Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3456: : Fuck

After discovering the aura of these black demon soldiers, I stopped directly and let them approach quickly. After a while, the existence of immortal transformations in the Hunyuan realm stood in front of me one after another.

There are four transfigures, two men and two women.

"Where is Fellow Daoist the Immortal Translator?" the first elderly woman asked in a cold voice, and, like the other three, began to look at me up and down.

The existence of the three realms of the Dao will not cause disputes. While wasting mana, you may have to rest for half a year, which is not cost-effective, so of course you can't fight without fighting.

I blinked and glanced at the four immortals with all black eyes, and said with a gloomy look: "I am the immortal who stays in the immortal realm. I came to this area because of my mission, but When we returned, we found that the original immortal had wiped out the entire immortal domain of our staying immortal faction. Even the leader of the immortal domain Zeng Zixian could no longer be contacted. In desperation, he could only defect to the Zongyun immortal domain. After that, I wonder if some of the Xian Family Taoists are from the Zongyun Immortal Domain?"

Of course, this corrupted place will also have a name, and the word Zongyun came from Zeng Zixian on the road. At the same time, a lot of things were asked. This Zeng Zixian is indeed hidden deeply. Without the evidence, there is no evidence at all.

"Oh? We are the immortal family of Zongyun Xianyu, but you said that Liuxianxianyu was completely destroyed. Is this true or false? Is there evidence?" The old woman looked at me in surprise, and I took out a piece of it. The Huaxian's waist card in the land of the Liuxian faction, of course, has made enough preparations for sneaking here.

"Really." A fairy-changer said with frowning, and then several people rustled up, and the old woman asked again: "The whole area is extinct, and the impact should be quite large. You should go and explore it. Report the facts to me."

A middle-aged man immediately succumbed to his response, and soon disappeared, he should go to the place where the sword box was devoured by multiple causality to investigate.

There was an old woman and a young man, and a young and beautiful fairy who looked at me.

"I don't know if your friend came from the immortal domain of Liuxian, have you ever seen an original immortal in the three realms? We have been tracking this original immortal all the way here, but we finally lost it, but met you." The young fairy asked.

"It seems to be going to the west. Because I think the matter of staying in the fairyland is important, I didn't pay much attention to it, and I don't know if I did it right." I said.

"Friends of Taoism must be more important." Of course, the young man doesn't know the importance, but the old woman glanced at the west side, frowned, and said: "I will go to the west, and Taoists Ren and Taoist Mao will stay and go back with this fellow Taoist. Report it."

The young men and women were not very polite, they all looked at me after they folded their hands and said, "Mother Duan, be careful."

I see that these two men and women are so close, knowing that it is either a lover or a mutual trust, and the old woman sent a middle-aged man is unwilling to send them, and even went to chase the spy by herself, presumably there is a heart of care in it. The status of men and women is not low.

Many immortal transformers have entered the three realms of Dao, because they are more infected with rotten energy than the original immortals, so the strength is far better than that of the same level, and even the cultivation and impact of higher realms have great advantages. This led to the phenomenon that the transformation of the immortal will be stronger than the original immortal as a whole, and the realm will be higher.

"Under Ren Xianghe, I don't know what Daoist's surname is." The young man greeted him first and motioned me to follow him.

I didn’t worry too much about Hai Chengfeng and Yuan Muying. After all, they would be able to absorb the spirit technique and have the help of Xuantian gourd. If you still can’t beat an old lady who only has the Hunyuan realm, then you don’t need to stay here. Up.

"It turned out to be Brother Ren. It is an honor to meet in Qiliang in the next summer." I quickly handed over and looked at the woman with interest: "Don't know the girl's name?"

"Mao Chuchu, I am lucky to meet Daoist Xia." The woman didn't show off, with a smile on her mouth. Instead, the young man named Ren Xianghe had a touch of worry on his face. It seems that the two are not real Taoists. But they are close to each other, I am afraid that some old monster may throw them out to do tasks and cultivate feelings.

"Miss Mao has a sweet voice, I should be lucky enough." I laughed, and a red cloud flew up on Mao Chuchu's face. After all, it was too straightforward to praise her beauty face to face.

