Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3588: : On paper

I cast my eyebrows at the old man. This old man has a childlike appearance, pale skin, and tall body. Not to mention the exuberance, but the background is definitely good, and he has a sense of compulsion that he can only have for many years.

I looked at a few other people, besides Jimo Guangru who is an acquaintance, another aura is also quite familiar. This person is also fair and peaceful. The legend is that the new deputy arbitrator and Jimo Guangru partnered. Illuminated face, sensed breath.

The other two Promises are sitting on the left and right of the old man. On the left is an old man with his eyes closed and not opened. He is wearing a robe and the old **** is there; on the right is a middle-aged woman with a hint of arrogance hidden in her eyes. The figure is rich, but judging from the outline, he should be a beauty when he was young.

The five Promises are unusual forces wherever they are placed. Of course, they should all belong to other families, because there is an invisible barrier between them, which has not reached the level of understanding.

"No matter Xia Yitian or Xia Qiliang, it's just a name. I don't know what seniors can advise?" I smiled and found a chair to sit down, and looked at the old man who was just a meter away from me, across from the square table.

"Hehe, even though he is too old for advice, the old man Jiufangjin, the youngest of the Jiufang family, is censoring injustices today." The old man smiled calmly, and the light in his eyes seemed to be true.

As soon as I chewed on the surname'Jiufang', I couldn't help being taken aback in an instant, and said in astonishment, "Four royal families, Jiufang family!?"

The old man laughed and said: "It seems that you, as an original immortal, also quite understand the power distribution of our immortal. Although I don't know that you are here for this purpose, it is not just an old man. I believe many families, Don't you want you to run around in the land of the fairy?"

I took a breath of air, but seeing that there was no murder in his expression, I immediately calmed down and said: "What the original immortal turned immortal, I am the immortal turned immortal now, running on the land of the immortal turned, could it be possible? What's wrong? In other words, the size of the nine heavens is owned by the heaven and earth creatures. No matter the original immortal or the immortal, everyone has the freedom to come and go, but it is not exclusive to the immortal, and it is not the turn of the immortal. Those who set up private locks, paint the land as king."

Except for the old man who was still smiling and groaning, the expressions of all the other four changed slightly, including Jimo Guangru and stared at Jiufangjin.

In fact, I am quite confident in this Corruption Pill. In addition to my own keen sense of context, I feel that I am no different from the Immortal, but also the companions around me and the ghost master all feel very real. , Even if the North Fox family knew the true identity of my original fairy.

So this is also the main reason why I plan to gritted my teeth and classify myself as a celestial transformation.

"Hehe, what you said is indeed the case. We, the immortals, have no plain text to prevent your original immortals from entering the region of the immortals. It’s right for the world to become a unified world, but you are a different existence. On the one hand, you have become the leader of the original fairy, and on the other hand, you have participated in our Chosen Competition, and you have tried or have tried to control several Xianyu, if the information I obtained is correct, you are still the leader of the left in the Xianyu? What does this mean? It means that you have intervened in the area of ​​the immortal. With such behavior, do you think that the immortal is still Should I ignore it?" Jiu Fangjin had a touch of exploration in his eyes, as if he wanted to see something in my eyes.

Jimo Guangru has a deep face, and he seems to be undergoing this brainstorming. His expression has not changed for a long time since Jiufangjin assumed that I was a real immortal. It can be seen that he is now trying his best to correct me as an immortal. , To treat me as an original fairy!

If things go on like this, it is very bad for me. If others regard me as the original immortal, can they be willing to not infect me? I will not rest assured that I will be active here, destroying the original situation where the Corruption has invaded the three major forces and began to eat away at the original forces of the Nine Heavens.

"Senior Jiufang, these are only based on the fact that I am the original immortal. What if I am the immortal? Then all the problems should be reasonable, right? I am here to settle down and settle down countless immortals. Predicament, for the sake of friends, to participate in the competition of the Chosen One is what all the immortals want to do, and it also brings peace and stability to many immortals and promotes economic development. Can it be denied? Huh?" I smiled confidently.

The corner of Jiu Fang Jin’s mouth also raised a smile, and looked at me with his eyes straight, before saying: "Yes, you have indeed made a lot of contributions to our immortalists, but you also have a lot of layout. There is no doubt about this. Since the old man is here, he naturally has to ask clearly."

"That kind of layout, don't worry, the old problems are not eliminated, why is there a new life? It is like the aging of blood to equate the aging of the system, we solve the stale problems of Xianyu, it is undoubtedly the fastest to inject fresh blood, isn't it?" I laughed .

"What you said is very good, but it is undeniable that with your arrival, the progress of our immortals has become more stagnant. Take the three major forces outside your area and now the new sky There are signs of slack in the realm, but can you tell the truth?" Jiu Fangjin threw out the most important part.

"Then I am afraid that the predecessors of Jiufang have received the wrong information? Corruption has not traveled in recent years, even for decades, and believes that the world of immortality should not be far away." I am calm. Said, this is indeed a fact. Corruption does not know if it is because the Zulong strolled around the surrounding area, which caused the speed of pressing from the cross-border passage to accelerate, and even the realm of Xintian began to be covered by dark clouds. I couldn't help but prepare nervously.

Jiu Fangjin glanced at Jimo Guangru and the other deputy arbitrator. They both nodded together, seeming to admit this.

"Very good, but even so, what you did in the Sun God Immortal Realm has turned several families into muddy water. I heard that even the Cold Immortal Gate has rarely moved. How can you prove it is for It’s better for us to transform into immortals, instead of trying to disrupt the original rock-solid pattern of our original immortals? Let the three major forces and the realm of the new sky have a chance to take advantage of? Haha...By the way, if you really are the original immortals, you are The leader of the realm of heaven, that infiltrated into the land of my immortal beings for the rejuvenation of the realm of heaven, should it be considered reasonable?" Jiu Fangjin’s question is more acute than the other, and step by step, I stepped away from the macro. The veil of the veil did not even mention the need to detect my breath, it was simply to reveal my conspiracy.

Regarding this problem, of course I don’t plan to solve it passively, but smiled: "Each problem of the predecessors of Jiufang is indeed for the sake of the whole camp of immortals, but I have never considered it from my perspective. The question is, in fact, another hypothesis. Even if I was replaced by another family and force in the Sun God Immortal Domain, I would still do the same for the North Fox family, right?"

Jiu Fangjin laughed again. This time the laughter was longer than before. After a while, he said: "That is to say, you stand firmly behind the North Fox family, and put yourself in consideration for the changes in the entire structure for their family. , It affects the families that will be unfavorable to the North Fox family, right?"

"Lu Zhijun, the matter of loyalty, if the predecessors have to say so, then it is true." I did not hide the North Fox family, these are all chess games on the surface, I can only take it out and take a gamble. , If the Jiufang family is going to die and crush the North Fox Family, even if the Tianxian is reincarnated, it will be pinched to death in the infant, but if the other party intends to let the North Fox Family rise, then everything is easy to discuss.

The Jiufang family is the four great royal families, and it’s not just because of me that they came here with great fanfare, but does the Tiancheng guy want the North Fox family to be finished, or do they want the North Fox family to return? In fact, it should be related to the current political changes! After all, what I can represent is only the realm of the new heavens. The huge camp of immortals can no longer be affected by one force. As long as the matter is analyzed carefully, the result is clearly on paper.

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