something, I have already gone straight into the sky, the next moment, I look down at the whole hall, there is already a large area underneath, and the aura is running around in it, and it is getting weaker and weaker soon, it seems that it has become a reality. Like a cloud.

This four-year-old grand formation, really has such a mystery!

"Hehe, don't you dare to come down now? I thought it was so loud, and I ran away immediately after seeing our big formation!" A female elder's voice came from the big formation, seemingly dissatisfied that I watched the formation from a distance .

I was expressionless, still watching the changes in the big array.

This formation continues to expand, and the white clouds are also changing colors, as if they are getting deeper and deeper.

And just when I was about to enter the battlefield, Yuan Muying’s voice came, and she reminded: “My nephew stayed here during this period of time and didn’t waste the days, but chose to read the classics left over from this realm of heaven. What they said about the four o'clock in the evening, I also had some understanding in their ancient classics, although I don’t know the key points, but I know that the four o'clock in the day is probably divided into four. Ambient changes, each one represents one of the attack methods, such as the first one, which represents the morning, the early sword is the most upright, but the power is more fierce than the other ones, and it is good at using direct attacks, and Launched by the powerful with infinite attack!"

"Well, it looks like the morning mist is filled with mist and gradually evaporates. This should be the first stage change, right?" I laughed.

"Yes, I heard that this change is not subtle, but it can best measure a person's ability. If a person with weak strength makes a battle, it will not be able to sustain a round." Yuan Muying is not without worry.

"Who will pick me up!" I laughed, and instantly rushed down from the sky!

My laughter was hearty and full of spirit, and the other party's situation was exactly what happened. Suddenly a female elder who was about 27 or 18 years old and holding a sword suddenly appeared!

She is weak, but she has a disproportionate epee in her hand. The epee is dark, and even the lines of the sword are carved at will. It is estimated that it is very difficult to engrave on such mysterious gold and iron.

But it is not difficult for an expert who is good at swordsmanship, the female elder slashed his sword and said, "I will take your sword!"

"Okay!" I didn't slow down, or even faster, and almost instantly arrived in front of the female elder, and then with a bang, I collided with her two swords who came straight up!

Sure enough!

I was surprised secretly, after all, it was powerful enough to be able to explode such a force against me!

But my Tiantian skill is now in the sixth level. Although I lost the motivation to move forward, the opponent has already sprinted downwards, and only heard the second grounding sound. It must be unsteady. Living!

A cloud of smoke rose on the ground, and the scene fell into silence again. I looked at the cracked ground, but found that the woman was not too embarrassed, but she stood up after landing on one knee!

Seeing this weird scene, I was once again surprised by the magic of the four-year-old formation, because when the woman drew the sword just now, I had already rushed down, and I had the advantage from top to bottom, but when she rushed up, it seemed that there was smoke and clouds. Her strength increased in an instant, so the impact was no less than mine.

As for when I fell to the ground, there was a cloud of smoke supporting her, which made her fall greatly reduced, thereby reducing most of the contact with the ground, so there was no serious injury!

When I rushed down and pursued, of course, two more powerful elders rushed out. One was a man who held an axe and fought against me before, and the other was an old man with a sword, all of whom looked good at the front. On the offensive, after they suddenly rushed out, a sword light spun towards me, and an axe danced impenetrably!

I immediately reversed the direction of my attack, and directly sent a set of heavenly swords to the man!

Hum! A series of attacks instantly made the man retreat, and when the old man rushed over, my distraction shadow had already stopped him, and the Infinite Heavenly Sword stopped Jian Guang on the spot, even with the powerful formation bonus, but I don’t know how much power is lost under my Tiantian Gong!

I inhaled with a big hand, and the Spiritual Ability was activated. The man let out a miserable cry, wrapped the cloud again and disappeared in front of me. He did advance and retreat somewhat!

However, my attack did not stop. I pushed again with a big hand, and Na Ling Fa directly blasted out, with a bang, a large white cloud in front of it turned into scorched smoke on the spot, even if there is something, it will be burned with energy. !

This time I didn’t use multi-causal interaction and I didn’t want everyone to be too stiff. It was not my intention to kill one of them. It was enough to leave a lesson.

But the man I was looking forward to howling did not appear again, but a black shadow held a sword in one hand and pressed one hand against the tip of the sword. He looked at me with deep eyes and said, "Your Excellency's Na Ling method is absolutely overbearing!"

"Hehe, the supreme leader is great. I insisted on taking my hand in the spirits." I was also surprised. Even if I made a cover in the big formation, I was so bold that I rushed over to help me. Spirituality, regardless of strength or mentality, this Gong Tieyun is outrageously strong.

The time for offense and defense and dialogue did not actually last long, and only a few other people who had been repelled by me had time to buffer, but this time, the real attack began.

After being frustrated, the woman holding the epee bit her hand. The blood quickly filled the epee body with runes, and the time gained allowed her to return to peace with her blood, and moved towards me at a fast speed. Rushing over, and the power of the heavy sword is naturally not comparable to just now!

"Good come!" I sneered, then stretched out my hand and shook, and let out a low growl of "Sword Vessels Yantian". The Heaven Smiting Divine Sword suddenly burst out, and the sword also aroused the power in an instant, causing it to release a strong whole body. Purple gas!


With a momentary impact, I once again squeezed the woman down to the ground from the ascending state, her face was shocked and shocked, because in addition to the power shortage, I did not know a few ranks, and even the heavy sword was forced by the Heaven Smiting Divine Sword. 'KaKa' made a mess, and the tough sword body even flew away, like gold and iron files on a scorpion.

Gong Tieyun regained his aura at this time and led the axe-wielding man to come to support. It can be seen that the force of taking me to the spirit of the spirit caused him to mess up his body, so it is inevitable that he will have to wait a while to come down to help.


But their rescue was undoubtedly too slow for me. At the extreme speed, everyone who rushed over dragged me farther and farther, and the epee woman pressed me hard and wanted to escape, so she gave me a sword. Boom to the ground!

"The sword is good and the strength is not weak, but you are still out." I said with a sneer, and with a big wave of my hand, she blew her body away.

"Change formation!" This time, Gong Tieyun's expression also changed. This four-year-old grand formation was originally both offensive and defensive, very good at exerting personal abilities, and also being able to learn from each other's strengths, but now it will be wiped out when the situation changes. One, the remaining few can't even resist, which is enough to surprise them.

"Uncle Master, be careful, the next stage change should be the second stage! And those who haven't come out before are almost ready to stage the next stage stage change!" Yuan Muying said quickly.

"Well, I roughly know the intention of this big formation." After I finished speaking, I rushed and teleported, bypassing Gong Tieyun, and suddenly hit the sword fairy who was entangled in the distracting shadow with the heavenly sword infinitely. The old man, the old man was caught off guard against my teleportation, and was beaten into an incorporeal body under the chaotic sword on the spot!

In the first stage, I changed into four attackers, planning to hold back my actions and prepare for the immortal family behind, but under the chaos, I still killed two of them. No wonder Gong Tieyun hurriedly shouted to change the formation. !

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