Ren Xianghe quickly narrowed his eyes and looked at me with more displeasedness: "Daoyou Xia has just lost Xianyu and became Yousan. At this time, shouldn't you remember your fellow Taoists or find another way out? "

"Big Brother Ren, why are you talking like this?" Mao Chuchu quickly glanced at Ren Xianghe, a bit to blame him for being too direct.

I looked at Mao Chuchu with a wry smile, tears flickering in my eyes, and said, "It's okay for Miss Mao. I actually thought about the consequences of losing Xianyu. Brother Ren said this as a kind reminder, but Miss Mao is still speaking for me at this time. How can I take it..."

"You don't have to be sad, Daoist Xia, you must be extremely hard and uncomfortable if you escape all the way?" Mao Chuchu looked at me empathetically, and then glared at Ren Xianghe.

Ren Xianghe was naturally a little depressed, but at this time he knew that the woman was so angry that he was too abrupt, so he didn't dare to refute it too much.

"I don't know how to destroy the fairyland. I will be empty when I go. What can I do even if I am sad? These days I just hope to get help from the Zongyunxianyu. It's a pity that I have been staying in Xiancheng for hard cultivation. For the situation in Zongyun City, it’s hard to trust if you want to report it, and it’s even more of no way to report.” I quickly said, and I also pointed out my current white body identity. The three realms of Dao are also very high-level existences. Practicing penances, not being intimidated by relatives, and whoever joins will sell their lives. This bait will inevitably attract the interest of one of these two.

Sure enough, not only Ren Xianghe, but even Mao Chuchu immediately screamed and said, "You can rest assured that Friends Xia, you will be the opposite when you meet me. If you meet me, you will be the opposite. My father happened to be the right and left hand of the city lord. I recommend that the city lord will Concerned about the matter of staying in Xiancheng, and Daoyou Xia feels that there is no way to make a report, so it is not necessary. My father is now using people. Since Daoyou Xia has the cultivation base of the three realms, he will definitely reuse you."

With a look of surprise on my face, tears fell in my eyes. I was about to drift over and held her hand. While still moving, I said, "I didn't expect it to happen. I saw Ms. Mao as a good friend for so long, but it really came true. , I immediately solved these two problems for me. I really don’t know how to be grateful to Girl Mao..."

Mao Chuchu saw a man of mine cry in front of me, and watched me floating over, it was unavoidable to be stunned, but Ren Xianghe was not defenseless, and immediately stopped in front of me: "Please also ask fellow daoists to respect yourself."

"Yes... I'm sorry, I was so excited that I suddenly forgot the identity difference." I wiped my tears, but I sneered in my heart. Mao Chuchu must already think I am a man of temperament, as for that Ren Xianghe , Although quite wary, as long as I do not suspect that I am the original immortal, everything is possible.

"Well, Daoyou Xia just forgets his feelings and acts without thinking, do you need such a stinky face?" Looking at Ren Xianghe's ugly face, Mao Chuchu certainly couldn't bear to see me embarrassed, and said to me again : "You don't need to blame Xia Daoyou anymore, I understand your situation."

"Thank you Ms. Mao for her non-responsibility. I didn't expect Ms. Mao not only to have such a charming appearance, but also to have such a kind heart." I quickly thanked, and continued to agitate.

"Friend Xia Daoyuan..." Mao Chuchu's face is red, after all, everyone knows the basics, and they are already familiar with it. This includes the serious Ren Xianghe. He must also rarely praise her because of this. How can I be shameless now Speak directly?

"Miss Mao doesn't need to be so humble. If you look at your children and know their parents, your father must be such a humble and kind elder? If your father doesn't bother to take me in, I will repay him for his kindness." stand up.

Ren Xianghe watched me cheat on Mao Chuchu everywhere, and made his sweetheart smile frequently. He suddenly became out of anger and snorted coldly: "Hehe, fellow Daoists met the wind rudder, so I must be a speculative and fearful person in Liuxian City. From Uncle Mao, what you want is not the immortal family who has a sharp tongue and ran away after hearing the wind, but a stoic person. I don’t think you can reach any point, so you don’t have to spend more words! I won’t get Zongyun City. , Meeting all the heroes in the city, it's just the end of leaving without hiding your face!"

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